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Vasantha Sai

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Hmmm... I'm thinking that if Radha-Krishna were currently manifesting in a body, They'd be a bit more attractive than this dynamic duo.

not even that....but didnt lord krishna say somewhere that when ever he comes down.......that his body will never get any older..........where the proof they have never proved anything close to be sri lord krishna
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I am not arguing for or against this ongoing discussion ....... but I think, to judge the presence or absence of divinity based on the outer form is somewhat contrary to teachings of Krishna. When we become seduced by form we are only getting lost in the play of Maya all the more.....was it not in the Bagavad Gita that it is stated "when you see divinity in all then only you see trully?"


Sorry, I don't mean to preach. I just love the wisdom and beauty of Krishna's teachings.

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I am not arguing for or against this ongoing discussion ....... but I think, to judge the presence or absence of divinity based on the outer form is somewhat contrary to teachings of Krishna. When we become seduced by form we are only getting lost in the play of Maya all the more.....was it not in the Bagavad Gita that it is stated "when you see divinity in all then only you see trully?"


Sorry, I don't mean to preach. I just love the wisdom and beauty of Krishna's teachings.


In a way, you're right. But the face often reflects the beauty (or the lack) that's inside. And I don't mean 'movie star' beauty, rather the beauty of an enlightened soul, a face that reflects purity and such satvik qualities.

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I am not arguing for or against this ongoing discussion ....... but I think, to judge the presence or absence of divinity based on the outer form is somewhat contrary to teachings of Krishna. When we become seduced by form we are only getting lost in the play of Maya all the more.....was it not in the Bagavad Gita that it is stated "when you see divinity in all then only you see trully?"


Sorry, I don't mean to preach. I just love the wisdom and beauty of Krishna's teachings.


I am making a judement. She is an offensive fraud if she is pretending to be Srimati Radharani. Fault finding is not good but when such frauds make themselves public they are deserving of public scorn and the public should be protected.


To think of this person as Radharani, or to even entertain the possibility means we have a very low opinion of Radharani the consort and second half of Krishna. For a Gaudiya vaisnava and even for anyone who slightly learns from them this offense is intolerable.


Also your Gita may say to see the Divine everywhere but mine has Krishna saying, "see me everywhere and in everyone."


Saying Krishna is Divine is all right as He is divine. But saying Divine equals Krishna is a mistake. Divinity is just one of His perfect qualities and does not capture the whole Person.


It is a subtle but important distinction.

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I am not arguing for or against this ongoing discussion ....... but I think, to judge the presence or absence of divinity based on the outer form is somewhat contrary to teachings of Krishna. When we become seduced by form we are only getting lost in the play of Maya all the more.....was it not in the Bagavad Gita that it is stated "when you see divinity in all then only you see trully?"


Sorry, I don't mean to preach. I just love the wisdom and beauty of Krishna's teachings.

Hey... if she claimed to be Sri Dhumavati Mahavidya or another goddess with a similar appearance, I wouldn't quibble over her appearance. But, she claims to be Srimati Radharani, and Srimati Radharani is described as having a certain form and characteristics by which we can recognize Her, one of them being unsurpassed beauty (both physically and inwardly).

Not to say that Dhumavati Mahavidya is any less a form of divinity, but She is described as being ancient and emaciated (kind of like Vasantha Sai), while Radharani is described as having a moon-like face, skin like gold, eyes like lotus petals, lips like bilva fruits, and beautiful limbs (unlike Vasantha Sai). So, maybe she should claim to be another form of divinity that isn't described as being unsurpassingly beautiful... then I won't quibble over her appearance. ;)

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Also your Gita may say to see the Divine everywhere but mine has Krishna saying, "see me everywhere and in everyone."


Saying Krishna is Divine is all right as He is divine. But saying Divine equals Krishna is a mistake. Divinity is just one of His perfect qualities and does not capture the whole Person.


It is a subtle but important distinction.




