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Rules of Krishna

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All initiated devotees of the Hare Krishna movement vow to follow four rules: <CENTER>No gambling</CENTER>



In Krishna consciousness, you're trying to purify your mind--to make it clear and steady for spiritual realization. But gambling makes the mind cloudy. It agitates the mind. You start thinking: What are my chances? How much could I walk off with? What could I do with my winnings? Even if you just play for the sake of playing, gambling pulls the mind away from thinking about the real purpose of life. <CENTER>No intoxicants</CENTER>



No drugs, no liquor, not even coffee, tea, or cigarettes. The world is already high enough--high on illusion, high on greed, high on false power and false ego. The devotee of Krishna wants to be thoughtful, sober.

Material substances like drugs are useless for spiritual realization. They can bend the mind, but they can't free it. They may take you up, but sooner or later they let you down.

The self within is by nature joyful. So we don't need any material stuff to *make* us happy. We just need to purify ourselves and uncover the happiness that's already there. <CENTER>No meat-eating</CENTER>



No meat, no fish, no eggs. Devotees of Krishna avoid needless violence. They see other creatures as spiritual living beings. Though these creatures may be less intelligent than we, they are also God's children, our brothers and sisters. So why should we kill them? If a child were to kill a less intelligent brother, do you think the father would be pleased?

By the subtle laws of karma, the suffering we cause others will come back looking for us.

By nature's arrangement we have plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, milk products, and other innocent food. We should content ourselves with this and be happy. <CENTER>No illicit sex</CENTER>



Everything has its place, and that includes sex. When sex takes place within marriage, and for the sake of having children, it's fine. You're accepting the pleasure, and you're accepting the responsibility. Otherwise, sex brings about entanglement, exploitation, disappointment, and illusion. For spiritual advancement, you want to simplify your life and bring your mind and senses under your control. Being temperate about sex helps you

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You are just now quoting very nicely.




In addition I would say that, by way of extention of the title of this thread:


The "Rules of Krishna" here are one and the same as the rules of "classical ultra-orthodox Yoga" or in other words, the "daily spiritual observances" of a brahmana/Brahmachari/yogi/ashram resident/hindu sage/forest monk.


Yes, there may be abberated paths that diverge from the above path of "staunch-yoga-practitioners" --from throughout the indian sub-continent to the hills of San Francisco --but yes, the "Rules of Krishna" are aptly named herein. IE: Srila Prabhupada said, "Hare Krishnas are not vegetarians we're 'Krishna-tarians' "<!-- END TEMPLATE: navbar_link -->

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He was nearly penniless and had no friends or relatives in America. But, depending on Krishna, he chanted Hare Krishna in a public park and taught classes in a small store. Soon people took interest in what he had to say.


Srila Prabhupada's mission was to present Krishna's teachings as they are, without watering them down or compromising to suit popular fashion. His message might become popular or not, but he was determined to give the genuine thing.


Did Srila Prabhupada think himself God? Never. He worked as a humble servant of God. Men who claim to be God, he said, are dogs.


Srila Prabhupada taught how to serve Krishna by his words and by the example of his life. At night and in the early hours of the morning he would write and translate, and during the day he would guide his students in devotional service. He lived and ate simply and slept only a few hours a night.

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In addition I would say that, by way of extention of the title of this thread:


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At night and in the early hours of the morning he would write and translate, and during the day he would guide his students in devotional service. He lived and ate simply and slept only a few hours a night.



Continuous extention of knowledge!

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Text 1-2


arjuna uvaca

prakrtim purusam caiva

ksetram ksetra-jnam eva ca

etad veditum icchami

jnanam jneyam ca kesava


sri-bhagavan uvaca

idam sariram kaunteya

ksetram ity abhidhiyate

etad yo vetti tam prahuh

ksetra-jna iti tad-vidah



Arjuna said: O my dear Krsna, I wish to know about prakrti [nature], purusa [the enjoyer], and the field and the knower of the field, and of knowledge and the object of knowledge. The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: This body, O son of Kunti, is called the field, and one who knows this body is called the knower of the field.

As to comprehend the life upon the body presents: knowing the field; what you are!



Text 3


ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi

sarva-ksetresu bharata

ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam

yat taj jnanam matam mama



O scion of Bharata, you should understand that I am also the knower in all bodies, and to understand this body and its knower is called knowledge. That is My opinion.


Knowledge is the combining of Krsna; that is my opinion!

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perhaps representing Love for the total of existence shares a constant intent to seed 'good'


much more to learn than just what one sect suggests as final ;)


and to lighten it up yet remain politically correct :eek4: there's more than one way to peal the husk from corn.

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There is more even when some conflict with logic, find the wisdom and grow with the intent to learn;


only a teacher of absolute truth is pure; none had walked with the full scope but each contributed just the same



Text 8-12


amanitvam adambhitvam

ahimsa ksantir arjavam

acaryopasanam saucam

sthairyam atma-vinigrahah

indriyarthesu vairagyam

anahankara eva ca

janma-mrtyu jara-vyadhi-


asaktir anabhisvangah


nityam ca sama-cittatvam


mayi cananya-yogena

bhaktir avyabhicarini


aratir jana-samsadi



etajjnanam iti proktam

ajnanam yad ato 'nyatha







Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; absence of false ego; the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me; aspiring to live in a solitary place; detachment from the general mass of people; accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth--all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance.


