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To Do or Not To Do

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Hello All,

I'm in a situation where I don't know whether to continue seeking help from a spiritual person (I've known for the past 6 months through newspaper ad) or not.

He has helped me in the past, in making a decision for my sister's marriage. My sister chose to marry a person from a different community. So, I was exploring ways to prevent her from doing so. That is when I saw his ad and approached him. He performed a mini puja (some tantric thing, I guess). He said he can prepare something that I would mix in a drink and give my sister. In 48 hours, it'll show its effect and my sister will feel develop reversion for that person. He guaranteed that much. But, he also said that the person my sister chose is a nice person and advised me to let my sister marry him.

Another spiritual guru that I've had for a long time had actually told me this (that the person my sister chose is good) beforehand. So, I was slightly relieved that he wasn't entirely commercial and did have the ability to give advice without his financial gain in mind. I chose to not go ahead with my endeavor to stop my sister from marrying that person. This was nearly 3 months ago.

Now, I happen to like a nice girl who's profile I saw on a marriage portal, but she (and her family) are not interested. Her father said that the age difference is too high (8.5 years) to consider our alliance. Because, I'd like to marry this girl, I consulted the person whom I approached earlier regarding my sister's marriage. He said he can certainly help me by changing this girl's mind so that she and her family are receptive to our alliance.

He said it'll take a min of 16 days and a maximum of 40 days in order accomplish this task. He also said that he'll start the puja tonight. That caught my attention and arose a suspicion about what kind of method he is using to accomplish this task.

As far as I know, any 'good' puja is performed during the day. So, when he said he'll start the puja in the night, I became suspicious of his means. I had previously asked him if he performs black magic. He said no; and, all he does is white magic, which is a rare skill which, his guru imparted to only 12 people (in all of south india), including this person.

Now, in the scenario where he is performing black magic or some other unwelcome means of doing the task, I'm worried and scared if I'll beget bad karma. Is my fear/concern valid? Has anyone been in this situation before? I really like the girl and want to marry her (no dowry or anything such thing). Do you think I should go ahead and continue seeking help from this person? (Of course, assuming that he'll indeed succeed in his effort to bring our alliance to fruition.) In the event that going ahead with this is wrong, and I still chose to do it, is/are there any way(s) to get rid of the ill-effects/bad karma that I would befall me?

The resaon why I've provided a detailed account of events is that I want to make sure I don't suffer from the ill-effects (if any) of my action (if it is wrong, that is).

Your suggestions are appreciated.


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you need serious help

why were u going to break up your sisters marriage that was wicked because if god wanted her to marry that person u would be in serious karma problems.


the next problem you should grow up u know what u are doing is wrong u know trying to force somthing to happen by getting somone to get her for u is wrong.

how do u know she is a good person for u.

not everything you want in life u does get it stop interfering in other people lives,and stop wanting to change urs what is for you,you will get it ok.


nex thing pujas can be done day or night.

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Hello Bhairo,


Thank you for your comments. we just wanted her (my sister) to choose someone from within our community. Anyway, let bygones be bygones.


As for the girl I like, I have the best of intentions at heart. Our horoscopes match and my guruji (and a couple of other spiritual people I know) said that she's is an excellent match.


Is there any mantra or tantra or anything that I can do for the next one month (before the end of shraavan period) to make my wish (of marrying the girl I like) come true?


I'm a spiritual person myself; so, kindly show a way to fulfilling my desire. If it doesn't work, I'll accept it as Divine decision and move one. But, if there's something I can try by prayer, please let me know.


Thank You.



you need serious help

why were u going to break up your sisters marriage that was wicked because if god wanted her to marry that person u would be in serious karma problems.


the next problem you should grow up u know what u are doing is wrong u know trying to force somthing to happen by getting somone to get her for u is wrong.

how do u know she is a good person for u.

not everything you want in life u does get it stop interfering in other people lives,and stop wanting to change urs what is for you,you will get it ok.


nex thing pujas can be done day or night.

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Thanks for the wishes...I hope to have Lord Shiva's blessings and wish that he makes my wish come true. But the question is, what do I try? I'm hoping to get some sure shot advice here.


Thanks again.



i kinda know how u feel, i guess u love her an if u try somthing it wouldnt hurt soi wish u all the best may shiva shine his blessings on u
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get a picture with lord shiva and mother parvati together.

write the girls name and birth date on bhoj patra or a paper.

put it infront of the picture and light a deeya on it.

repeat the mantra

om jum sah

but only do havan for it on wednesdays ok get 216 beal leaf.

drip two in honey and offer with the mantra 108 times keeping in ur mind ur objective.

wood to light fire must include beal wood.

