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why not mushrooms in our food?

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Hare krishna


All glories to Srila prabhupad

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Sri Nama Prabhu


Dear Vaishnavas and vaishnavis,


I came to know one type of mushroom named "Ganoderma" contains lot of medicinal values. but according to my knowledge Srila Prabhupad never recommends this mushroom in our regular food.


I want to know what is the view of "srila prabhupad" over this mushroom and what is the reason we should not take it in our regular food?


please :pray: i request everybody here to comment over this and add reasons on why should not we take this in our food.


yours servant

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Dear Nitai,

I dont know Srila Prabhupad's specific reason for banning Musroom. But generally Musroms and garlic (along with meat) is prohibited for spiritual people as they are rajasic in nature Spiritual people who develop satvic qualities should avoid any thing rajasic that kindles desire and thamasci that dulls the intellect. Some of the highly nutritive food like onion garlic musrooms are also rajasic and highly aphrodisiacs naturally due to the very high nutritional value, and hence could distrub and insite the mind - and that is no good for the spiritual development.



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Also, mushrooms are fungus (the fungus among us.) And usually they are grown in filthy places. They used to be grown in stool, but I'm not sure to what extent that is true now. They are unofferable to the Deities. It isn't a pakka foodstuff. There are so many other wonderful foodstuffs to prepare for an offering.


If you require mushrooms for the medicinal value, I would think it would be ok to just take it as medicine, rather than trying to offer up something as "food" which is highly questionable.

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Also, mushrooms are fungus (the fungus among us.) And usually they are grown in filthy places. They used to be grown in stool, but I'm not sure to what extent that is true now. They are unofferable to the Deities. It isn't a pakka foodstuff. There are so many other wonderful foodstuffs to prepare for an offering.


If you require mushrooms for the medicinal value, I would think it would be ok to just take it as medicine, rather than trying to offer up something as "food" which is highly questionable.

Could be that one cannot lump in all the different kind of mushrooms.

Boletus, white mushroom, might not be the same like mushrooms who grow at filthy places.

Boletus only grows at very clean places in the forests.

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Yeah, cow pies are not filthy places.


Shrooms arent really that good, anyway. Even magic ones make the user barf usually, so the body is trying to tell us something, just like the first hit of smack or the first drag off a tobacco cigarette.


What is miserable at first but then becomes good, this is the mode of goodness. What is good at first, but then is miserable is the mode of passion. That which is miserable from the start to the finish is tamasic. I put shrooms in that catagory, especially the health food nuts' favorite gross drink, kambucha. Kim chee, boca burgers, all that stuuff is not palateable, i wouldnt offer it to my dog let alone god.


Ketchup, this is the best thing to offer a dog. put it on his pile, no more pile, but never let them lick ya, never know where that tongue lashed last.



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Yeah, cow pies are not filthy places.


Shrooms arent really that good, anyway. Even magic ones make the user barf usually, so the body is trying to tell us something, just like the first hit of smack or the first drag off a tobacco cigarette.

Right that is the point I was trying to make. If mushrooms are bad because they were grown in a filthy place then the ones grown from cow pies must be good. It seems a flawed reasoning and for one thing as suchandra has pointed out there are so many varieties with so many different properties.


Some are medicinal like Reishi which I take for my liver. I sometimes eat them as food. I eat the common white button mushrooms. They have a natural aromatase inhibitor in them which blocks the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.


The higher point is if one is surrendering to a particular person as guru then they should just follow the gurus instuctions.


I have never got eroticly aroused from eating mushrooms garlic or onions. I think that is a wide spread myth among Hindus and yoga types but maybe it's just me.


For the record I never knew anyone that became sick because of magic mushrooms. Peyote yes. One reason is because peyote buttons are coated with a white fuzzy stuff that some people eat along with the buttons. The white fuzzy stuff is strycnine!


Anyway that whole drug trip to nirvana heaven is a waste of time.

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Also, mushrooms are fungus (the fungus among us.) And usually they are grown in filthy places. They used to be grown in stool, but I'm not sure to what extent that is true now. They are unofferable to the Deities. It isn't a pakka foodstuff. There are so many other wonderful foodstuffs to prepare for an offering.


