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Who is Sathya Sai Baba

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All my life i have been either a Vishnu or Shiva worshipper or not believe in god at all,which happens due to my mind or brain that questions everything,but i have to admit that i am totally confused as to who Sathya Sai Baba is,all his devotees claim he is god and people like me who dont understand is are either ignorant or arrogant or full of past karmas that prevent me from understanding him,what is your(ISKCONIs)take on this,please give me specific examples or quotes from Bagavatham or Geetha so that next time i am countered by them questioning my belief on Vishnu and claiming Sathya Sai is all gods put together i can also answer back in the right word


Hari Bol...Hari Om Namachivaya

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(07-01-2004, 02:08 PM) I do agree with this message posted. We personally know a family whose son was molested by Baba for his sexual hunger and also threatened.

Spirituality does not remain in talking about it or taking classes to others, but in practicing it in one's own personal life.


ONe thing is true. Anyone who misuses God's name and try to cheat people invariably gets caught and brough to lime light and made shame by God. This is a lesson for all the people who tries to cheat.


I only wish people of India who beleives in Sai as an avathar wakes up from their sleep and try to realise the actual God Parabrahman who does not cheat and who resides everywhere and who brought the atrocious Baba to light.



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