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hey ravikishore,


im actually in the same boat as u are. Im actually keeping in touch with 2 spiritual guides who get "possessed" by mataji and answers your questiosn with solutions. I hate using that word but im sure u get my point. the guy i was suppose to marry called thing off twds the end of May. We were so great together but only when his sister wouldnt interfere in our lives. but anyways to make a long story short, his sister pretty much influenced or encouraged him that i wasnt the right person for him. and i have been terribly heart broken, u have no idea. so i then consulted the guide and informed him of my situation he said he will take care of everything and also told me to do a few things here at home and so i did, it has been almost 2 months now and nothing has changed. all i want is for him to come back to me. this guide really guaranteed that he will come back to me and call me but nothing has happened yet. so i now consulted another guide who also gets possessed by mataji, i contacted him like 6 days ago....and he also said things will get better and he will come back to me. so lets see what happens......all i can do at this point is pray day and night for him.


dont worry your not alone. and i for one, dont feel guilty at all because i didnt do anything wrong! hes the one that left and hurt me after all those promises and meeting ALL of my family.

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Hello Mooni,


The person I met doesn't get 'possessed'. He's shown me how he can send messages telepathically. You can read my other posts if you want to know the details. But, after watching his demo, I was impressed.


Demo = he wrote a couple of messages on a paper, folded it and told me to keep it in my pocket. Then he did some tantra and after a few minutes, he told me to write a couple of messages on another piece of paper and I did. He took that paper and told me to take out the paper he gave me and read what's on there. Turns out, it was the same as what I had written on my paper!



hey ravikishore,


im actually in the same boat as u are. Im actually keeping in touch with 2 spiritual guides who get "possessed" by mataji and answers your questiosn with solutions. I hate using that word but im sure u get my point. the guy i was suppose to marry called thing off twds the end of May. We were so great together but only when his sister wouldnt interfere in our lives. but anyways to make a long story short, his sister pretty much influenced or encouraged him that i wasnt the right person for him. and i have been terribly heart broken, u have no idea. so i then consulted the guide and informed him of my situation he said he will take care of everything and also told me to do a few things here at home and so i did, it has been almost 2 months now and nothing has changed. all i want is for him to come back to me. this guide really guaranteed that he will come back to me and call me but nothing has happened yet. so i now consulted another guide who also gets possessed by mataji, i contacted him like 6 days ago....and he also said things will get better and he will come back to me. so lets see what happens......all i can do at this point is pray day and night for him.


dont worry your not alone. and i for one, dont feel guilty at all because i didnt do anything wrong! hes the one that left and hurt me after all those promises and meeting ALL of my family.

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its not wrong u do tantra to get a girl if u want to marry her.

but remember when u marry her i have to live with her the rest of ur life so for instance if she has a high temper u have to live with that if she has a pending problem u also will have to live with it. what i am saying is that is wouldnt be perfect no body is but i hope u can live with her imperfections cuz if you do tantra then when you get her you dont want to be with her after 3 years or so then u leave her you will be creating plenty karmic problems which may haunt you for years and lives to come ok.

ive seen it before a guy gets the girl and after 2 years he was unfaithfull to her and because of the tantric prayog he put on her she couldnt stand him being unfaithfull and she killed herself.

now the guy is cripple, he never got a gurl after that and he lost his job becuz he hurt her.


so think bout it before you do tantra if you know that no matter what you will always be with her then by all means do it ok.

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Dear Bhairo,


As I mentioned in my very first post, it has always been my intention to marry her and live the rest of my life with her. I never had any other idea like, using her for personal gratification and discarding her.


I've got the horoscopes matched from a couple of different people, and they match very well.


Coming to the issue of creating bad karma, do you think I'll be creating bad karma or will god give me a cruel death or suffer misery in subsequent births if I performed tantra and married her? Am I denying her a better life partner by doing tantra? If yes, then is there a way to wash off the karma in this birth itself? My ultimate goal is to attain salvation; so, I don't want to commit a sin that will ensure that I have subsequent births.


Even you said the following, in your earlier post:



u know what u are doing is wrong u know trying to force something to happen by getting someone to get her for u is wrong.



Kindly let me know what you meant when you said the above, and why you are saying differently now.


I kept reminding myself of this ultimate goal, but even then I haven't been able to overcome my desire to marry her.


What surprises me is that people have committed heinous acts like murder (e.g. Valmiki) and attained salvation by chanting God's name. And, I'm just talking about performing tantra to marry a girl, not kill or harm anyone. So, I'm sure than even if I perform tantra and marry this girl and, assuming that it is a sin, I'm sure there must be ways of washing away this sin in this birth and attain salvation. Kindly let me know how I can wash away the sin, if at all it is one.



