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Group of Priests Survive WWII H-Bomb!

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This is a bit long, but interesting enough that you will probably read it ...and wonder. I did an Internet search and enough came up to verify that this did happen.



During the Second World War atomic bombs were dropped on twoJapanese cities: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An extraordinary thing happened at both sites. Absolutely unexplainable by scientific means.

-A unique group of men survived a nuclear blast that killed nearly all other people even at over ten times further from the blast.

-The group was unique, singled out: Catholic clergy living the message of Fatima.

-It was reproducible. It happened twice: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both sets of survivors were Catholic religious.

-Most other buildings were leveled to the ground, even at maybe 3 times the distance, but their house stood (apparently with some windows intact!) -All other people (except for a handful of scattered sole survivors), even at 3 times the distance from the explosion died instantly. Those within a radius TEN times the distance at which the Jesuits were exposed died from radiation within days.

-The survivors, a group of Catholic clergy, were examined by scientists over 200 times over the next 30 years with no ill effects found.

In Hiroshima, a small community of Jesuit Fathers lived in a church house near the parish church, situated only eight blocks from the center of the bomb blast. When Hiroshima was destroyed by the atomic bomb, all eight members of the small Jesuit community escaped unscathed, while every other person who was within a radius of roughly one and a half kilometers from the center of the explosion died immediately. The church house where the Jesuits lived was still standing, while the buildings in every direction from it were leveled. (This coincides with the bombing of Nagasaki where St. Maximilian Kolbe had established a Franciscan Friary which was also unharmed and also had no effects from The Nagasaki bomb.)

Testimony of a survivor: Father Hubert Shiffer was one of these eight Jesuit survivors. He was 30 when the atomic bomb exploded at Hiroshima and lived another 33 years in good health. He recounted his experiences at Hiroshima during the Eucharistic Congress held in Philadelphia (USA) in 1976. At that time, all eight members of the Jesuit community were still alive.

Fr. Shiffer, on the morning of August 6, 1945, he had just finished Mass, went into the rectory and sat down at the breakfast table, and had just sliced a grapefruit, and had just put his spoon into the grapefruit when there was a bright flash of light. His first thought was that it was an explosion in the harbor (this was a major port where the Japanese refueled their submarines.)

Then, in the words of Fr. Schiffer: "Suddenly, a terrific explosion filled the air with one bursting thunderstroke. An invisible force lifted me from the chair, hurled me through the air, shook me, battered me, whirled me 'round and round like a leaf in a gust of autumn wind." The next thing he remembered, he opened his eyes and he was laying on the ground. He looked around and there was NOTHING n any direction: the railroad station and buildings in all directions were leveled to the ground.

The only physical harm to himself was that he could feel a few pieces of glass in the back of his neck. As far as he could tell, there was nothing else physically wrong with himself. After the conquest of the Americans, their army doctors and scientists explained to him that his body would begin to deteriorate because of the radiation. To the doctors amazement, Fr. Schiffer's body contained no radiation or ill-effects from the bomb.

Conclusion: There are no physical laws to explain why the Jesuits were untouched in the Hiroshima air-blast. There is no other actual or test data where a structure such as this was not totally destroyed at this standoff distance by an atomic weapon. All who were at this range from the epicenter should have received enough radiation to be dead within at most a matter of minutes if nothing else happened to them. There is no known way to design a uranium-235 atomic bomb, which could leave such a large discrete area intact while destroying everything around it immediately outside the fireball (by shaping the plasma).

Not only did they all survive with (at most) relatively minor injuries, but they all lived well past that awful day with no radiation sickness, no loss of hearing, or any other visible long term defects or maladies. Naturally, they were interviewed numerous times (Fr. Schiffer said over 200 times) by scientists and health care people about their remarkable experience.

The eight Jesuits say "we believe that we survived because we were living the message of Fatima. We lived and prayed the rosary daily in that home."

