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To all the esteemed scholars on Indiadivine:I am a new member and am here with a unique problem.This is about my cousin.Her name is Vani and her birth details are given below:

-date: 30th April 1968 and Time-12:35 in the afternoon

Place was Mysore.

The problem is strange.She is a kind,loving lady with a heart of gold. My maternal uncle married her off in 1994 but for some strange reason the marriage broke off-there was no reason at all.It lasted three years only.


She has a child.She worked very hard to get a job and is now taking care of the child. we want to marry her again but for the past ten years,we are not having any success.there does not seem to be any reason-several astrologers have seen her horoscope.but none could give a reason either for the break up of her first marrige and the reason why no offer of marriage actually materialises.


Some say "the marriage account has a problem"...some say "this is a life given to her only to be single and to keep giving-not for receiving".no one can suggest any solution-we've done so many poojas.


We tried the method of thumb impression on palm leaves(kerala style)-but her leaf cam up blank!!We are at our wits end.Please help ...is there any soltion to this mystery at all? We want her married as soon as possible.




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Om suraya namah


8th from 7th house in navamsa shows break in marriage, the marraige took place on jupiter - moon(1994/3 - 1995/12) dasa and break in jupiter - mars dasa(1995/12 - 1997/8),


the KSY can show sudden changes, here Rahu and ketu associated with 9th and 3rd house, 9th house shows dharma, you know that marriage is the dharma for all humans.



P.S : Here the dasa you have to use is chaturaseeti sama dasa

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Thank you all, for the advice-I am deeply indebted.

Nikhil sir: Thank you for your response.How much time will she be able to get a match by? Will this marriage work for her?

Deepa ma'am,Thank you for your response.My aunt cannot remember any major occurance during the years you mentioned-she had just completed graduation in 1990 and was working.However,they did not do kaal sarp dosha pooja,only did sarpa-pratisthapana in Subrahmanya Temple in Karnataka.

Suren Sir: Thank you for your response:Please shed some light on the situation-Do you forsee a marriage for her and when?

Thank you all from my aunt



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Om Suryaya namah


Dear Meeta,

Her AK is Saturn and the main draw-back of the person who has Saturn as AK indicates that the native cannot give sorrow to others and their dharma is thay will have to share the sorrow of many others.


and regarding to her second marriage, in her navamsa mars in 2nd house and saturn and rahu in their own 3rd house, here mars can show the marriage but saturn can also give marriage, but the next coming dasa venus - jupiter (2009/9 - 2011/5) can give gain in marraige because venus is the 11th lord and jupiter is the lagna lord, here both exchange their properties, so it acts like jupiter - venus, 6th house has A9 and A4 (house of venus), which can give advancement in marriage,


i have already described that saturn is the second lord can give marriage, but the third house is occupied by saturn and rahu, in their own house, so they can show break in second marriage also, to say the truth the next mahadasa (saturn) will be difficult for her married life,praying to dharma devata will be helpful for her, start praying to Lord Vishnu he will clear all her sorrow

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Dear Meeta,

Its indeed true, that for once, it can be quite confusing why such a chart would produce an impact such as the one you are saying.


However, I have now concluded the following points -


Rahu and Ketu together aspect all the trines - the lagna, the house of family, education and happiness, and also the house of luck, destiny and father. Apart from that Ketu also aspects the 7th house of marriage. This is the first major problem in the chart.


The second problem - which blinds the eye at a first glance - is actually the conjunction of Sun + Mer + Venus. Its amazing that a seemingly brilliant, beautiful and intelligent combination is not a good point in the chart.


Exalted Sun - almost in deep exaltation - is basically maraka sitting in 10th and aspecting the 4th house of home, mother's health, conveyances etc. Sun, in this case, will BURN, rather than provide light and life. Mercury is param akaraka and Venus is again a malefic.


The parivartana between Mars and Venus - between 10th and 11th house - is again inauspicious exchange.


The lagna, 7th house as well as the 9th is devoid of any good aspects and hence there was nothing to save the native from what Rahu intended doing.


What I still do not understand is why Ketu antardasha was so peaceful. Rahu's conjunction with Saturn ensure there isnt KSY in the chart. But Rahu is still malefic.


Jupiter dasha could not have been good - Rahu always devastates while it goes away - Jupiter-Jup, sat, mer, ket - had to be unfortunate time periods.


Beginning with Feb 2007, things might have looked up for the lady - this goes on till sept 2009 - and this is the time where some relationship could be established, but things may not be very congenial in the beginning at least.


Navgraha homam and regular prayers will provide ample peace.


Best Wishes


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Suren and Nikhil sir and Deepa Ma'am: Thank you for the remedies.I'll ask her mother(my aunt) to try all this:Navagrah Homam/the kaal sarpa pooja/the chants etc. I havea humble request:please give me your email id so I can contact you,if my aunt requires.

Warm Regards,


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