Kindly clear my doubts in detail.


Thank You.





its not wrong u do tantra to get a girl if u want to marry her.

but remember when u marry her i have to live with her the rest of ur life. i hope u can live with her imperfections cuz if you do tantra then when you get her you dont want to be with her after 3 years or so then u leave her you will be creating plenty karmic problems which may haunt you for years and lives to come ok.


so think bout it before you do tantra if you know that no matter what you will always be with her then by all means do it ok.

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Thank you for the response. Could you please kindly provide detailed answers to my doubts above? I don't wish to commit a sin, that much should be evident from my post.


Thank You Sir.


Kind Regards,




No matter what is your intention it's always wrong to use Tantra in such way...but it's a prevailing practice in society....
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Hello All,

I'm in a situation where I don't know whether to continue seeking help from a spiritual person (I've known for the past 6 months through newspaper ad) or not.

He has helped me in the past, in making a decision for my sister's marriage. My sister chose to marry a person from a different community. So, I was exploring ways to prevent her from doing so. That is when I saw his ad and approached him. He performed a mini puja (some tantric thing, I guess). He said he can prepare something that I would mix in a drink and give my sister. In 48 hours, it'll show its effect and my sister will feel develop reversion for that person. He guaranteed that much. But, he also said that the person my sister chose is a nice person and advised me to let my sister marry him.

Another spiritual guru that I've had for a long time had actually told me this (that the person my sister chose is good) beforehand. So, I was slightly relieved that he wasn't entirely commercial and did have the ability to give advice without his financial gain in mind. I chose to not go ahead with my endeavor to stop my sister from marrying that person. This was nearly 3 months ago.

Now, I happen to like a nice girl who's profile I saw on a marriage portal, but she (and her family) are not interested. Her father said that the age difference is too high (8.5 years) to consider our alliance. Because, I'd like to marry this girl, I consulted the person whom I approached earlier regarding my sister's marriage. He said he can certainly help me by changing this girl's mind so that she and her family are receptive to our alliance.

He said it'll take a min of 16 days and a maximum of 40 days in order accomplish this task. He also said that he'll start the puja tonight. That caught my attention and arose a suspicion about what kind of method he is using to accomplish this task.

As far as I know, any 'good' puja is performed during the day. So, when he said he'll start the puja in the night, I became suspicious of his means. I had previously asked him if he performs black magic. He said no; and, all he does is white magic, which is a rare skill which, his guru imparted to only 12 people (in all of south india), including this person.

Now, in the scenario where he is performing black magic or some other unwelcome means of doing the task, I'm worried and scared if I'll beget bad karma. Is my fear/concern valid? Has anyone been in this situation before? I really like the girl and want to marry her (no dowry or anything such thing). Do you think I should go ahead and continue seeking help from this person? (Of course, assuming that he'll indeed succeed in his effort to bring our alliance to fruition.) In the event that going ahead with this is wrong, and I still chose to do it, is/are there any way(s) to get rid of the ill-effects/bad karma that I would befall me?

The resaon why I've provided a detailed account of events is that I want to make sure I don't suffer from the ill-effects (if any) of my action (if it is wrong, that is).

Your suggestions are appreciated.




You seem to believe more in others than in yourself. Be strong so that anything can be achieved in its pure sense. Karma is something that takes its own course. You can diviate its course to some extent using Tantra but not escape from it. It can bring you more harm than joy bcoz once you are sucked into it, there is no escape. It is something like addition to alcohol and smoking. It may give you momentary pleasure but the end result is dangerous. If at all you want to indulge in this practice, please try it on yourself and not on others. Do not interfere in the karmas of others. You will have to bear the brunt seriously. Please take this as a friendly advice. Nothing here to offend.

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Dear Bhairo,


I have an additional question for you (apart from post # 13). Just to provide you some more info: he said we need to collect the soil from her house. So, we went to her house and luckily it was locked. He told me to drop something on the ground and pick it up. So, I dropped a piece of paper on the soil in front of her gate, rubbed it in soil, picked it up and gave it to him. He said he'll collect some more soil from her house later, if necessary.


Now, could you please let me know if he could know tantra? is there anything in tantra by which you can do take the soil in front of her house and do something? or, is it possible that he knows some technique that we are not aware of? I just want to if he's genuine or taking me for a ride.


I also found one more tantric, who said who'll do the tantra for me to get the girl. His has website called www.taantrik.org and www.taantrik.com How do we know if he is genuine or fake?


Thank You.

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