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Child Vaishnava Guru appears in bodily form to save the world!!

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Here is a quote from the introduction of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's book 'The Phenomenon of Man' by Julian Huxley 1958.


This book is a study of the potentiality of man as a 'person of spirit'. It may be an apparent unlikely source to support Krsna consciousness but in my opinion very helpful. The ultimate beautitude for the spirit soul, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam and the Gaudiya teachers, is existence in a realm of conscious awareness, permeated by pure devotion to a loving center. In my understanding this 'personal realm and reality' is the destiny of creation. And is Goloka Vrindavan and the Vaikuntha spoken of by the ancient sages.



"...In any case the concept of a hyperpersonal mode of organization sprang from Pierre Teilhard's conviction of the supreme importance of personality. A developed human being, as he rightly pointed out, is not merely a highly individualized individual. He has crossed the threshold of self-conscious to a new mode of thought, and as a result has achieved some degree of conscious integration - integration of the self with the outer world of men and nature, integration of the seperate elements of the self with each other. He is a person, and organism which has transcended individuality in personality. This attainment of personality was an essential element in man's past and present evolutionary success: accordingly its fuller achievment must be an essential aim for his evolutionary future.


This belief in the pre-eminent importance of the persoanlity in the scheme of things was for him (a jesuit priest) a matter of faith, but of faith supported by rational inquiry and scientific knowledge....He realized that the appearance of human personality was the culmination of two major evolutionary trends - the trend towards more extreme individuation, and that towards more extensive interrelation and co-operation: persons are individuals who transcend their merely organic individuality in conscious participation'.


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Maybe I am foolish to admit such a thing. But I believe a day will come that people will freely talk about such things (without being considered crackpot or attention seekers). And like a candle lit from one candle to another this human gift will pass from one to another. We only need to acknowledge it. Infact as evolution of consciousness develops on earth we have great potential for healing and love...and with the world crisis of abuse of natural resource (and each other) etc...the organism will awaken to save itself. This ability to self heal is built into both the micro and macro organism. bija

The motivating choice to share is part of our nature - humaneness. We can base our decision to speak about the nature of God by such a choice. Then all will be assisted by grace - for our own good..


To draw back to the beginning of my point, the ability of a fully developing human mind ( and eventual awareness of psychic possibility - in my case an energetic harmony and visualization of such)...in relation to spiritual cultivation and application of this human gift. And the great potential of this evolving conscious awareness of ourselves and the environment we live in, by God's great mercy and design...and the potential activation of a global and universal spiritual (personal) consciousness. The destiny for existence.



'...Pierre...extrapolating from the past into the future, envisaged the process of human convergence as tending to a final state* (I call this final state Vaikuntha keeping with tradition I study and practice), which he called the Omega point, as opposed to the Alpha of elementary material particles and their energies. If i understand him aright, he considers that two factors are co-operating to promore this further complexification of the noosphere (the atmosphere of mind). One is the increase of knowledge about the universe at large, from the galaxies and stars to human societies and individuals. The other is the increase of psycho-social pressure on ther surface of our planet. The result of the one is that the noosphere incoroprates ever more facets of the cosmos, including the facts of its general direction and its trends in time, so as to become more truly a microcosm...'


*Presumably, in designating this state as Omega, he believed that it was a truly final condition. It might have been better to think of it merely as a novel state or mode of organization, beyond which the human imagination cannot at present pierce, though perhaps the strange facts of extra-sensory perception unearthed by the infant science of parapsychology may give us a clue as to a possible more ultimate state. (Parapsychology and transpersonal psychology has developed since its fledgling days in 1958.)


from the introduction to the above book 1958




Such an unfolding of human awareness and potentiality, in my opinion points toward the truth of the Personalistic View of the Ancient Veda, and of its relevance for todays world. Especially its central focus on bhakti (devotion) culminating in harmonious love of God. One might say, such encounters within our own being are pointers to our fulfillment (the omega point)...Krsna consciousness (and existence in that land). Such bhakti, with full consciousness of being and humanity...may just be the key to a new world and expanded conscious living. Beyond the bounds of religion.