If you require mushrooms for the medicinal value, I would think it would be ok to just take it as medicine, rather than trying to offer up something as "food" which is highly questionable.


All things Created by God


Some say Christianity and Vaisnavism are same


Christianity and Vaisnavism are same Eat Non Veg as Jesus taught what ever you eat it goes to your stomach not your Heart don't Try to Mix both, some verse may be coincidental but the philosophy and teachings are different OK


But if you Take Saivism it match to all the Religions in the World We too tell the same Eat anything because God Created as food Some Vaisnava Brahmans Don't eat Fish But same Vaisnava Brahmans in Kerela,tamil Nadu Mangalore and Calcutta tell Its KADAL Pusham the flowers of sea and Eat it What is all this Tell its the Only source in that region and Eat it BUDDY what All this Blade to eat make New SECT and set of New rules haa

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"Magic" Mushrooms grow in cow pies.






"If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru." - Madhya 13.18 purport






Sorry I dont pray to Gods Who Pray to Others IE Lord Krishna ,Rama,INDRA and all All prayed to Lord Shiva so why to Pray other Gods and Demi Gods we can Directly pray to Dev Adi dev Maha Dev lord Shiva He is Time less and has been in All Yugas He sent Krishna, Rama to Earth so they can Teach Humans their Values so thats why they prayed to him on the Earth to protect them and Guide them,


Hinduism is not a single religion

its the collection of Saivism,Shaktismn,Vaishnavism,Smartism is known today as Hinduism

But All four believe in karma and reincarnation and in a Supreme Being who is both form and pervades form, who creates, sustains and destroys the universe only to create it again in unending cycles. They strongly declare the validity and importance of temple worship, in the three worlds of existence and the myriad Gods and devas residing in them. They concur that there is no intrinsic evil, that the cosmos is created out of God and is permeated by Him. They each believe in maya (though their definitions differ somewhat), and in the liberation of the soul from rebirth, called moksha, as the goal of human existence. They believe in dharma and in ahimsa, noninjury, and in the need for a satguru to lead the soul toward Self Realization. They wear the sacred marks, tilaka, on their foreheads as sacred symbols, though each wears a distinct mark. Finally, they prefer cremation of the body upon death, believing that the soul will inhabit another body in the next life. While Hinduism has many sacred scriptures, all sects ascribe the highest authority to the Vedas and Agamas, though their Agamas differ somewhat


Eg-likeChristianity-(30+ CE) Christianity is divided into three main sects: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant. Among Protestants there are over 20,000 denomin-ations.

Eastern Orthodox-(1054 CE),Lutheran -Martin Luther (1517),Anglican -Henry VIII (1534),Methodist -John Wesley (1739)

Worldwide Church of God -Herbert Armstrong (1933),Baptist John Smyth (1609),Presbyterian -John Knox (1625),Quakers -George Fox (1647),Mormon Joseph Smith (1830) to sum in word they are called Christianity

The Ultimate Truth


Saivism: There are no divine earthly incarnations of the Supreme Being.


God Siva is one with the soul. The soul must realize this advaitic (monistic) Truth by God Siva's grace


With bhakti as a base, emphasis is placed on sadhana, tapas (austerity) and yoga. Ascetic.


texts-Vedas, Saiva Agamas and Saiva Puranas


Geographically widespread, strongest in South and North India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.


Time less Truth to be accepted


Saivism is ancient, truly ageless, for it has no beginning. It is the precursor of the many-faceted religion now termed Hinduism. Scholars trace the roots of Siva worship back more than 8,000 years to the advanced Indus Valley civilization. But sacred writings tell us there never was a time when Saivism did not exist

It provides knowledge of man's evolution from God and back to God, of the soul's unfoldment and awakening guided by enlightened sages. Like all the sects, its majority are devout families, headed by hundreds of orders of swamis and sadhus who follow the fiery, world-renouncing path to moksha.

The Vedas state, "By knowing Siva, the Auspicious One who is hidden in all things, exceedingly fine, like film arising from clarified butter, the One embracer of the universe by realizing God, one is released from all fetters." Aum Namah Sivaya

The Cosmic Dance of Shiva.


