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Sadhna for gaining knowledge

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Hello Sivamohan,

The basic seed mantra for saraswati or any knowledge for that matter is 'Aim' - To be prouncedas as in in 'I' in the english sentence 'I am' - the twelth voval in sancrit alphabet along with 'm' sound . ( not as in 'Aim the gun')


Keep meditating silently on this sound mentally along with mentally thinking of the goddess in the form of a brilliance of pure white light of thousand moons. Vamakeswara tantra declares that this meditation will make the meditator bloom in to a genoious. The sadaka upon siddhi will compose class litrature, poerty speak elogently lall kinds of subjects - veda, vedanga, sastras, sciences, in fact such a sadaka up on siddhi of this mantra will be omnicient.


Source: Vamakeswari madam (translated in to english by Michel maghee)


You can also Chant the mantra " Aim Vadha Vadha Vaak Vaadhini"




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Dear Sivamohan,

Before taking up the sadana, the first thing is Kurudeeksha.

Go to a south indian siva temple and look for the Dakshinamurthi pradista. Usually in south indian siva temples you will find this. In case you dont find it in one temple you need to serch for another. Dakshinamurti is the guru for all .On a holiday do a worship of dakshnamurthi with offering of white flowers. The preast of the temple will do that for you. Then sit before Dakshna murti and pray him to be your guru. Mentally surrenter to dakshinamurthy completely.Beg him to give siddhi of the vidya. Imagine his feet on your croun of your head.

Then in your root centre- situated between your sex organ and anus , the soft portion of skin that you can feel by your touch - think of Ganesa being seated and chant mentally his mantra: Om gam ganapathaye namah Chant it for a few time intencely request ganasa to remove all hurdils form the path of spiritual sadana. Then At your heart, (the exact centre beween your nipple and not at the physical heart whivh is slightly left side) think of a white lotus on which think of a white letter aim . and from this beeja imagine a white goddess emerges and being seated in the lotus. Think of her as brilliant as thought of one million moon light. Think of everyihink associated with her as white - her dress is white her arnaments are nade up of white pearls, she wears white flowers etc.Mentally offer worship to her in your heart with fragrant smoke, light, white sandal past, white flowers and fruits and milk keer(payasa).Then repeat the seed mantra aim while thinking visually the goddess as described here, as much as possible.

1008 is a traditional prescription. If you needto count it use a spadika (crystal)rocery. But you dont have to be exact in the number. If you are particular of the number then you have to use a rocery and that distracts the mind from your dhyana to the sensation to your fiunger. (I dont personally prefer a mala as that distracts my attention). What is important is not the number but the total absorption of your ming in your meditation. If the rocery is a distraction to it dont use it. But make sure you spent quite a lot of time on meditation. Dont get yp quickly. Spend an hour or two daily initiall. At the end of the sesstion once perform the worship with smoke, light, flower, sandal past, and food mentally. and break your meditation and get up to attend to your regular duties.


Sit and do the sadana even you are bored or mind wavers, initially for a fixed amount of time - say one hour. As you proceed mind will come under your control and you can sit for long without noticing time has passed - you will not be bored and will be very relaxed and would enjoy doing the sadana after some regular mental dril. So dont give up. Even if your mind wanders, or cannot visuallise the goddess as described still continue chanting and try to visualise the white goddess. In due course you can perfectly visualise. And your mind will stay on the mantra jaba with complete one point attention. So dont worry if you dont succeed in the initial stages. Keep practicing.


Your target is to complete three lackh of jaba.

At the end of three lackh jaba, perform a homa with. 1/10 offering out of the total number of jaba. that is for three lackh jaba homa ahudis will be thirty thousands. That is chant further 30thousand mantras , each associated with some offering to fire. 30 thousand homa sticks socked in ghee will do ( you can also offer 30 thousand white lotus or 30 thousand pearls ect depending your capacity)


This is the essential procedure.


There is no end to the elaboration. You can do a pooja in an elaborate way for hours as it is done in temples with many many perocedures and items like bathing the deity, with a varierty of things like milk, honey, oil, sugarcane juice, watter , then dressing her up with a variety of garments and decorating her with a variety of aornaments, and then offering her food, fanning her, blowing conch shall, singing dancing and so on and so on.

You do a homa, darpana dana feeding bramacharies and so on and on. Dont get in to too much rictuallism and too much elaboration. It will only tire you and you will give up the sadana. Do essential sadana - meditation daily on the goddess with the mantra. This is all that is needed to attain siddhi.

Of course love the goddess. Bakti is an essential component of worship.

Mechanical procedure with out love will not fetch you much success.

Remember goddess doesnot expect your elaborate and costly rictual. She needs your love and single minded devotion.


Kalidasa was an idiot and he dint know any rictualistic procedure and he dint do them. He simply walked in to goddess temple in the midnight - having thrown out of the palace by his princes wife, on their first night, (up on discovering that he is an idiot ) - and cried to goddess to give him brains. Goddess responded to his innocent unsofisticated pure love love. She came and wrote the beeja of knowledge Aim in his tongue. Instantly He bloomed in to a Genious overniight. - She needs Your heart and nothing else. When you give that she will make you the greatest genious in the world.


That is enough elaboration isint it?




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