Much of this is quite true yet one stands out; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children.


In this if you have children, any can ship them to the other side of the earth but physically 'you stay entangled' as they are a portion of you physical being (life) and your whole lineage from the beginning of time.



Then back to the top note the item; 'the perception of the evil of birth'


seems no one could be reading or experiencing if they were not born. And then how can we honor life within existence and offer another chance for life to continue, if we do not observe 'birth of life' as pure good?


Such the same to stay within and not to associate; what is compassion for?


Perception must be relative to the attachment; physiological or mentally responsible. Each carry weight.


food for thought

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Actualy the BG says do not have sex without religious principle.

How do you see Illlicit sex?


For me Illicit sex is not doing sex correctly. Going out and having intercourse with multiple partners. Getting involved in bizzare sexual behavior. Having sex for the purpose of LUST alone and forgetting about LOVE. Doing sex outside of marriage.. Not knowing correct Tantric practice.. Remember we are followers of Sanatana Dharma one practice is NOT better than anothers why else is there so many different idea's and practices. Krishna is the supreme personality of the Godhead.. So therefore he respects all Sanatana Dharma beliefs.. What you actualy teaching is Krishna and Vishnu viewpoint? correct? Vaishnava..


I am almost in complete agreement with the rest.. With Gambling.. In the area where I live some one sold all his possesions and bought alot of lottery tickets and lost.. Gambling addicts is a moajor problem..

However if you buy a 2 dollar scratch ticket like once every 6 months how is this incorrect principle?? Incorrect principle is doing in waste.


No Meat eating? Perfect agreement there..


Intoxicants.. pretty much the same view as Gambling.. just DONT GET DRUNK. I drink like every 6 months about 4 drinks total..


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Actualy the BG says do not have sex without religious principle.
Lot's of principles and examples represented on many of Khajuraho's temples.



How do you see Illlicit sex?
For the self. Pre-Radha combining 2 into one.



What you actualy teaching is Krishna and Vishnu viewpoint?
Copied from another's website...... the rest is like you 'an opinion.':rolleyes: ..



I am almost in complete agreement with the rest.. With Gambling..
Don't bet on one sect having it all.



In the area where I live some one sold all his possesions and bought alot of lottery tickets and lost.. Gambling addicts is a moajor problem..
Just as any predetermination. Living in a pretty picture rather than experience Now, 'as she represents herself'



No Meat eating? Perfect agreement there..
What could any contradiction offer in present company?



Intoxicants.. pretty much the same view as Gambling.. just DONT GET DRUNK.
then why drink? Taste? Social pressure? Take the edge off when confounded in the responsibilities of the material world? Ah..... makes sense.


Seems a cup of hot cocoa is a drug to some. Yet to identify consumptions of anything identified as 'altering' as bad, simply because many atrocities can be linked to irresponsibility is such the same as requiring a burqa.


Yet, some of the greatest wails of happiness come from some pretty wild parties and it is not so much the possibilities of errors to eliminate but that much good comes from just living and observing in social experience.


Just thoughts...


It seems like we know all cars cause detriments to the earth but we tolerate them.


Will vehicles ever be removed from the earth? No much stock in that bet; likewise drugs, liquors and the such should be of responsibility; the same as each choice in life.


Imagine if life was not so filled in the pursuit of things, then enjoyment will increase in the compassionate associations of community.

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only a teacher of absolute truth is pure; none had walked with the full scope but each contributed just the same




I would rather say, those teachers knew the Truth in its Full Scope, but knew the exact quantity to contribute, according to time and circumstance. Had it been otherwise, instead of remedy there would have been calamity.


It's not their frailities but their helplessness.

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perhaps representing Love for the total of existence shares a constant intent to seed 'good'


much more to learn than just what one sect suggests as final ;)


and to lighten it up yet remain politically correct :eek4: there's more than one way to peal the husk from corn.


You and Bhakta Jan make a good couple.:)

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I would rather say, those teachers knew the Truth in its Full Scope, but knew the exact quantity to contribute, according to time and circumstance. Had it been otherwise, instead of remedy there would have been calamity.


It's not their frailities but their helplessness.


Helplessness in reduced material knowledge than today!


To suggest that a person has walked yesterday; that could have the words of today, returns to the understanding of prophecy (which does occur) but they cannot define what they saw; see the doomsday mare.

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You and Bhakta Jan make a good couple.:)


1) tackleberry, now that is offensive. Have you yet learned that Cow-Dung bathes will reduce your chronic insipidness?


2) Bishadi is the epitomy of beatnik/stoner/LSD/bogus prattling.

Encourage this nimrod to seek new heights of vapidness. What was old is new again.