God and his creation are One. Yet God hides himself from his creation to give himself the joy of discovering God. God is both Creator and the Created. This is also known as the Wisdom of Balance. The Uncreated God and The Created God are One, yet the creation is attached to the grand illusion of separateness. Whenever God's creation discovers God, God discovers himself all over again. God delights in the dance of hiding and discovering his glory. The Cosmic Dance of Shiva.

Your life is your part in this awesome Cosmic Dance. Your birth begins with your God Consciousness hid from you. If you have not discovered your unlimited potential in this life you will die, and your soul will go to the unseen state awaiting its chance for another birth. This is the gem of knowledge known as Reincarnation.


About Vaishnavism


Vaishnavism is also an ancient Hindu sect centering on the worship of Lord Vishnu and His incarnations, especially Krishna and Rama. Largely dualistic, profoundly devotional, it is rich in saints, temples and scriptures. Aum.

The worship of Vishnu, meaning "pervader, " dates back to Vedic times. The Pancharatra and Bhagavata sects were popular prior to 300 bce.

The Bhagavad Gita states, "On those who meditate on Me and worship with undivided heart, I confer attainment of what they have not, and preserve what they have." Aum Namo Narayanaya.

But There is no denial of incarnations and 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu..... But,,,,


Proof that Lord Shiva Was there in all yugas and was worshipped by all God and Goddess.There are many instances

He was worshipped by lord Rama and Ravana also as he was the only God and energy of good as well as evil,He was a Kind Father who granted all the wishes of the children's who pray to him he never see if his children's intentions but if they pray to him he grants them without thinking he never judges you by you mistakes or past things every time you go to him he you are a New person coming to him with your problems to be solved.


Because of his innocence's he is called Bhole nath,

But also Notice that when he was around on Earth he did not meet any avatars or none existed only in Heavens his stories with Brahma and Vishnu are mentioned.

Here are few incidents mentioned in Holy books about Lord Shiva documented and of his appearances

Lord shiva takes the shape of (Lingam) Controls the universe and all the Gods



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why the lingam is believed to be one of the most potent emblems in Hindu ideals.

It all started with Brahma and Vishnu, who were arguing over their relative supremacy. Their vain arguments were interrupted by a superluminous glow from a strange and blazing pillar, its shape reminiscent of the linga. Both of them sped towards this indescribable flaming light, which grew before their eyes into infinity, piercing the earth and extending through the heavens. Overwhelmed and terrified by the unfathomable vision, the two gods decided to seek the beginning and end of this burning immensity. Brahma taking the form of a swan flew upwards, and Vishnu dove down acquiring the shape of a boar. Both of the gods however, could not fathom the extent of this fiery column at either end, and returned exhausted and bewildered to the level they had started from. At that moment, the central part of the pillar split open and Shiva revealed himself in his full glory. Overawed, both Brahma and Vishnu bowed before him. Thunderous laughter, or the sound of AUM, issued from the pillar, filling the sky.

Brahma's head was Ripped off By lord shiva





<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->once, Brahma and Vishnu were discussing who was the supreme god and then when they came to know from Veda that Shiva is the supreme being, Brahma ignored and spoke bad about Shiva. He got angry and cut off Brahma's head that spoke ill of him, leaving Brahma with four heads instead of five.Shiva is the creator of Dance and of the first 16 rythemic syllabus ever uttered, the Sanskrit language was born. Dance of anger is known as Tandav Nritya, joy as Ananda nritya. Thus, Shiva is also known as Natraja, lord of dance and it is said that on 13th day of each bright lunar fortnight of Hindu calendar, after 6 in the evening, falls a sacred hour called Pradosha and if you worship this time than one gets powers of Universe. It is believed that all Gods gather to witness the dance of Natraja, Shiva.There are around 30 million Linga in temples in India, famous one formed of Ice at Amarnath, Somnath in Gujarat and it is said Shiva sleeps in all Lingas in Chaturmasya and so if one worships the Shivlinga this time, than it is very auspicious. Going for Pilgrimage to all 12 Jyotirlinga means one washes away the sins of last seven births and also reciting the mantras purifies the soul and can attain peacefulness