Fr. Shiffer feels that he received a protective shield from the Blessed Mother which protected him from all radiation and ill-effects. Fr. Schiffer attributes this to devotion to the Blessed Mother, and his daily Fatima Rosary; "in that house the Holy Rosary was recited together every day."

Of course the secular scientists are speechless and incredulous at this explanation - and they are sure there is some "real" explanation - but at the same time over 50 years later the scientists are still absolutely bamboozled when it comes to finding a plausible scenario to explain the missionary's unique escape from the hellish power of that bomb. From a scientific viewpoint, what happened to those Jesuits at Hiroshima still defies all human logic from the laws of physics as understood today (or at any time in the future). It must be concluded that some other (external) force was present whose power and/or capability to transform energy and matter as it relates to humans is beyond current comprehension; a plausibility argument for the existence of a Creator who left his "calling card" at Hiroshima.

Speaking on American TV, the German Jesuit Father Hubert Shiffner gave the startling answer:

"In that house, the Rosary was prayed every day. In that house we were living the Message of Fatima," he said.

How does one live the Fatima message?

1. People must first CONVERT: turn away from sin and go back to God. This entails the usual demands of the Christian life like prayer, reading Scripture, obedience to the commandments, concern for others. Beyond it there are special requests from the Blessed Virgin:

2. DAILY OFFERING. "Offer up each day whatever God requests of you... for the conversion of sinners and reparation for sin."

3. REPARATION. "Pray, fast, and make sacrifices for your sins and for the sins of all sinners and unbelievers."

4. EUCHARIST. Frequent prayer, adoration and reparation before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

5. FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS. "Confess, offer Mass, receive Holy Communion on the First Saturday of five consecutive months... with the intention of making reparation to me..."

6. ROSARY. "Each day recite the prayers of the rosary, five decades at least -- meditating on the mysteries -- to make reparation for sin."

7. CONSECRATION. Consecrate yourself to the Sacred heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This means entrusting yourself to their care and protection. Wear the brown scapular as a sign.

What follows is Dr. Stephen Rinehart's commentary on the subject of the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast. Within the U.S.Department of Defense Stephen Rinehart is widely recognized as international expert in this field.

Rinehart's Testimony: A quick calculation says at 1 kilometer the bulk temperature was in excess of 20,000 to 30,000 degrees F (transients in microseconds greater than 100,000F perhaps as high as 1,000,000 F within 1 kilometer - depends on construction details and you are inside the fireball) and the blast wave would have hit at sonic velocity with pressures on building (at one kilometer) greater than 600 psi. If the Jesuits (at one kilometer from the geometric epicenter) were outside the atomic bomb's "plasma" their residence should still have been utterly destroyed (temp > 2000 F and airblast pressures > 100 psi). Unreinforced masonry or brick walls (representative of commercial construction) are destroyed at 3 psi, which will also cause ear damage and burst windows. At ten psi, a human will experience severe lung and heart damage, burst eardrums and at 20 psi your limbs can be blown off. Your head will be blown off by 40 psi and no human would be alive because your skull would be crushed.

All the cotton clothes would be on fire at 350 F and your lungs would be inoperative within a minute breathing air (even for a few seconds) at these temperatures. No way any human could have survived nor should anything have left been standing at one kilometer. At ten times the distance, about ten to fifteen kilometers I saw the brick walls standing from an elementary school school and I think there were a few badly burned survivors; all died within fifteen years of some form of cancer).


(Examining pictures taken from a panoramic view from epicenter of the blast at Shima Hospital looking for the Jesuit’s house) did show some kind of two story house totally intact (at least from what I could make out and it looked to me the windows were in place!?). Also there was a church with walls still standing but roof gone a few hundred yards away

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There were no H-bombs during world war two, they were not developed until 1949


I wouldn't believe everything the Catholic church says either, the way they exploited and forced their nonsense Pope in India is unforgivable


Interesting reading though. Remember its not so much the body we need to protect, it's the soul. Whats the point of having a healthy body in mundane religiousity that lives a long time without Krishna?