When I mean to see divinity in "all".....it includes 'everyone', 'everywhere', and 'everything' in other words All of Creation. Let's not get caught up in semantics........Ultimately, Divinity goes beyond all names, forms, distinctions and concepts. ;)

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When I mean to see divinity in "all".....it includes 'everyone', 'everywhere', and 'everything' in other words All of Creation. Let's not get caught up in semantics........Ultimately, Divinity goes beyond all names, forms, distinctions and concepts. ;)


It's not semantics but I see you misunderstood my post anyway so we will just let it go.

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I am not arguing for or against this ongoing discussion ....... but I think, to judge the presence or absence of divinity based on the outer form is somewhat contrary to teachings of Krishna. When we become seduced by form we are only getting lost in the play of Maya all the more.....was it not in the Bagavad Gita that it is stated "when you see divinity in all then only you see trully?"


Indeed, we should not judge who is and isn't the lord based upon physical appearance alone.



But, honestly Indulekha Ji, which one does Vasantha Sai look more like the Swarupa of?
Whether my mother appears old, and wrinkly, or with the face of a moon she is still beautiful to me, and still my mother.


I am certainly no fan of Sathya Sai Baba, and certainly not a fan of anyone who promotes him either, but to judge an avatar based upon physical appearance is very shallow.

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I know it is taboo for a vaisnava to admire an advaitan saint, but here I go.


I went to see Amma some weeks ago. The love radiating from her was intense and unconditional. She has Sri Devi bhava and identifies in those bhava's as Sri Devi. Merging.


For weeks after tears rolled down my eyes. I have no desire to merge, but will never criticize after that encounter. During the week I had darshan of Sri Krsna in jaap, and tears flowed everyday. It was the most intense love I have ever felt, and it still draws me to Sri Krsna - to the point of realizing what a long way I have to go. Her presence released me from alot of hang-ups. I long for that intense devotion to appear in my heart again!


I have seen her lick the wounds of a leper, who became clean.


I dont know, maybe some merge and some do not!


You will all think this is a lie, but I will tell you anyway. One week after darshan of Amma, I was offering a stick of incense to her, in gratitude for the love she gave me. Healing me. As I looked down at my hand I noticed wrapped around it was a long, very dark curly strand of head hair. No one with such dark hair has ever been in my house.


I had read about these type of occurences but had no faith. After holding the hair, my heart told me to throw it away and not be attached to the physical. So I did.


She is a living saint, of this I have no doubt.




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Whether my mother appears old, and wrinkly, or with the face of a moon she is still beautiful to me, and still my mother.

Yes, indeed. But she claims to be the incarnation of the Mother as Radharani (who has a specific set of characteristics by which we can recognize Her incarnations (e.g.- Sita, Padma, Bhumi Devi, etc...) in the world), when she should be claiming to be the incarnation of a goddess like Dhumavati (who has characteristics by which we can recognize her incarnations that are similar those that Vasantha Sai has).

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I know it is taboo for a vaisnava to admire an advaitan saint, but here I go.


I went to see Amma some weeks ago. The love radiating from her was intense and unconditional. She has Sri Devi bhava and identifies in those bhava's as Sri Devi. Merging.


For weeks after tears rolled down my eyes. I have no desire to merge, but will never criticize after that encounter. During the week I had darshan of Sri Krsna in jaap, and tears flowed everyday. It was the most intense love I have ever felt, and it still draws me to Sri Krsna - to the point of realizing what a long way I have to go. Her presence released me from alot of hang-ups. I long for that intense devotion to appear in my heart again!


I have seen her lick the wounds of a leper, who became clean.


I dont know, maybe some merge and some do not!


You will all think this is a lie, but I will tell you anyway. One week after darshan of Amma, I was offering a stick of incense to her, in gratitude for the love she gave me. Healing me. As I looked down at my hand I noticed wrapped around it was a long, very dark curly strand of head hair. No one with such dark hair has ever been in my house.


I had read about these type of occurences but had no faith. After holding the hair, my heart told me to throw it away and not be attached to the physical. So I did.


She is a living saint, of this I have no doubt.



I really love Amma, too. I don't think she's an incarnation of MahaDevi like some of her more zealous disciples, but she really is a saint in my book.

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