Lord Krishna's advice to Arjuna

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After hearing about the Pandav's exile, Krishna goes to visit them. He advises the Pandavs to prepare for war and tells Arjun to do penance to obtain divine weapons. Arjun does penance and eventually pleases Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva bestows him with the divine Pasupata weapon and advises him to obtain other weapons in Indralok. Rishi Duruvasa visits Hastinapur. In an attempt to humiliate the Pandavs, Duryodhan requests that the sage visit tha Pandavs as well. Rishi Duruvasa promises to do so

Lord shiva grants Draupadi her desired wish

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When Sage Vyasa visits the family, he explains to Draupadi that her unique position as the wife of five brothers results from a certain incident in her previous birth. She had in that lifetime prayed to Lord Shiva to grant her a husband with five desired qualities. Lord Shiva, pleased with her devotion, tells her that it is very difficult to get a husband with all five qualities that she desired. But she sticks to her ground and asks for the same. Then Lord Shiva grants her wish saying that she would get the same in her next birth. Hence she gets married to five brothers each who represents a given quality.

The Sad Truth


The Ancient brahims Abolished the Savism concept which was practised in India and that time India was in peak of its glory they created caste system according to their occupation and classified according to their jobs which they do in daily life created upper and lower caste and ruled them and the kings which was major draw back in Hindu society which created chance and opportunities from other cultures to easily enter India and showcase our drawback and spread new religion In India The Mother of all religions which Once taught the world the art of war,science ,medicine dance Martial arts, many More is now stands divided"Mankind ought to be taught that religions are but the varied expressions of THE RELIGION, which is Oneness, so that each may choose the path that suits him best." - Swami Vivekananda)the saivism concept

Om Nama shivya

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Sorry I dont pray to Gods Who Pray to Others IE Lord Krishna ,Rama,INDRA and all All prayed to Lord Shiva so why to Pray other Gods and Demi Gods we can Directly pray to Dev Adi dev Maha Dev lord Shiva He is Time less and has been in All Yugas He sent Krishna, Rama to Earth so they can Teach Humans their Values so thats why they prayed to him on the Earth to protect them and Guide them,





Lord Brahma says in Brahma-samhita 5.33, Govinda is the primeval Lord.


advaitam acyutam anādim ananta-rūpam

ādyaḿ purāṇa-puruṣaḿ nava-yauvanaḿ ca

vedeṣu durlabham adurlabham ātma-bhaktau

govindam ādi-puruṣaḿ tam ahaḿ bhajāmi



advaitam — without a second; acyutam — without decay; anādim — without a beginning; ananta-rūpam — whose form is endless, or who possesses unlimited forms; ādyam — the beginning; purāṇa-puruṣam — the most ancient person; nava-yauvanam — a blooming youth; ca — also; vedeṣu — through the Vedas; durlabham — inaccessible; adurlabham — not difficult to obtain; ātma-bhaktau — through pure devotion of the soul; govindam — Govinda; ādi-puruṣam — the original person; tam — Him; aham — I; bhajāmi — worship.




I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is inaccessible to the Vedas, but obtainable by pure unalloyed devotion of the soul, who is without a second, who is not subject to decay, is without a beginning, whose form is endless, who is the beginning, and the eternal puruṣa; yet He is a person possessing the beauty of blooming youth.

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Hare Krishna


Dear Vaishanavas


All Glories to srila prabhupad

All glories to sri guru and gauranga

All glories to sri nama prabhu


:pray: thanks for your kind reply. but i have read that "Ganoderma is a type which is growing in a dense forest from a dead trees. and this one type has around 300 and more medicinal effects. so as medicine it can refer to take or not?


yours servant

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Hare Krishna


Dear Vaishanavas


All Glories to srila prabhupad

All glories to sri guru and gauranga

All glories to sri nama prabhu


:pray: thanks for your kind reply. but i have read that "Ganoderma is a type which is growing in a dense forest from a dead trees. and this one type has around 300 and more medicinal effects. so as medicine it can refer to take or not?


yours servant


At medicalnewstoday.com it says that there`re some people who feel that it helped.


