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Diksha from the Oneness University

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Has anyone had any diksha's from the Oneness University?


I have friends who spent $10,000 to do their 21 day course. I am just curios to know if anyone else out there had this diksha experience and how effective it was?


Just curious.

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Seriously HST108, please be careful with your spiritual life. God does not charge you money for authentic rebirth or diksa. The price is much higher than money. When seeking to be twice born it is best to approach the Lord penniless and in the mood of a beggar seeking grace.


Hare Krishna

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Yeah and it sounds like if you are interested in the oneness university you will lose all your money. by ancient

They might have discount for a family of five or over - love a bargain:crazy2:


Anyhow here is a video from the University...



Bhagavan's bio:


Bhagavan was born on the 7th of March 1949 in the town of Natham, North Arcot District in the state of Tamil Nadu, South India. He was a very unusual child, always introspective and only concerned about how to give mankind total freedom. Today, we recognize Sri Bhagavan and his partner Amma as Divine Avatars, very rare beings who can give liberation to practically any-body. They take complete responsibility for giving complete enlightenment to all seekers and are not satisfied with giving some nice teachings, temporary states or performing some miracles.

When asked “When did this change in consciousness come to you?” Sri Bhagavan replies: There has been no change in my consciousness since I was a little child. I never had a guru. Even as a little child riding on the shoulders of a giant-like servant or sitting under a tree while my friends played, my only concern was humanity’s suffering. I would silently sob, choke and faint, experiencing humanity’s suffering. My body does not have a limitation. The consciousness of my body is limitless and hence it experiences all that man experiences. "My only passion ever since I came into this planet has been to end humanity’s suffering. And I knew to end suffering, mankind needed to enter into an altered state of consciousness. I also knew that man was helpless and it has to be given to him and I decided to give it. "The miracles that Amma and I perform are merely manifestation of the compassion and love we feel for you. It is simply the power of our consciousness that is making this neuro-biological transformation in the brain possible, leading you to enlightenment.”


Amma's bio:


Sri Amma was born the 15th of August 1954 in the beautiful village Sangham in the state of Andhra Pradesh, South India. She is loved for her wisdom and childlike simplicity. We could say that Bhagavan and Amma are one being in two bodies and both of them can transfer the state of Oneness to any amount of people. Bhagavan is guiding this process while Amma is generating tremendous energy so that the Oneness state will become available for everybody.

When asked about healing, Bhagavan often tells people to ask Amma as she will react faster than him since she is an embodiment of Shakti, the feminine divine power. Those who have an inner contact (friendship) with both Bhagavan as well as Amma will get Oneness much easier as there will be harmony of yin and yang within.

In the 1980's Sri Amma, Bhagavan, and his friend and disciple from childhood, Shankarji, opened a spiritual school called Jeevashram. The divine phenomenon took birth in July 1989, when suddenly the students began to experience great states of cosmic consciousness. Great miracles became a daily happening in the lives of these students and many of them became like real prophets and mystics. After some time Bhagavan and Amma selected six students as their direct disciples and began their real project--to transfer the Oneness state to mankind. From this humble official beginning in 1991 Sri Bhagavan's Golden Age Movement has today approximately 30-40 millions members from all over the world. This number is increasing daily and many new countries get added every passing year.








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I agree with everyone here who said that having to pay $$$ for elightment is somehow doesn't sound right.



Seriously HST108, please be careful with your spiritual life. God does not charge you money for authentic rebirth or diksa. The price is much higher than money. When seeking to be twice born it is best to approach the Lord penniless and in the mood of a beggar seeking grace.


Hare Krishna


Theist, thanks for you concern :) .....but I was never sold on the idea of getting diksha's for $10,000. I was only inquiring if anyone else here had firsthand experience of the Oneness University Dikshas. :ponder:

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I agree with everyone here who said that having to pay $$$ for elightment is somehow doesn't sound right.




Theist, thanks for you concern :) .....but I was never sold on the idea of getting diksha's for $10,000. I was only inquiring if anyone else here had firsthand experience of the Oneness University Dikshas. :ponder:


Oh, that's good. Had me worried there.

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