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Idea for a new forum

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That is the point.


If A is fine with criticizing B's belief as poison on a general spiritual forum, then is it not natural that B will consider A's belief as nonsense?


Why get offended unless A thinks he has some special privilege over everone else when it comes to criticism? In which case, if there is any problem here, it has to be with A and not B. If it is important to A to periodically pick faults with others, then A should stay inside the Hare Krishna section.





I can agree with that. Definetly on a general spiritual forum the mayavadis or whomever should be allowed to express their viewpoint and if the moderators want to censor people for aparadha or anything else that is their perogative and they created the forum so they can do what they want in that regard in my opinion but who knows for sure.




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I can agree with that. Definetly on a general spiritual forum the mayavadis or whomever should be allowed to express their viewpoint and if the moderators want to censor people for aparadha or anything else that is their perogative and they created the forum so they can do what they want in that regard in my opinion but who knows for sure.





The moderator made this explicitly clear sometime ago to theist - that it was a general forum and everyone was allowed to express their views. Does not make sense to have a general section if the moderator will censor posts which do not conform to his personal beliefs. But if theist were the moderator that is what he would have done - censor everyone except the Hare Krishnas so that he could criticize Mayavada, Hinduism, bring in his Christian/Vaishnava links and not fear retribution.


But he is not the moderator. Again, one man's religious belief is another man's aparadha. It is impossible to cater to personal whims on a general forum.


And like I said, the Hare Krishna section has been around for ages. Why not post there?



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AM: I can agree with that. Definetly on a general spiritual forum the mayavadis or whomever should be allowed to express their viewpoint and if the moderators want to censor people for aparadha or anything else that is their perogative and they created the forum so they can do what they want in that regard in my opinion but who knows for sure.



The problem is the moderators don't censor for obvious aparadha. Oh I have had posts of mine pulled for poking jokes at Sai Baba and other obvious frauds.


Anyway, I thought my idea would be positive and more widely welcomed but that was my mistake.

I will repost my opening post because the content seems to have been missed by some.


But no problem and no hard feelings.



Spiritual Discussions is by it's name and intent supposed to be open to anyone to discuss anything spiritual. Of course we know that Christians and Muslims who are even perceived (rightly or wrongly) to be looking to convert others to their points of view are soon run off the forum by the participants or by the Moderators. Some have been simple trouble makers but even they are tolerable if they avoid overt offenses against the others teachers. Actual these types end up providing good arguments to shoot down showing the superiority of realization in Indian Theism.


But there is another type of aparadhi who seems to fit right in because they quote from sastras and acaryas well known and respected by all Vaisnava lines even if one is not in ttal agreement with all of their conclusions and chooses to persue Bhakti through another disciplic line.


These aparadhis feel quite free to demean the principle teachers of GV even up to Mahaprabhu quite opening. The GV's here when asked to substantiate a their position by quoting their chosen acaryas are most of sunjected to some form of ridicule directed at them or worse directed towards their spiritual masters. I am sickened by this being allowed to continue by our Moderators whose responsibility is to maintain civility on these boards.


This despite the fact that these same characters have boards here at AF dedicated to their own particular branch of Vaisnavism be it Sri, Madhva or whatever.



I am even more proud of the GV's here who have never once in all the years I have been haunting Audarya Fellowship responded in kind by speaking ill of any acaryas in any other Vaisnava line. Not once have I witnessed this. Talk about teaching by example. The unfortunate thing is the offensive ones take this meekness as weakness and simple pour more venom and toss more seeds of doubt into the GV camp.


The need to extend this courtesy to other GV's of differing camps is still in need of polishing but that more of an 'in the family' quarrel, one that needs to be resolved by not my subject in this post.


I am not going to tell the Moderators how to do their job. They wouldn't listen anyway as I have made this objection before many times and all that comes of it is my posts that make this point get deleted like my simple lament yesterday.


I would like to leave one positive suggestion instead in a effort to point my finger at the cure rather than just at the disease.


I see a need for there to be a board set aside for the many here that want to learn Indian Theism from the GV's in preference to all other options and are not specifically in Iskcon. They, Iskcon, have their dedicated board called Iskcon Internal and they should have a board free from the tresspass of someone like myself whom they would perceive only as a trouble maker.


I hope to be able to post and read the posts of theirs with being subjected to various aparadhis to the GV acaryas and indeed any true delivers of God consciousness to the people of this poor fallen planet.


As it is I have half the participants on my ignore list but I can still hear and feel the effects of the aparadha all over Spiritual Discussions. The ignore list is not solution enough.


Hare Krishna

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Now that I reread your opening post and paid closer attention I see that you are making a reasonable request for a board dedicated mainly to GV that is not mainly dedicated to Iskcon or something along those lines. Sounds reasonable to me and might actually solve some of the conflicts you are talking about.

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,I disagree,our Hindu religion is very vast but that does not mean that my belief is someone's problem in your term known as aparadha.


Obviosuly you have not had discussions with Hare krishnas then. They have a lowly opinion of anything that comes under Hinduism, but have soft sentiments for Christianity (as most of them are from the west with a Christian Background and that is where the money is too). So yeah...your Hindu beliefs which do not jell with hare Krishna beliefs will be crticized with sarcasm and if you retaliate, you become an aparadhi and you are pouring out poison.


Reagrdless of the fact that Sai Baba is highly revered and worshipped by millions, our friend theist here has no problems calling him an "obvious fraud" and admits he posted a joke about him. That is not aparadha in his world. But if you call Bhakti Vinoda a fraud for manufacturing a Upanishad and claiming it was part of the Rig-veda, then you are an aparadhi.


This is exactly the type of hypocritic double standards of hare Krishnas that I have been seeing on this forum from the first day I signed up. The "No one should criticize us; but we reserve a special right to be condescending about others" attitude.


Bad for them that there are a couple of people like me here to bring them down to reality. A lot of them since have learnt to sta yaway from mocking other religions. One or two fanatics like theist are finding it hard to keep their noses out of other beliefs.



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