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Vibrations in third eye

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I am not exactly sure of this.


But as we progress in yoga sensitivities can increase. Energies within and around the body may become felt by our cognition. The yogi will in due course master these energies and still his mind. Many things can appear that we never realized before.

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MY friend is spirtual and he is been filling vibration in his third eye, almost all time of day.. what does it mean.. is it good or bad.. pelase let me know ..!


we all can see with a sort of sixth sense; if this person is truly receptive to see; nurture it but never fill the mind with 'your' definition to his sites; build his desire to find them within himself and with knowledge he alone should be identifying by intent.


Each have these gifts and often why a career will choose you.


They trust that 3rd eye.


reading people face to face is something this 'i' has allowed to develop; it is almost as if to see someones life just by experiencing a few moments with them...


ever heard of any stories where a dog will immediately dislike certain folk?


as well have you heard of deja vu?


what about prophecies?


how about twins who know each others feelings?


Ever know Love?


These are all interrelated; entangled energy!


it's a common psychosis especially when you know it is a physical reality.


Best part is to realize, your children and the future generations will be allowed to comprehend we each are equally capable and to have physical and empirical data to scientifically back it up.


Then not only can they experience the interrelation of all things but be able to comprehend exactly how it works.


that pinnacle of knowledge in which the experience can be defined so the mind can believe the soul (the eyes of God)

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These are all interrelated; entangled energy!


it's a common psychosis especially when you know it is a physical reality. by bishadi

The psychosis bishadi is when we think we are the Supreme Controller and Lord of all that we survey. In that state (psychotic) people have been known for very unique behaviour;).


Maybe in time his whole body or skin will vibrate. And he will become aware of his connection to all things....as a conscious feeling entity.:pray:


I would say it is a good thing....if he cultivates love and spiritual vision...and does not wish to be a controller of all he surveys.


Many new age people teach a very unfortunate thing, when they discover this new way of being. They wish to be controllers, and live in a realm of conflicting energy. Conscious awareness, smallness, tolerance and love are vastly different than that realm of these siddhas and yogis.


I would suggest to this man...keep going. Further. Become a servant of all. And be grateful that the awakening is happening within his being. We are not controllers...that is the Supreme Personality of Godhead's role. Ofcourse this man is unique...and he has his own way of being to self-discover.



Then not only can they experience the interrelation of all things but be able to comprehend exactly how it works.


that pinnacle of knowledge in which the experience can be defined so the mind can believe the soul (the eyes of God) by bishadi

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it's a common psychosis especially when you know it is a physical reality. by bishadi

Do you think these phenomena are purely subjective in nature - originating in the mind. Or is there an objective reality existing simultaneously...a larger mind...collective.


From my own experiential observation both subjective and objective dimensions exist. Vastly different than the psychotic mind state - but equally as alluring. The objective reality of mind seems to point toward the soul...but still potentially a powerful conditioning (even if assisting the growth of human love).


Study of the mind in this area is not common for western science. But I have read and understood in a book on Synesthesia (which I experience) we each make sense of our own interaction with the world through our minds faculty - hence the phenomena we may experience. This western scientific perspective is useful. And points to what the minds nature is I feel. Only twenty years ago in the western scientific world such discussion would have been considered primitive. With the advent of quantum science a whole new can of worms has opened.

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"Among so many great events, there is one phenomenon which, in the eyes of posterity, may well overshadow everything that has been discovered in radiation and electricity: the permanent entry into operation, in our day, of inter-human affinities - the movement, irresistible and ever increasing in speed, which we can see for ourselves, welding peoples and individuals to another..."

Indian Ocean, March 1929, "The Sense of Man" in Toward the Future.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

"The day will come when, after harnessing space,

the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness

for God the energies of love. And, on that day,

for the second time in the history of the world,

man will have discovered fire."


Peking, February 1934, "The Evolution of Chastity"

in Toward the Future, London: Collins, 1975: 86-87.


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Do you think these phenomena are purely subjective in nature - originating in the mind.
Doubts originate in the mind. Nature is simply phenomenon untile understood



Or is there an objective reality existing simultaneously...a larger mind...collective.
Since the fathers left words like bricks to a pyramid, then each period is conveying conscious understanding that transcends time; in which eventually the gift left eons ago will live within the universal conscious; so yes.... existence is One in time.
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"Among so many great events, there is one phenomenon which, in the eyes of posterity, may well overshadow everything that has been discovered in radiation and electricity: the permanent entry into operation, in our day, of inter-human affinities - the movement, irresistible and ever increasing in speed, which we can see for ourselves, welding peoples and individuals to another..."

Indian Ocean, March 1929, "The Sense of Man" in Toward the Future.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Understanding of light!

"The day will come when, after harnessing space,

the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness

for God the energies of love. And, on that day,

for the second time in the history of the world,

man will have discovered fire."


Peking, February 1934, "The Evolution of Chastity"




in Toward the Future, London: Collins, 1975: 86-87.



the paradigm shift; combining all knowledge by changing the rendition of energy from a potential to 'light upon mass.... in time'


that trinity becomes ONE

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