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Baji...... please allow me to use the term Skippy... as the avatar is simply adorable.......


kind of reminds me of me.... an out of shape dark skinned dude, on the job (in study) constantly .... when i see statues of the buddha, i often wonder if anyone ever expects me to cross my legs in the indian style sitting arragement, as it seems my flexibility is nil being nailed to a recliner with a laptop stuck to my legs.... 10-15 hours a day


good to see the old writters were aware, 'western style' is what to expect....


your writing and compassionate awareness of 'good' and what the evolution of knowledge represents, shares such beauty and innert equality


now if a few more of them with Love of other over the 'institution' of faith, can begin to stand up and do what is correct over what is expected of their peers, then maybe one leg of the revealing can begin standing on its own.


Question is; even without the math in front of you; are you of the knowledge of 'light' as the foundation to unfold the truth? What this means is no man is responsible for the unifying truth, but existence itself represents what is perfect in truth; we each be simply 'riding the lightning'...... and what a blast it is..... :P


This child above is a symbol of purity; be good is faith doesn't get in the way.


maybe some of the lessons on this site that summarize what is pure can be forwarded to the childs teachers


who knows the group that can send them what is good less the bad of complacent faith?

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Question is; even without the math in front of you; are you of the knowledge of 'light' as the foundation to unfold the truth? What this means is no man is responsible for the unifying truth, but existence itself represents what is perfect in truth; we each be simply 'riding the lightning'...... and what a blast it is..... :Pby bishadi

I was thinking about your definitions of light today, while traversing the streets enjoying the company of my town folk(in silence)...and a verse from the old books came to mind....'the sun is the eye of god'. How true...we must see by that light.


Oh yeah....its a blast all right...even on a down day (full of yearning for beautitude). Gratitude and mother earth are my religion.



kind of reminds me of me.... an out of shape dark skinned dude, on the job (in study) constantly .... when i see statues of the buddha by bishadi

Well this white fella has worked hard for his buddha belly:P...and my knees are worn out from sitting cross legged in front of my computer on the floor on a cushion. Its hard to get up somedays:eek:.


Thx for the encouragment, to keep speaking the truth, while walking the jungle of religion. Religion needs the real...and honesty...and the ability to say...we do not know the full picture yet:cool:.


your servant...skippy (the bush kangaroo)....whats that skip? (silence)


boi noche!

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Jeff Hoke, curator of the Museum of Lost Wonder and author of the book bearing the same title (also senior exhibition designer at California's Monterey Bay Aquarium), had a mission: To illuminate life's mysteries.


He writes that the eclectic museums and curiosity cabinets of the 1600s inspired him, and that he wants to return us to a time before "science became a belief system unto itself," a time when artist-alchemist-scientists were able to search for inner truth via mystical experiences and experiments without being ridiculed.


The museum is arranged with 7 halls (representing the seven stages of alchemical process) in which the questions of the universe unfold. It begins with The Calcinatio Hall where the featured exhibit is The Beginning of Everything and leads us into halls like The Sublimatio Hall, with the exhibit How To Have Visions. In The Separatio Hall the exhibit Where Are You Going challenges us in our own journey. Through each hall we are led into an exhibit that questions our own understanding of life and urges us into new ways of thinking.




There is more information about the book on his website. Once there, you can also take an interactive tour of the Museum of Lost Wonder. Just click on the 'Tour' tab.


Step inside and discover your lost wonder! Enter here - click!

by Jeff Hoke.

<embed src="

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maybe some of the lessons on this site that summarize what is pure can be forwarded to the childs teachers by bishadi

thats for the little one....(the above post #30)


check out on the floor of the first temple in the interactive site it says:


idea idol ideal


way cool!


I got this museum site from my fave blog....good old ursi http://www.eso-garden.com/index.php

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I was going to publish a picture of an old indian to show contrast of bodies and how the form doesnt have anything to do with anything, so to see the old indian, scroll down






































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