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There were no H-bombs during world war two, they were not developed until 1949


I wouldn't believe everything the Catholic church says either, the way they exploited and forced their nonsense Pope in India is unforgivable


Interesting reading though. Remember its not so much the body we need to protect, it's the soul. Whats the point of having a healthy body in mundane religiousity that lives a long time without Krishna?


Careful! On this forum, you can attack Krishna, no problem. But you cannot attack the pope, and hope to get away with it. The hare christians are watching.:eek:

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There were no H-bombs during world war two, they were not developed until 1949


I wouldn't believe everything the Catholic church says either, the way they exploited and forced their nonsense Pope in India is unforgivable


Interesting reading though. Remember its not so much the body we need to protect, it's the soul. Whats the point of having a healthy body in mundane religiousity that lives a long time without Krishna?


"H-Bomb" ...sorry my mistake. As you can see, the actual article reads, "atomic." I don't think there's a religion out there that hasn't got huge stains of shame on it, somewhere. The Catholic church, for sure! All that child abuse and what you mention - and other things you don't mention. Also, there are certainly many who wouldn't believe everything the ISKCON church says either. I think it was a Chinese scholar who once said, "groups corrupt." But as far as individual Catholics, devotees ...or individuals taken from other faiths, who love God and worship Him ...their lives, works, miracles, etc. all glorify God in the most wonderful way and are very valuable.


You bold-out mundane religiosity. You're sort of saying that a person who spends their lifetime in love with Jesus Christ is just wasting away his/her life. Is this what you really mean to say?

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"H-Bomb" ...sorry my mistake. As you can see, the actual article reads, "atomic." I don't think there's a religion out there that hasn't got huge stains of shame on it, somewhere.


The Catholic church, for sure! All that child abuse and what you mention - and other things you don't mention. Also, there are certainly many who wouldn't believe everything the ISKCON church says either.


I think it was a Chinese scholar who once said, "groups corrupt." But as far as individual Catholics, devotees ...or individuals taken from other faiths, who love God and worship Him ...their lives, works, miracles, etc. all glorify God in the most wonderful way and are very valuable.


You bold-out mundane religiosity. You're sort of saying that a person who spends their lifetime in love with Jesus Christ is just wasting away his/her life. Is this what you really mean to say?


Yes, you smashed me and I thank you for exposing my ignorance. Very well written to reveal my puffed-up pride and arrogence. I sincerely apologise.


Your ability to write and communicate is excellent, you even got through to a pasandi and anudas like me


Hare krsna



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by Thiest

Wow. Reminds me of the Lord in heart protecting Maharaja Pariksit from Asvatama's brahmastra.;):D



<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->At least you understand why :crying2:

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared 6 times to 3 shepherd children; Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta; between May 13 and October 13, 1917. She came to the little village of Fatima which had remained faithful to the Catholic Church during the recent persecutions by the government.




Our Lady’s Message



She came with a message from God to every man, woman and child of our century. Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were listened to and obeyed.


She told us that war is a punishment for sin; that God would punish the world for its sins in our time by means of war, hunger, persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father, the Pope, unless we listened to and obeyed the commands of God.




Fatima today!



At Fatima, Pope John Paul II said on May 13: "the Message of Fatima is more relevant and more urgent" than when Our Lady first appeared. The message is an anguished appeal of Our Heavenly Mother, Who sees us in great danger and Who comes to offer Her help and advice. Her message is also a prophecy, a clear indication of what was about to transpire in the 20th Century, and what is still going to happen infallibly in the near future, depending on our response to Her requests.




The Church approves Fatima



The Catholic Church has endorsed the Fatima Message since 1930. Five successive Popes have publicly indicated their approval of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima and Her message. Two Popes went to Fatima on Pilgrimage. Pope John Paul II went there twice, once on May 13, 1982 and again on May 13, 1991.




