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Charles Darwin's Wife Emma

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Although there're presently big discussions about Srila Prabhupada making misogynistic statements, it should be clear that the biggest inventor of the atheistic evolution theory had a wife with a much bigger brain than usually assigned to women by the Vedas.

In fact it seems that Charles Darwin's brain was only half size than his wife's Emma.


"Emma Darwin, devoutly religious, is concerned for her husband’s spiritual welfare, but her pleas for him to reconsider his position bear no fruit. Wollert investigates, and dismisses, popular stories of a deathbed conversion. Darwin died without faith in God. The problem of suffering had proven insurmountable. He could find no spiritually satisfying answer."

In his diary when departed on the HMS Beagle for a five year voyage of exploration we find Charles Darwin's despaired, confused and totally helpless condition:


"Oh, Emma, I do long to be with you and under your protection for then I feel safe."


source: http://www.conservapedia.com/Charles_Darwin


"A source of difficulty in the Darwins' marriage was conflict between Charles' scientific findings (most particularly, the origin of humanity in the undirected process of evolution) and Emma's own devout beliefs in God as the Creator. The difficulty was increased when, following the painful and emotionally devastating death of their 10-year-old daughter Anne, Charles no longer accepted the orthodox Christian view of God. After T.H. Huxley coined the word "agnostic" around 1868, Darwin used it to describe himself. Charles was evidently pained by the anxieties his beliefs produced in Emma, and tried to express them as gently as he could."


source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Darwin

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What a beautiful thread!


Shares how integrity must exceed beliefs; Godhead!


Gave up everything for the truth; for existence; for the good of mankind over the acceptance from even his own wife. That is a real man!


This is why the people of this world know him and talk about him, his work, his devotion and his compassion for the truth over and above any of his own.


In the West it is good to remember them who care about 'we the people' over themselves.


Have any of you all here had the opportunity to do for others over the self?


Maybe use Darwin as and example; can't go wrong. Just have to devote the majority of your life, give up home living, give up the wife, hide in the closet because the religious folk might hunt you down and kill you, but if your integrity is true, your heart pure with selfless sacrafice for the good of mankind (the total)..... we can all be certain; you will live forever in what you leave for mankind.

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What a beautiful thread!


Shares how integrity must exceed beliefs; Godhead!


Gave up everything for the truth; for existence; for the good of mankind over the acceptance from even his own wife. That is a real man!


This is why the people of this world know him and talk about him, his work, his devotion and his compassion for the truth over and above any of his own.


In the West it is good to remember them who care about 'we the people' over themselves.


Have any of you all here had the opportunity to do for others over the self?


Maybe use Darwin as and example; can't go wrong. Just have to devote the majority of your life, give up home living, give up the wife, hide in the closet because the religious folk might hunt you down and kill you, but if your integrity is true, your heart pure with selfless sacrafice for the good of mankind (the total)..... we can all be certain; you will live forever in what you leave for mankind.

Thanks Bishadi, basically this is what Stalin, Hitler, Nobel (1833-1896, inventor of dynamite) or Al Capone were also doing, "give up home living, give up the wife, hide in the closet because the religious folk might hunt you down and kill you," to strive for a carreer that ends below a gravestone. Considering where Charles Darwin reincarnated right now, it's not sure if he would chose the same path again, experimenting with introducing atheism into human society, commenting, I don't regret anything. Could be that he's right now in a position where he would rather publically countermand his theory and follow his wife.

Looks like the GBC also took up this position, woman's brain might be smaller but could be more fine and precise. Like an elephant brain, it is so much bigger but that doesnt mean elephants are more intelligent, except it is known that they remember for years when you offended an elephant. The brain of a whale even weighs 7800g.






GBC Statement Reaffirms Vaishnava Respect for Women


By The GBC Executive Committee on 29 May 2008

<!--paging_filter-->Today we live in a world that is full of war, strife, hatred and exploitation between people. It is a world based on a bodily conception of life that categorizes and then mistreats living beings on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion, etc.

The Krishna consciousness movement teaches a higher guiding principle based upon the soul. We offer to the world a panacea: We can live together peacefully only when we respect each other as individual spiritual beings, part and parcel of God. All living beings are eternal, all are sacred, and all--in their essence--are equally dear to the Supreme Lord.

To effectively teach this principle, members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness need to be vigilant that it be properly understood and practiced within our own society and among our members. We must believe in the principle of loving, respecting, and caring for all beings as parts and parcels of Lord Krishna.

It is our sacred duty to teach, speak, and live the principles of humility and respect for all, as taught by Lord Caitanya and our Founder-Acarya, Srila Prabhupada. We must also speak out against deviations from those principles.

