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Urgent help needed!!its a matter of life and death!!

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Dear Friends


I have read through all the posts here I am going through the same situation as you & If you have been searching the Internet for some solution or getting a remedy against Ghosts & Demons. I have posted some articles, mp3 files containing prayers or mantras which can be learnt & recited for you battle against Evil forces. It has some how helped me Keep visiting this blog removeghostsdemons.blogspot ( com) & this will get updated time to time also download these files ,




..Hope we can share our experiences for others as well. Do let me know any thing that has worked for you which can also help me please




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ,


am back after a long time:) . Am currently trying out the steps suggested by godsentfriend..The Narasimha kavacha is really helping me and it is capable of keeping the spirits quiet to certain extent. BUt my condition is not completely cured. The spirits keep talking to me :( . But from their talk it is obvious that they are finding the stay in my body very difficult. Now they are threatening to do some severe damage before they leave if I continue to prey the way I do. (like destroying my vision) . Any ways I am still (alive) and trying. Thanks for all the help







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Hello! The namboodiris at Sooryakaladi mana in Kottyam are good at this. Please go there- they can help you.


Jaya Devi Durge



Hi ,


am back after a long time:) . Am currently trying out the steps suggested by godsentfriend..The Narasimha kavacha is really helping me and it is capable of keeping the spirits quiet to certain extent. BUt my condition is not completely cured. The spirits keep talking to me :( . But from their talk it is obvious that they are finding the stay in my body very difficult. Now they are threatening to do some severe damage before they leave if I continue to prey the way I do. (like destroying my vision) . Any ways I am still (alive) and trying. Thanks for all the help







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Hello appolonius,


My name is anjali.I want to tell u that i am also suffering with the same problem of black magic as suffered by u.:( I am also(24*7) hearing known and unknown voices of many persons saying bad words to me.I think that somebody has cast spell on me and some bhoot has also caught me.They are also physically harming me in my consciousness and sub-consciousness.I am suffering from this kind of problem for almost 3yrs now.

Firstly,i thought it was mental disease-shizophernia(auditory hallucination) and i took medicines for almost 2yrs,but of no use.All other signs of this problem mentioned by u are same as mine.


I visited this site and found this problem of mine as same as urs.


Can u plz tell me the various methods through which u got some relief.


How do u react to these abusive languages,i found them very painful and sometimes real.


Suggest me some effective measures found suitable by u to solve this problem.


Okay bye.Waiting for ur reply soon.



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Hello Anjali,


First of all sorry to here that you are also in a very pathetic situation like what I am in. Well if you consult psychiatrists they will all come to the same conclusion ...that is auditory hallucination and schizophrenia. If you take the medicines for that the condition wont change becoz this is a spiritual issue which is beyond science:)(sorry to say this..many might deny this..and we have all been taught to believe in science in our schools..but nature has its own ways ..which is of course beyond our understanding:(..


Well to solve the problem..hmmm...I myself tried different techniques to solve this ...like meeting great spirituall masters ...conducting certain poojas and exorcism etc...but u knwo my problem is just way too severe:( ...and problem is not going...this is famous in kerala u know(its called kshudhram and it is deadly..lucky to be breathing now ...u wont belive it these spirits have power just like gods!!)...


Any ways since u have asked I will tell u some techniques which I am currently using.

1) chant Narasimha kavacha manthra and Narasimha sthothra every day morning after taking bath.

2) chant Sudarsana kavacha manthra and sudarshana sthothram.

3) chant purusha sooktham (This is prayer to Lord Vishnu)

4) chant Sreekrishnatotharam

5) chant Shiva Sooktham


All this should be done in the morning. This is very effective in controlling the physical attacks to your body and also lessening the noices. In my case the noice never goes completely as this deity "Kshudran" is just too powerful!!. Trust in Narayana ..thats all I can say. Also when the spirits use abusive langaugae dont react to it. keep your mind empty as far as possible. At the same time dont be too submissive as otherwise they will get encouraged. In my case if i react sharply to the abusive languga e of the spirits their strength increases!! and they start attacking very fiercely. Also stick to a vegetarian diet and also dont drink alcohol or any drinks.

This will reduce the god power of your body . This is called yoga shakthi.Thats all. I cannot assure you 100% relief. You will get some improvement(I knwo it is very difficult) . Thats all. May lord Lord Narayan save you. Have faith.


All the best


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please refrain from doing any Saadhanas.You know what a Saadhana is . Like chanting a manthra say some 100000 times repeatedly. Please dont do too much of prayers in a day to solve this problem. This will infuriate the spirits and they might cause some damage to you like removing your eye sight or even killing you. So dont do Saadhana. If you need the manthras I mentioned please send me your email id and I will sent it across. Also I have some manthras for spirit removal as mp3 with me. These did nt work for me but may it will be useful for you. If u need them tell me and I will send it.





