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A Spontaneous Naive Nirvikalpa Samadhi

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I'm hoping the AF forum might be interested in my account of a spontaneous transcendent experience which I had back in 1970: geocities.com/maya-gaia/mysticalexp.html At the time, I was almost completely naive regarding mystical, spiritual, metaphysical or paranormal phenomena of any kind but the experience started my effort for integration that is still ongoing. The original Maya Gaia pages present what insights my transcendent experience inspired and in subsequent content added since 2006 regarding concepts about its reality as an ultimate nirvikalpa samadhi- based on both historical Vedantic sources and the accelerating expansion of the universe of information on the internet. I expect that all my extrapolation from the direct experience are irrelevant for anyone versed in Advaita but would be most interested in learning what perspective may arise in this forum in regards to its raw authenticity.

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here is your above link mayagaia:




You seem to be very well read and studied in this subject. Here is a book and audio set that I am studying presently. It may be of interest to you:


The Transpersonal Vision - by Stanislav Grof - click here



...but the experience started my effort for integration that is still ongoing. posted by mayagaia


"Integration" is such a beautiful word....good for you (and me);).

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Hi bija

My research is pretty limited to whatever is available online and your link to the Grof CD provided an excerpt from his 'The Mystery of Synchronicity' which

cites Jung's 'Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, 1960' and provides important insight to this feature that I've made frequent reference to

without being aware of the origin of the term. I certainly will look for more of his work online. As a non-intellectual, I find Grof more approachable than

other transpersonal psychologists like Wilber and his integral spiritual model with its memes, holons and lattices and become quickly lost in the

philosophical discourse at 'Open Integral' and 'Integral Naked'. I suspect my resistance also arises from my annoyance with the eager tone of knowing in all their immediate speculating although I appreciate this dialog is an important part of the process of building an evolved integral model. As an example of an

annoying notion is Steven Katz's constructionism that holds that ALL 'mystical' experiences unfold according to religious

preconceptions. (Supposedly atheists would experience scenarios according to their atheist vasanas.) Although this is true in NDE episodes where a state of duality is maintained it is patently wrong in regards to states of transcendent non-duality that I would maintain are omnisciently orchestrated independent of all expectations. Of course Vedanta addressed this topic centuries ago as Ishta Devata. Thanks much for the links.


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