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Financial Position

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Right now I am working in Bangalore and my parents stay in Hyderabad. I had taken an education loan and a personal loan earlier which form major chunk of my debts. I am trying to get into Real Estate business with my uncle. So far no success. Is it a good path for me?

I am currently not involved with any women.

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I am extremely sorry, I see a lot lot more than what you are asking me. You should be talking about other problems first, though even financially i agree loans will be bothering you. In fact, as a rule you are advised not to take loans in future.


Keep your actions clear! You are bound to suffer on some accounts.


I cannot suggest any remedies to you...till you are very sure this is your actual birth time.


Best wishes


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Hello Deepa,


I am sure that it is the correct birth time. I was born on Wednesday (18-07-1979) night at 08:54pm. My twin sister was born 11 minutes later at 09-05pm. And right now only financial problems are bothering me.


I have never been involved with any girl till now. Nor I have been involved in any illegal activities. If you think that I am not giving you a complete picture, then you can mail me at unoguru@gmail.com and tell me what you think. I promise I will be truthfull in my response.

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Thank you Deepa.


My life so far has been average. And I am the only person to blame. The decisions which I took at that time have affected me negatively.


However, despite all these failures my desire to make it big has become only stronger. I do not know whether I will make it big or will lose everything chasing after it.


Presently I am involved in a Land deal alongwith my uncle. Success of which will clear all my debts. However we keep hitting roadblocks. I want to know whether it is the correct line for my life and any remedies to overcome those roadblocks.


Thank you,

Ravindra S Kulkarni

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Hello Deepa,


I do not have any major eye problems. I only use my spectacles (0.5 power) when I watching TV or PC and when I am outside.


Sometimes I suffer from migrane headaches. The migrane attacks are usually due to me taking food at irregular times or due to eating food containing too much of lemon or tamrind or due to improper sleep.


Coming to domestic happiness, most of the problems between me and my parents are due to my non-conventional approach towards life. My parents have a typical middle class thinking that one should study, do job , get married and have kids (you get the picture).


I take a different approach towards life. To say it simpler terms, I want to be my own boss. And this has led to confrontations between me and my parents. Apart from that my parents are totally supportive of me.

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Dear unoguru,


According to me, you should have had relationship troubles, involvement with women, gambling tendencies, minor but troubling health problems and lastly-loans. Also there are multiple positions indicating lot of travels - due to or because of siblings. You are currently running rahu-saturn which should not be so bad, in fact the next antardasha is worse.


This chart shows you have an unafflicted moon which is great for kumbha lagna - as such kumbha lagna people have philosophical attitude. May be your mother and your own mindset steers you clear of worry.


Get kaal sarpa dosha shanti done. Things should look up soon.


Best wishes


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Hello Deepa,


Thank you for your analysis. Where can I get the Kalasarpa dosha shanti. I have earlier visited Kalahasti in Tirupati and they informed that they only do Sarpa Dosha there. Could you tell me where can I get it done so that it is effective.


Best Regads,


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