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Firstly thank you very much for ur quick reply.


I want to ask a few questions,if u are willing to answer:


1.How do u manage to sleep at night and getting up in d mrng.

2.How much % there is improvement in ur situation after doing all that which others told u would be benificial in this kind of problem.

3.Do u manage to do a job in this kind of situation or further studies normally.

4.If u don't get adequate sleep at night,do u complete ur sleep in mrng. or aftn.or evng.

5.Can a person enjoy the various happy moments which further come in a persons life,i tend to ignore that b'coz that doesn't give me happiness b'coz of round-the-clock voices.

6.Since i tend to be awake in night,i am sleeping in the mrng.and since i m from delhi there r winters here,so it is necessary to perform what u told to do in mrng.and after bath everyday.


Quite a lot of ques.to ans. Hope u can ans.


Also i want to tell u an imp.piece of news.There is a mataji(Dhari Devi) in delhi in Palam in Mahavir Enclave in West Delhi.She(Dhari Devi) comes in a man who lives in the said add.told by me just now.She is very famous and accurate in her predictions.I had consulted her many times,what she has told is very true. If u want to go there u have to take fine whole 2 fist of rice with u tied in a cloth with some money.She watches rice and will tell what has happened to u.U can ask any ques.to her,but for just 2 mins.There is a heavy rush at her place.If u want to go there u can ask me more details.:)


Best of luck.


I Hope we both soon recovers from this evil things.



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My E-Mail ID-: beyonce0132@rocketmail.com


Plz send me all the mantras and mp3 mantras also.


I want to ask a few ques.from u.


The voices which i hear are of known and unknown people(humans).Earlier i used to believe that they all existed(humans) and can hear me and can communicate with me.I know a few of them but a little bit(earlier in actual).Now,the problem is whether they all r wholly bhoots and evil spirts;/humans using black magic.Since i know humans cannot directly talk to me.So,r they using spirits or black magic something like that to talk to me(as i did not used to talk to these people when they were actually with me for some reasons so,r they using this method to talk or harm me as i hasn't talked to them)or they wholly r evil spirits.Since they only speak in humans voices i tend to believe that there is some human connection backed by bhoots or black magic,etc.used by humans(they only) to destroy me.Plz clear my confusion as u know more than me about all this.:confused:


Also plz state some reasons to believe that actually evil spirits exits only not bhoots/evils backed by some humans or human activity.


Hope u can clear my confusion.As till now i and my family had never experienced this kind of problem.We all r so confused as what has happened to me,is happining and how to react to all this. :mad2:


Okay bye.Thanks.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I have done some experiments and found out this. try this protection manthra whenever you feel the attacks are more (that is when the sound is more ...)


bhuje va thala pathreva

kavacham likhitham shubham

Kara mule dhrithamyena

sidhhyeyuh karmasidhayah


try this ..its good






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  • 2 weeks later...

I never post such mail but ..after knowing ur problem..here is the solution .There are 2 greatest and most powerful mantras 1)kunjika mantra 2) amogh SHIV KAVACH....


just 2 ...u have to listen


1) install real player first

then go to site kannadaaudio



there u will find an item

Shiva Kavacha Stotram (Sanskrit) by KV Raman

click on that to listen.


2) kunjika mantra


go to site shreemaa org





This is the solution but rember first listen to kunjika then to shiv kavach ..listen to deep silence ...

ur problem will be gone.....

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Hi Akshay,


I tried the method suggested by you. You are right ...the sounds are stopping...but it is stopping temporarily only. Why is that? I suppose in my case the spirits have some way of re entering my body even if I remove them. This could be some boon this asura has obtained..i dont know what it is? u have any clue?





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Hello everyone,

My problem is somewhat similar to appolonius but I am confused related to it. Earlier it appears to me that I have a mental illness. I took medicines for 2 yrs but the voices didn’t stop but were reduced but not completely. The voices were 50-60% less at the time of medication. I took very very high doses as the voices wasn’t stopped, sometimes it would be at most 90% relief.

After that, with the help of some mataji, I found it is some case of Bhoots and Black magic both. Later, I would felt sometimes that there are real humans behind it backed with ghosts performing black magic on me. I am telling u all what happens to me actually, please if u can tell me what actually has happened to me and how to remove it.