In 1998, the North American GBC/Temple Presidents Executive Committee found it necessary to speak out against an email conference that claimed to be founded on Vaishnava teachings that was belittling and demeaning to women.

It minimized the contributions of women, and failed to fully appreciate the role women play in our society, our families, and our temples. (See Appendix 1 below.)

Today, the International GBC Executive Committee is disturbed to learn that a blog site claiming affiliation with ISKCON, and using "Hare Krishna" in its name, has included sexist and misogynist statements. Such writings are not authorized, and they are against the principles of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and our Vaishnava culture.

We condemn any effort to minimize the contributions and importance of women in our society. Instead, we offer the women of our society the highest respect. Women are of great value to our Vaishnava community, and have made immeasurable, indispensable, and saintly contributions as mothers, daughters, wives, pujaris, priests, teachers, and leaders.

We call upon all members of ISKCON to be living examples of the highest respect and appreciation for all living beings and to resist any temptations towards disrespect or prejudice.

Your servants,

The GBC Executive Committee

Appendix 1

1998 Statement by the North American Executive Officers

The North American GBC/Temple President Executive Officers wish to voice our strong disapproval of, and our protest against, the demeaning and ill intended statements made by some members of the GHQ com conference that were recently brought to public attention.

It is our firm position that Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, intended his Hare Krishna Movement to be free from all prejudice, sexism, racism and other forms of bigotry.

We affirm that the first and foremost principle of our society is that all people (indeed all sentient beings) are eternal, sacred parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, and as such should be respected and affirmed in their individual relationship with the Lord, as well as their service to guru and Krishna.

Multiple statements made by members of this Internet conference ridicule, berate and vilify women, other minorities, and individual Vaishnava devotees. They document an organized attempt to prevent women from their God-given rights of self-expression and service to Srila Prabhupada. We denounce such views. They are opposed to the core values and principles of Vaishnava culture which upholds the devotional offerings of all souls as sacred and worthy of our respect and protection.

While we endorse open debate and dialogue within our Krishna Consciousness movement, we must speak out against any discussion that crosses the line of decency, morality, and Vaishnava etiquette and supports an agenda to exploit or minimize a section of our society.

Bir Krishna Goswami, Chairperson

Anuttama Dasa

Sudharma Dasi

Vraja Lila Dasi

Appendix 2

Women in ISKCON

International GBC Resolution March 2000

WHEREAS, the Women's Ministry presentation on March 1st, 2000 to the GBC Body brought a clearer understanding of the mistakes of the past and the need to provide equal and full opportunity for devotional service for all devotees in ISKCON, regardless of gender, and

WHEREAS, it is clearly following in our line that all people are welcome to join Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement and are capable of developing full love of God, and

WHEREAS, it is our belief that many of the social issues that confront us are exacerbated because the voice of our women, who are the mothers and daughters of our Krsna conscious family, have been hushed and stifled due to misinterpretation of our Vaisnava philosophy, and thus the human and interpersonal needs of our devotees have been minimized,


501 [sTATEMENT] 1. The members of the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness offer their humble apologies to the women of Srila Prabhupada's society who, because of our own shortcomings and those of the Society, have suffered due to a lack of protection, support, facility and appreciation for their service, devotion and vast contributions to the Society, and

2. [ACTION] All GBC Body members and other leaders shall hold istagosthis [meetings] in each of their respective temples to establish the priority of providing equal facilities, full encouragement and genuine care and protection for the women members of ISKCON. Also, separate meetings should be held with the leaders and women of each temple to address the women's needs and concerns,

Women's Participation 19 [LAW]

A. All ISKCON temples are to allow all qualified devotees, regardless

of gender, to speak on Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, etc. during the regular temple class.

B. All ISKCON temples designate half of the temple room area, divided

in the center from the altar, for the ladies.

C. If the management in a particular temple feels it is unable to

implement these proposals, the Executive Committee will appoint a small team of senior devotees, including women, to sensitively review the particular local situation.

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Thanks Bishadi, basically this is what Stalin, Hitler, Nobel (1833-1896, inventor of dynamite) or Al Capone were also doing, "give up home living, give up the wife, hide in the closet because the religious folk might hunt you down and kill you,"


They were closer a resemblance to a faith based median of isolating people.


The hard core isolators based it on money;


the faith based isolators use 'salvation' and magical mythical ideas that sound cool



to strive for a carreer that ends below a gravestone.
Yep most of the selfish pass on by with not much of a mention; except tha bad guys live in a sort of Hell as anytime they are spoken of; it is in adverse tone; but still being mentioned (remembered) all the same



Considering where Charles Darwin reincarnated right now,
we still talking about him, right? and the 'good' of what HE left is still growing all over the world, correct?


well then seems He is doing fine and let's give a big 'thank you' to someone who actually gave up a bunch of his life for the benefit of the future.....



it's not sure if he would chose the same path again, experimenting with introducing atheism into human society,
Now see what foolishness does? Seems he made the right choice and still alive and in contrast I would put a million life times on the line
I don't regret anything.
that you will!