Been taking Ganoderma for several years


posted by Diane F. Fisli on 31 Oct 2004 at 5:45 am I am convinced that Ganoderma saved me not only from joint pain but from having serious problems with my heart! Anyone interested in knowing more about this wonderful herb should do a web search of the word GANOTHERAPY to find out how to get healthy with Ganoderma. You will be amazed at what it has helped people overcome.

<hr style="color: rgb(153, 153, 153);" size="1">



Follow-Up Opinions


<!-- Opinion ID: 5354 --> <table style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153);" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">ganotherapy for cancer</td></tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">posted by ashwini dasgupta on 27 Feb 2005 at 3:36 pm</td></tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">My father (age 59) was diagnosed with lung cancer with multiple mets in the brain. Ganotherapy boosted his immune system and helped him combat the side effects of chemo and radiation. It is a wondeful herbal treatment and my children and I have been taking it for the past three years now...amazing boost for the immune system. Please search the web for treatment with ganotherapy for cancer and other immune system failure diseases.




<!-- Opinion ID: 24009 --> <table style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153);" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">PSA lowered</td></tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">posted by JOHN MULLINIKS on 30 Nov 2007 at 8:06 am</td></tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff">It helped me to get my PSA down from 18 to 8 and I have not had any blood work lately</td></tr></tbody></table>

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:pray: thanks for your kind reply. but i have read that "Ganoderma is a type which is growing in a dense forest from a dead trees. and this one type has around 300 and more medicinal effects. so as medicine it can refer to take or not?


I want to know what is the view of "srila prabhupad" over this mushroom and what is the reason we should not take it in our regular food?

I'm not aware of Srila Prabhupada saying anything specific about this particular variety of mushroom. It may be cleaner, it may be healthier, but it's still a fungus and I've never heard of any type of mushroom being offered to the Deities in any of Srila Prabhupada's Temples. IMHO, I would think it to be okay to consume for medicinal reasons. Just prepare it separately from your regular food that you offer. Again, this is just my humble opinion. Devotees are allowed to take medicines without offering them.

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Hare krishna


All glories to Srila prabhupad

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Sri Nama Prabhu


Dear Vaishnavas and vaishnavis,


I came to know one type of mushroom named "Ganoderma" contains lot of medicinal values. but according to my knowledge Srila Prabhupad never recommends this mushroom in our regular food.


I want to know what is the view of "srila prabhupad" over this mushroom and what is the reason we should not take it in our regular food?


please :pray: i request everybody here to comment over this and add reasons on why should not we take this in our food.


yours servant

It's something about how mushrooms are tamasic or rajasic or something like that. I think the rule is silly, and I don't follow it. Then again, though, I'm not a follower of Prabhupada. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Looks like ISKCON offers mushrooms.


Kurma dasa, AU : Mushrooms

Kurma dasa, AU : Mushrooms


shitakemushrooms.jpg I have never published a blog about mushrooms, but I am asked about them constantly. Since the Hare Krishna diet appears to be almost identical with many classic Buddhist vegetarian diets where mushrooms are used profusely, people usually presume that mushrooms would be acceptable.

And why are there no mushroom recipes in my books? The reason is that in the ancient culinary Bhakti Yoga tradition to which I , mushrooms are not cooked. No Vishnu, Krishna or Rama (Vaisnavaite) temple kitchen will ever prepare them. They are considered unfit foods to prepare in sacred food offerings due to their fungal nature.

Yes, they are nutritious, and yes some Hare Krishna devotees will occasionally eat them. The following exchange, originally about yeast, will shed some light:


Karthick from Houston Texas writes:

"I was wondering about some of your recipes, some of them have yeast in it, I was wondering if this is acceptable to be offered to Krishna. I thought yeast is a living organism, just like mushroom is. Please forgive my ignorance and help me understand this."

My reply:

"Thanks for your letter. Yeast is not a traditional ingredient in Vaishnava cookery, yet we do prepare and offer to Krishna fermented things like khamir poori, dosa, idli, jalebis etc. These are all fermented naturally, with the help of airborne yeasts.

Yes, yeast could be compared with mushrooms. However, it was not specifically banned by our founder Srila Prabhupada (like meat, fish, eggs, garlic, onion, alcohol are). When he first arrived from India, Prabhupada tasted western yeast-risen breads, but he said he found them dry, and much preferred his hot, freshly cooked unleavened chapatis.