It all started by hearing voices of purely human in nature. Voices were of known and unknown people talking to each other about me (mostly bad). These voices were of young boys and girls in their early 20’s. Mostly voices are of unknown persons. Till now, they are still continuing in same human voices for the past 3yrs.Their are no voices of my parents, close friends or of any one else. Why those people only who not even know me neither I know them? I think those people (whose voices I hear) have done some black magic and with some ghosts are troubling me. There might be some enmity feeling of them for me as I feel. They don’t want me to lead a normal happy life. They don’t give me threats to commit suicide or neither threatens to kill me. Instead, when I think about dying they tell me not to do so. When I am awake they always say in human voices and show no signs of any ghosts like that. They always say those things which is just in context of some young boys n girls(what they think,do,feel,say that only ,no bhoot related talk just normal bad things what a person of that age might say).But it is irritating as it is non-stop(24*7).When I go to sleep there are physical attacks. While sleeping sometimes from behind something comes and enters insides or remains stuck outside. Sometimes, someone pulls me upwards or towards various directions i.e. to my soul while sleeping and my body remains stiff as when I feel such kind of things I am not able to move or wake up fastly as earlier I used to. I think when I am awake they act as humans n while sleeping they act as ghosts.

I want to know whether it is purely ghosts or humans backed by ghosts using black magic. Sometimes the voices are so real of humans that I started to believe that they are really humans whose voices I hear.Plz tell what has happened to me actually and how to solve this problem.:(



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Hello everyone,


I am suffering from the same problem as by appolonius.I wanted to ask a few ques. regarding my problem.


1. I wanted to know whether the Adarva Veda suggested to appolonius can be done by myself with the help of my family or it should be only done by some expert Namboodiris at Sooryakaladi mana in Kottyam. There is a friend of mine in delhi same Namboodiri. Should I take help from her? I have gone through the whole procedure of the pooja of Adarva Veda stated in this thread. Is the information provided in this thread about Adarva Veda’s pooja sufficient? If not, plz provide me that? I think I can do this pooja on my own. Should I perform this pooja on my own or take help of some expert in this? I want to know for how many days this pooja has to be performed, at what times to be done both morning and evening, how many times the mantra is to be chanted, is there any need to have a book on Adarva Veda to perform this pooja? Also tell me other things related to this pooja which can help me?


2. I wanted to know which temple is good in dealing with bhoots.




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Hi Appolonius


I will give u the most powerful sequence of 5 mantra tonight that will make u free of all trouble. But remember it will make u very powerful..so please only for your sake i am giving u. use that energy only for creativity .After u get cured (that will going to happen) as nothing can break that sequence not even the most powerful demons. Remember after geting free from it use that power for positivity.

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This list of mantra audio will solve yours and everyones problem.BUT remember sequence must be followed in EXACTLY same format and YOU must listen patiently to all mantra in the sequence . You can choose anytime but i will suggest you early morning and mid night AROUND 11:30 PM.




1) 05. Gayatri Mantra

rapidshare Sacred_Hindu_Chants.rar

2) 12. Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

rapidshare Sacred_Hindu_Chants.rar

3) Kunjika mantra

www shreemaa orgdrupalnode1546

4) Shiv Kavach

http: www KannadaAudio com:80SongsDevotionalShivaKavachaStotram-KVRamanShivaKavacha.rm

5) Devi Kavach

www esnips comdocddf5ceca-ebb3-43a4-aca4-8284c6f34a35Devi-Kavach

6) 08-ShivaThandavaStotram

rapidshare Sacred Chants For Peace Prosperity & Enlightenment rar




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These things work well only if done by an expert. They also need a diksha for it to work. Rather than doing it yourself, meet the people at Sooryakaladi mana. They will help.




Hello everyone,


I am suffering from the same problem as by appolonius.I wanted to ask a few ques. regarding my problem.


1. I wanted to know whether the Adarva Veda suggested to appolonius can be done by myself with the help of my family or it should be only done by some expert Namboodiris at Sooryakaladi mana in Kottyam. There is a friend of mine in delhi same Namboodiri. Should I take help from her? I have gone through the whole procedure of the pooja of Adarva Veda stated in this thread. Is the information provided in this thread about Adarva Veda’s pooja sufficient? If not, plz provide me that? I think I can do this pooja on my own. Should I perform this pooja on my own or take help of some expert in this? I want to know for how many days this pooja has to be performed, at what times to be done both morning and evening, how many times the mantra is to be chanted, is there any need to have a book on Adarva Veda to perform this pooja? Also tell me other things related to this pooja which can help me?


2. I wanted to know which temple is good in dealing with bhoots.




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HI anjali01 and Appolonius

The sequence of mantra (6 MANTRA )that i have given u can never fail ..TRUST ME on that ..as u already knew appolonius ..[u have tried 2 of them]..And u dont need to chant them Just ..Listen to them silently .. [anytime u want as mentioned in above post of mine]..It will break any demon or evil and u will become healthy and powerful.


Whatever i am posting is my own experience that is why i am 100% sure.


If u want i can email u these tracks[MP3]

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