God Himself endorses Fatima



As a great sign of this whole message truly coming from God, a marvelous miracle was worked in the sky above Fatima before 70,000 witnesses on October 13, 1917, at the time, date and place that Lucy and the other two children had prophesied in the name of Our Lady of Fatima.


As also prophesied, Francisco and Jacinta died in the odor of sanctity in 1919 and 1920. Lucy became a Carmelite Sister. Sister Lucy is still alive today. She is 88 years old.


Our Lady of Fatima continues to work miracles today through Fatima water which is sent from Fatima around the world. This Fatima water sprang up in Fatima at the spot the Bishop told people to dig, very near where Our Lady appeared at the Cova da Iria (the Cove of Peace) in Fatima. Still other people are cured when they go on pilgrimage to Fatima, which is about 90 miles north of Lisbon, Portugal.


When he went to Fatima, Pope John Paul II said: "The Message of Fatima is addressed to every human being."




A message of warning and hope



If we do not heed Her soon, then Our Lady’s terrifying prophecy may well be realized in the near future even in our own back yards.


She told us that God had chosen to use Russia as the instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world if we did not, by our prayers and sacrifices, and obedience to Her requests (especially those requests for consecration and Reparation) obtain the conversion of Russia to the Catholic faith.


She promised us, "If My requests are granted Russia will be converted and there will be peace".


But She also warned us, "If My requests are not granted, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated."


She has told us that the whole world (the part surviving) will be enslaved by the atheistic tyrants of Russia.




For world peace



In order to prevent these chastisements from befalling us She told us that special Reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary was necessary, particularly the Communions of Reparation on the First Saturday of five consecutive months and the public and solemn Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by all the Catholic Bishops of the world, together with the Pope on the same day at the same hour.




In the end Our Lady must triumph



Finally Her message is a promise of the eventual triumph of Her Immaculate Heart over evil.


She promised that no matter how black it might get in the future (and it seems that is the path chosen by most of humanity today) that in the end She will triumph, Her requests would finally be granted by mankind and there will be world peace.




What you must do



It is up to each of us to listen, to read, to learn and to apply this Heavenly message in our own lives, particularly by praying the daily Rosary.


To the extent we can, we must also do all we can to see to it that this final warning from Our Heavenly Mother is spread and that its significance is explained to everyone before it is too late. We must not be complacent in the promise of Her eventual triumph because it is still dependent on our co-operation with God’s grace and His plan outlined at Fatima.




Help us spread the Full Fatima Message





Despite all these miracles and signs and official Catholic Church approval and recognition given to Our Lady of Fatima by hundreds of millions of pilgrims who go to Fatima, there is still much opposition to Our Lady of Fatima and Her message.





This prophetic message goes against certain people’s views and short-term vested interests. This opposition comes not only in the form of open hostility such as was manifested in the early days when the three children were kidnapped and threatened with death in 1917 for repeating Our Lady’s message; and bombing, in 1922, the first Chapel built there. But the opposition to Our Lady of Fatima today is also manifested in more subtle forms.





The devil knows that when Our Lady’s full Fatima Message is widely proclaimed, properly understood, loved and obeyed then his evil empire on earth will be destroyed. So the devil and his human agents, and well meaning but terribly misguided people that serve them have launched a counter-offensive against the Fatima Message to obscure it and cause enough confusion so that the Faithful do not obey Our Lady and react in time.





Up to now the devil has been somewhat successful in obstructing the full Fatima Message. You need to be informed. This booklet and the three volumes of The Whole Truth About Fatima and many other books are your best weapon against the deception spread against Our Lady’s Fatima Message.





You need to help others come to know, understand, love and obey Our Lady of Fatima and Her full Fatima Message. Contact the Fatima Center for our full catalog of books and periodicals, our TV and Radio tapes and programs on Fatima and pass the word on every way you can.






