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Sigils similar to Mandalas

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For the past week I had simple nightmares I used the power of observation to help me out of them for example I had a dream that the government kidnapped me they told me they took me to a mental hospital on the moon.. but I looked out a window and realized I wasnt on the moon but I looked out a window and found out that I was only somewhere in the southwestern united states because I saw the wilderness outside and it resembled that area.. And I would just test these things that they kept telling me and see that they were wrong.. but they would transform into a good dream then turn into a simple nightmare again. So I started using things that would protect me as I slept. I used a Native American nightmare catcher.. I used positive music.. Positive candles.. Dragons similar to Chinese Dragons who were wise and Compassionate.. But I still got these simple nightmares.. Then I remembered my reasearch on sigils about a month ago and made one to protect from the things that caused those nightmares.. Thoughts of CIA agents.. Demons.. Vampires.. Vampire Hunters.. Good Aliens.. Bad Aliens.. Moksha.. Nirvana.. Early definition of the Jewish name of God Elohim which is exactly like the Universal Form of Krishna.. Governments.. Alternate religions.. Philosophies so on and so forth. The sigil I made is for me and me alone but it worked very powerfully. I hung it on 2 walls in my bedroom Both sides of my door and one on my computer background picture.. My room is where it helped most.. But some of these evil beings within my mind kept trying to torture me.. no matter how much love I gave them. They just kept trying different strategies to make me suffer... So I used the truth of Karma on them.. Like using a mirror showing them what they were doing to me and that this reflection brought this same suffering they were trying to put on me and brought it to them. So they fleed from me.. Using all the positive stuff I could find and the Sigil I made and the Truth of Karma altogether helped me settle these nightmares


Please remember to use these for positive improvement in your lives and dont use it for selfish gain.. I know Charity is Good and all and that winning ALOT of money can help alot of people... but then it also hurts you in the end because then EVERYONE wants your money and they will try to manipulate you to get it. It's better to win small amounts of money every now and then and use that for charity. The same thing with Healing and other types of good gain.. It's Important to find your positive middle way.. The Buddha realized that miraculous events only screw people up. He saw that people saw him as a God so he taught them to be atheists.. But they still worshipped him as a awakened one.. Respect is better than worship because worship seperates you from the thing you worship because you think that thing is better than you and you'll never attain that kind of power.. I like Krishnas Universal form because it shows you all the truely positive compassionate and kind beings in the universe.


This here is a simple example of how a sigil using a language that you know and wish to use is created.. It's better to make a complex system.. I'll make one up later to show you how it's made.. I cant explain it all because it's a system of my subconscious I'll point out some simple things within it but I cant show you all of it.. It's better to do it this way and remember it's for your own personal subcncious message.. You dont need to stare at it or contemplate it all the time you'll look at it every now and then and remember what certain things mean. You'll eventually remember what it all means.. Once I show you a more complicated kind.



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As I promised I would come back and explain how sigils are similar to mandalas. I gave a VERY BASIC formula.. beforehand.. Here is a More complex one..


The Sigils that I have been working on are constructions of a persons subconcious mind.. It does not only use pictogram construction of the english language but it also uses colors and shapes as well.. After you create one you can meditate on it's meaning to you. I like to pray to Krishna and ALL POSITIVE forces in the universe before I contemplate on it's use.

Triangles as most of you may already know is a VERY STRONG symbol. It is used in the Sri Yantra.. Even the Star of David. I'm still not really clear on Circles and Squares just yet. I always ADVISE to use this stuff WISELY. I've found some really selfish uses of this stuff on the internet. I like to use arrows and traingles to point energies in certain directions.


So I like to draw triangles and use colors and their metaphysical meanings with triangles.. Sometimes arrows..

Here is a list of color meanings..

White: Purity, Innocence, and truth. It is excellent for new starts or when energy is required. Removes negativity and promotes a positive outlook to all aspects of your life. It is an excellent color for any purpose.

Orange: Relates to all close relationships Strengthens relationships.

Yellow: Intellect, creativity and expressing the joys of life.

Green: Healing and Nurturing emotional balance peace of mind. Success.. Luck.

Purple: Associated with royalty.. mystical.. sacred vision.. Honor or privelage.. Spiritual Development.. Selflessness..

Violet: Associated with great spirituality.. Being one with the Holy Spirit.

Pink: Higher or Divine love..Happiness.. Generosity.. Optimistic light..

Silver: Resources.. Spiritual message or insight..

Indigo: Higher Mind or soul.. color of calm

Gray: Depression.. Boredom.. Consusion..

Black: Unconscious.. Deep mysterious.. negativity.. Knowing wrong from right.

Blue: Truth.. Insight..Wisdom..


Ok.. The picture I'm going to show you shows you how I create one.. I use the sentence "This is cool." and convert them into individual symbols. I then rearrange those symbols into a design (as seen in the center of the picture.) I then draw using colors and symbols. It's rather simple..




The next picture is an example how I progressed on my studies.. My sigils have evolved into a Prayer Language with it's own syntax.. I combine simple sigils along with them. Prayer over these as I had explained HELPS ALOT..



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Tirisilex its very interesting what you have posted here. Bringing substance and imagery from the 'unconscious realm' is a wonderful gift used for healing purpose in mankind for many thousands of years. Mandala, yantra, sigil, magick, and even your own drawings here come from a very deep part of our human experience.


Some may not understand the exploration you are doing. Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing finer aspects of your being.

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