Prabhupada did not eat mushrooms, and recommended we don't. Most Hare Krishna devotees never touch them, though some do. I have seen devotees in Russia pick them from the forest and cook them. So why this apparent grey area?


Here's a recent exchange of letters about mushrooms:

Malati devi: "And, what about mushrooms? We don't offer them to the (temple) Deities. However, in France, at the Nouvelle Mayapur Chateau (perhaps Kanti will recall this), they found very exotic expensive type of mushroom known as truffles on the property, and the devotees wondered about it." Kanti devi: "yes, I do recall that, because I started making cream of mushroom soup for the devotees. We had mushroom pizza, mushroom rice, mushroom pakoras, so many mushrooms. There was one French devotee who would bring in crates full that he collected in the forest.

Naturally the devotees (Bhagavan dasa specifically) asked Srila Prabhupada before we did anything with them. The mushrooms were 'cèpes', (not truffles) a large mushroom that grows in the forest, and we had thousands of them. Srila Prabhupada said that 'Lord Caitanya ate mushrooms when he was travelling in the Jarikhanda Forest, and we could as well'. We did not have Radha Krishna Deities at that time, we had a Pancha Tattva altar and Srila Prabhupada said they were offerable to (on the altar to the sacred deity forms of) Pancha Tatva, so we did cook and offer them."



This was a specific circumstance. Prabhupada wanted that the cooks in France did not waste them. But generally, Hare Krishna temple cooks don't use mushrooms; but as you can see in this case, they were not specifically banned like, say, onions and all other members of the allium family. If Kanti devi had been delivered crates of onions picked from the fields, for instance, she would not have prepared them in the temple kitchen. So there is a distinction.

Yamuna Devi, in her entire cookbook collection, has provided one or two recipes that contain mushrooms.

I have only one unpublished recipe containing mushrooms. Otherwise I hardly touch them. They are, after all, a fungus, and do not help to elevate the consciousness like 'satvic' foods do. Hence they are generally included in the category of 'tamasic' foods (foods touched by the lower modes of ignorance).

Hope this is clear. Best wishes, Kurma"

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Thx for that article Suchandra, my courier today accidentally supplied me mushrooms in my organic veggie box. Rather than waste them I cooked them up with pears and sugar, and offered them to Lords Gaura-Nitaai.


Timely article;). I told the supplier no mushies or onions etc in the future please!


Oh and of some interest, got some organic ghee (unpasteurized)...wow! The Lord will love it. Hari!

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I have just started making kefir. Anyone thinks it's tamasic?


I wonder how the gopas in vraja used to conserve their milk.

There wasnt any need to conserve milk since there were millions of cows and milk was there in abundance.

This is how modern demoniac political leaders have brainwashed their own fellow citizens, to enforce the killing of the cow and make us think there is so less milk that we have to conserve it. Kefir is like yoghurt or clabber.

Only thing tamasic is to allow present sinful karmis to milk the cows.

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Srila Prabhupada said that Lord Caitanya ate mushrooms and we could as well


Kanti devi: "yes, I do recall that, because I started making cream of mushroom soup for the devotees. We had mushroom pizza, mushroom rice, mushroom pakoras, so many mushrooms. There was one French devotee who would bring in crates full that he collected in the forest.


Naturally the devotees (Bhagavan dasa specifically) asked Srila Prabhupada before we did anything with them. The mushrooms were 'cèpes', (not truffles) a large mushroom that grows in the forest, and we had thousands of them.


Srila Prabhupada said that 'Lord Caitanya ate mushrooms when he was travelling in the Jarikhanda Forest, and we could as well'. We did not have Radha Krishna Deities at that time, we had a Pancha Tattva altar and Srila Prabhupada said they were offerable to (on the altar to the sacred deity forms of) Pancha Tatva, so we did cook and offer them."










This was a specific circumstance. Prabhupada wanted that the cooks in France did not waste them. But generally, Hare Krishna temple cooks don't use mushrooms; but as you can see in this case, they were not specifically banned "


Pizza with CHEESE, capsicum, tomatoes, and MUSHROOMS, yummy yummy







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