She is relying on all of us to do our part. At least all of us can pray the Rosary. All of us can tell a friend or pass on a copy of this booklet to a neighbor. All of us have some special need or intention to ask Our Lady’s powerful intercession. Pray to Our Lady of Fatima and She will help you. She will also richly reward you for all you do to make known and understood Her maternal message of love and warning given at Fatima.









<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>

"She told us that God had chosen to use Russia as the instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world if we did not, by our prayers and sacrifices, and obedience to Her requests (especially those requests for consecration and Reparation) obtain the conversion of Russia to the God Consciousness"



An old friend of mine Gopta dasa had a book many years ago that told the true story of the Prahlad and the Krishna kids project in Australia in 1986 to help free Soviet Hare Krishna devotees. The book was very moving and in great detail


In that book it was explained how the krishna kids in 1985 once watched a film on what happen at Fatima. The Krishna kids were inspired and greatly moved by these childrens faith at Fatima and had actually inspired, along with a song back then called 'We are the world, we are the children' the Australian leg of the campaign to free persecuted Hare Krishna devotees in Russia was inspired.


The historical story is in that book Gopta has (nick name back then was helicopta). So if anyone knows Gopta dasa, who by now may have a new name due to the guru falldowns, please get him to put that story on the web.


Anyway sorry for this detour, now back to the monks in Japan.


Yes Krishna or Jesus does protect those with faith in God

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Most other buildings were leveled to the ground, even at maybe 3 times the distance, but their house stood (apparently with some windows intact!)


Japanese houses in that area were built very differently than these churches - they were mostly paper and thin plaster - and that is why the damage from the blast did not level these churches. The building structure also gave monks protection from direct radiation and injuries introducing radioactive materials into the blood stream. But it is a fact that if Krsna wants to save you - you will be saved, no matter what the odds are. The survival of these monks is not listed as an official miracle by the Catholic Church which studies all such claims in great detail.

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Yes, you smashed me and I thank you for exposing my ignorance. Very well written to reveal my puffed-up pride and arrogence. I sincerely apologise.


Your ability to write and communicate is excellent, you even got through to a pasandi and anudas like me


Hare krsna



<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-right: 3ex; padding-left: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0">Originally Posted by Thiest

Wow. Reminds me of the Lord in heart protecting Maharaja Pariksit from Asvatama's brahmastra.;):D


<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->At least you understand why :crying2:


It was a joke. Why the crying icon?

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>

"She told us that God had chosen to use Russia as the instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world if we did not, by our prayers and sacrifices, and obedience to Her requests (especially those requests for consecration and Reparation) obtain the conversion of Russia to the God Consciousness"



An old friend of mine Gopta dasa had a book many years ago that told the true story of the Prahlad and the Krishna kids project in Australia in 1986 to help free Soviet Hare Krishna devotees. The book was very moving and in great detail


In that book it was explained how the krishna kids in 1985 once watched a film on what happen at Fatima. The Krishna kids were inspired and greatly moved by these childrens faith at Fatima and had actually inspired, along with a song back then called 'We are the world, we are the children' the Australian leg of the campaign to free persecuted Hare Krishna devotees in Russia was inspired.


The historical story is in that book Gopta has (nick name back then was helicopta). So if anyone knows Gopta dasa, who by now may have a new name due to the guru falldowns, please get him to put that story on the web.


Without Lord Caitanyas Movement in the Soviet Union, there would of been a third world war back in the early 90s. Unlike other Kali-yugas, this Kali-yuga has Lord Caitanya and Prabhupada. Yes the Krishna kids preaching back thenin 1986-7, just before the fall of the Soviet Union was very special

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I'm of dog mentality in this rare human body and feel very very sorry for all my offenses, but no one cares anymore. I miss the yearly visists to our Temple from Prabhupada



Ashvatama, I consider myself very fortunate to have met you here. Thank You. I understand the dog thing. I guess as dogs we can howl the Maha Mantra together and hope our master comes and gets us. rsd

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