As for 'anger', Bishadi, --just keep your landlord happy. Because your service attitude is so self-gratificatory that it would be a wonder how you manage to function otherwise.


3) But in pursuence of truth and justice --tackleberry has a point! Whereas my posting require a familarity with world literature/current events/pop-culture/world histories/english vocabulary, and, the bonefide path of sages and gurus of antiquity, starting with Lord Brahma, on down to the present day --- your posting on the other hand require the superhuman combination of lethargic reading interests and an un-mitigated compassion for the mentally challenge narcisist.

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Most of your post is quite abusive and should be corrected with a little compassion.


Seems comprehension may not be your greatest gift; all that scholar and still has to return to breaking 'faithful' rules just to get a point across.


There is word that defines this type of choice .... hypo......




3) But in pursuence of truth and justice --tackleberry has a point! Whereas my posting require a familarity with world literature/current events/pop-culture/world histories/english vocabulary, and, the bonefide path of sages and gurus of antiquity, starting with Lord Brahma, on down to the present day ---


the pursuit of truth must be absolute; the returning to faithful beliefs to represent or discredit knowledge of truth; is where ignorance and the choice of self represents itself quite purely.


Meaning; it would not matter if we went all the way back to Thoth or the sumarian tablets; be compassionate in the underlying message and retain not the attachment of 'who' is suggested of writting as all of it is from or within the period of existence (God).


we must maintain this absolute integrity; honor each as if God was at hand himself but keep focus on the intent and compassion within without regression to phenomenon!


Vishnu/Braham never fibs; men do!


and to retain an underlying theme that all words from God shall emit compassion, understanding, knowledge and enlightenment; then enjoy all of the knowledge prepared throughout existence; just be honest in the experience and remove the self.


again food for thought

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YES, Mahrishi, but , I'm afraid very afraid of your brand of existential cob-web chantings.


Dude you put the fear of God into me.


Be afraid!

Very afraid!


He he, ha ha,

they're coming to take ...




Fear yourself.


Isn't that what the suffering is all about; self examination?

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I've found a Picture of Bishadi on the web:

redir?src=image&requestId=37ac38bda3be9e98&userQuery=bizzaro+world&clickedItemURN=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stillsecureafteralltheseyears.com%2Fashimmy%2Fimages%2F2007%2F10%2F04%2Fbizzaro_nac.jpg&moduleId=image_details.jsp.M&clickedItemDescription=Image Details


where is the nice tan?


The travel of a contributor; An old story.


the best of human beings free from desire who no longer work for the profit and who are characterized by devotional service, spiritual knowledge and detachment, is this the instruction of the duties. Although He remained with what He was at home, accepted He, only physically, like a madman with his hair unkempt, the sky for His dress and roamed He, keeping the vedic fire within, far and wide from Brahmâvarta. (29) Even though He, idle, blind, deaf, dumb and like a ghost and a madman, to the people appeared like someone unconcerned about the world [an avadhûta], did He with the vow of silence keep Himself from speaking. (30) Here and there passing through cities, villages, mines, lands, gardens, valley-communities, military encampments, cowsheds, farms, resting places for pilgrims, hills and forests, hermitages and so on, was He surrounded by bad people and flies and was He, like an elephant appearing from the forest, beaten away and threatened, urinated and spit upon, thrown into the dust, with the stones and the stool, farted at and given bad names; but He didn't care about that because He, from His understanding how the body relates to the soul, knew that this dwelling place of a body that is called real, was not a dwelling fit for a gentleman; instead He remained situated in His personal glory in negation of the 'I' and 'mine' and wandered unperturbed alone all over the earth…….

When He,………… saw that the people in general were explicitly against his yoga practice, took He, to counteract that karma, to the behavior of a python in lying down, to which He, chewing His food and accepting His drinks, passing stool and urinating, smeared His body rolling in the excrement. (33) His smell of stool was of such a good fragrance indeed that the air of the countryside for ten yojanas around received a pleasant aroma. (34) Thus by His activities moving, standing, sitting and lying down with the cows, the crows and the deer, was He, exactly like the cows, crows and deer do, eating, drinking and passing urine.

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Yes, I apollogize to Bishadi.

I am obviously envious of other's abilities to shed light on esoteric subjects.

I apollogize to you Bishadi please forgive my childish antics.


Yes Rsabha-deva's pastimes were most revealing of my short comings. Thank you for tempering my non-sense.


yours in Krishna's devotional service,


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Yes, I apollogize to
To existence.... not the person as nothing was taken 'personal' but to existence, the imposition lives.


None are perfect brother as it seems someone thinks we are One; that is a compliment to me as you have an ability to ask for that forgiveness.



yours in Krishna's devotional service,


May brothers live in Peace forever!


To your children and fathers (beginning and ending); All love and compassion!

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Who is the teacher of compassion? Alive to meet a brother of Peace?


This is a call.


Self is gone; the meeting to begin the assembly is felt but undescribable


in 66' a teacher came to the southern california coast; the same location (approximately) of a birth; even the same year; same cause


maybe there was a reason!?!?

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