Could be that he's right now in a position where he would rather publically countermand his theory and follow his wife.
He is alive right now within this thread and in your thread here



Looks like the GBC also took up this position, woman's brain might be smaller

In x,y,z, demensions? Possibly but in compassion; they kick the behinds of 99.9% of all mens on this earth. They give up a portion of their bodies for life to continue in a way we cannot.


Better go home and apologize to your mother right now! Tell her you have dishonored her by using your computer to profess and continue false information simply because you were too prideful and selfish to actually learn before you opened your key pad.....


go now, run!


Equality exist; by honesty. It is the one place we can all be equal; the rest takes time.


give up the pride and sit a while

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Better go home and apologize to your mother right now!

.........go now, run!


.......give up the pride and sit a while

Great post, excellent points, looks you're an extraordinaire very blessed scholar teaching real knowledge for uplifting hopelessly lost souls!

Do you have somewhere a data base with more special wisdom for study?

Please post the link!

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Equality exist; by honesty. by bishadi

Good bishadi. So true. At some point in our enlightenment all becomes visible in light. It's like we walk outside and our soul is seen, just as we see others. The deepest feeling then I have found, is to remain in that light of honesty...its like a yearning to live as one. But when I choose my ego ( thinking I am the supreme enjoyer of all I see) I separate once again from that joy/freedom of honesty.


I am realizing a pure life is a life of 'do unto others as I wish for myself'. This is the hope anyhow. And when I fall short of that ideal....still walk in the light of grace.



It is the one place we can all be equal; the rest takes time. by bishadi

We sure are all in this boat together.


And I do not think Darwin was a demon...a greater man than I (even if he was agnostic). I choose not to condemn his soul.

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What I mean to say suchandra is that I am way corrupt...so choose not to throw stones in his direction.


Evolution as he explained it was imperfect. But it opened some doors for future scientists about real evolution (evolution of consciousness on earth).


Come on man, we all know Darwin is not gospel.


There is a place for critique backed by a greater vision. There is also place to look at things constructively. I dont think some science in the 21st century is as atheistic as the science Srila Prabhupada criticized in his day. Yep, Darwin got it wrong in some ways, and many people followed his thinking and became atheists. Some intelligent people could see his limited vision and built a new vision, with scientific backing that came years afterward.


We can tear down the whole world. If we choose (out of misery). I know Srila Prabhupada was not miserable, he was building by his critique. He was intelligent in the extreme.


Just some thoughts.

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Do you have somewhere a data base with more special wisdom for study?

Please post the link!


Nope maybe you should be keeping a copy of the posts on this site and then google up the handle and begin a site.


Think of others.



The deepest feeling then I have found, is to remain in that light of honesty...its like a yearning to live as one.
And if a baby was born with this mind (honesty), and taught to retain that 'choice' of absolute honesty, then just imagine how this globe would be. But that is not how many are taught; it seems when a child sees something, they are conditioned to think....'what you saw was an illusion' don't trust yourself, trust him, that teacher, that guru'


when the child will be born pure until ruined



I am realizing a pure life is a life of 'do unto others as I wish for myself'
is how one can measure what they do. IS great wisdom (confucius, i believe) and to keep their honesty and integrity to that form; then choice is simply representing the collective conscious in pure compassion. (Love, God)



What I mean to say..........so choose not to throw stones in his direction.
Kindness, compassion and a 'good' choice.



Evolution as he explained it was imperfect.
Pure, honest....
But it opened some doors for future scientists about real evolution (evolution of consciousness on earth).
And exactly what every person on earth should be striving; opening doors for the new minds to grow. Everyone should recognize, the new are going to exceed the old, in both time, knowledge and evolution and if they do not; we all failed.



Come on man, we all know Darwin is not gospel.
but he gave, by choice, without any concern for his own. Doing better than most on this site!


and I will bet he lives longer than most on this site; in all his 'reincarnations'



We can tear down the whole world. If we choose (out of misery). I know Srila Prabhupada was not miserable, he was building by his critique. He was intelligent in the extreme
that is right; he exceeded his guru, his teachers guru, and unlike many herein; he chose to continue the quest for seeking GOD.......


how did he say it: if you not seeking to find "what is God" then your demonic; "it's natures law"


Got Love the Good one!


We all gonna remember the greats for the KNOWLEDGE they conveyed


as they live within that gift to us all well beyond the grave

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