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please help me......i want clarifiaction on my marriage

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Hi panditji,


TIME OF BIRTH : 07:12 am

DATE OF BIRTH : 08-03-1981

PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. nagercoil/tamilnadu/india



Your current status : Service

Educational background :engineering

Work Industry and current salary.:software,20000


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:my degree passed out year.my marraige in a critical situation.when i got job.

Family background :

Father : Service ..

Mother : Service .

Brothers : 1 , elder ,married,in service


please analyse my horoscope.whether iam having any problem in my married life.whether any seperation seen.now iam facing some misunderstanding with my husband.his detail 14-08-1973,04:15 am,nagercoil.marriage date 18-8-2004.whether divorce is possible?any longevity problem for my husband?will i get second marraige?



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Dear Bagapriya,


you will always choose career to marriage and will also reach far. However, the choice is yours - if you wish to get better out of your marriage, you need to wear an emerald in gold as soon as possible. The current Rahu-Ketu transit is creating this problem. Also Ketu is conjunct moon - Had Ketu not been at this position you would have seen LOUD LOUD career success.


You may like to begin your day with Ganeshji's puja. Fast on Mondays during this auspicious month.


Marital problems will continue without divorce and you will remain very depressed with it. Saturn's aspect upon 10th could further disrupt good times.


Chant "Sarva Mangal Maangalye Shive Sarvaadhi Saadhike Sharanye Triyambike Gauri Narayani Namostute"


Best Wishes


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I consulted one astrologer in my home town.He told there ia manglik dosa and also some nadi porutham is not there.So there may be problem due to misunderstanding or may be longevity problem is there in his horo.Now we are facing problems regarding peacefullness in our home.Just I need to clarify the point that whether this lead to divorce .I have messed up both questions in one point ,so you are getting confusion i think so?


ok i will clear my point.my main concern is regarding divorce only.Whether I will get divorce if I try? and wat about my future?

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Wish you a very happy life ever.

You are very particular about divorce?You have not explained about your husband.Is he so harsh towards you,inspite of your being very close to him?You say some astrologer told you that mismatching of Nadi is the reason for your problem.Even if the Nadi(As per your stars) is not favourable,the strength of your(both)horocopes can neutralize that point.Any learned astrologers will not only go by star matching but also by the very important one,the birth chart matching.If something is absent in star matching,it does not mean outright rejection.There can be something in the chart that neutralises that negatve.It needs deep study of your both the charts that takes time to get a reliable result.REMEMBER THE INPUT TO THE CHARTS LIKE,DOB,TIME & PLACE should be perfect,especially the TIME & place and if the later two are not precise,no predictions will be true.DEPAJI has given her advice based on the birth informations you have given and also suggested an very effective prayer that will surely take care of your future.You should start it with confidence in you and the faith in what you are going to pray.You will succeed,when you face things with courage and all the confidence & faith.Go ahead as advised by Deepaji.Success,success,only Success. All the best for your future


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In my first post itself I have given both birth details and also our marriage date.

About my husband...he is somewhat rude in his behaviour and he always has inferiority complex and often blame me and my family.Nowadays he started to tell that he will leave me and go so that i can suffer lonely.Iam working in software field.I always adjust him and go .I help him much in his professional field,he is working as a financial advisor.Nowadays his words towards me are very harsh .


So I have the idea like shall I divorce and go ,so that i shall have atleast peaceful mind.

for convenience:

my birth detail:08-03-1981,07:12am,nagercoil

husband detail:14-8-1973,04:15am,nagercoil.

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Hello Bagapriya


In another thread " urgent... need help".. you have posted in the name of 'velu' saying that wife is fighting often for silly reasons. Cross posting like this shows you are disturbed. As I have suggested in the other thread

it is better for both of you to sit together and discuss. It is better atleast for one of you to shed ego to start the discussion. Sorry for the intrussion.

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Hello Bagapriya


In another thread " urgent... need help".. you have posted in the name of 'velu' saying that wife is fighting often for silly reasons. Cross posting like this shows you are disturbed. As I have suggested in the other thread

it is better for both of you to sit together and discuss. It is better atleast for one of you to shed ego to start the discussion. Sorry for the intrussion.


hi....thanx for your cross analysing all the threads.........that thread is from my husband........same family members cant post in the same forum????.we are confusing in getting the answers for our questions......so please answer for my questions only......as a request please stop your CID job in forums.Here all are posting so that they will get answers for their problems right????once again thanx for you

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Hello Bagapriya


It is not a CID job. The thread from 'velu' was posted only today. And for a chart reader like me , just little memory would do to recollect the charts. In fact, you have posted these questions about you long back and you have cut and paste the same message in different threads. It does not serve any purpose doing a CID job here, as no one pays for it. Nor it is our aim. Genuinely I was looking into your husbands chart , to give him a reading. But I was able to remember his chart from your thread and so it struck me that you have posted questions in two different names. Now that it appears that both of you have come to the same forum for a common problem. I wish you two sit together and sort it out. I am sure his chart does not show any divorce provided he sheds his ego. Wish you good luck

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Hello Bagapriya


It is not a CID job. The thread from 'velu' was posted only today. And for a chart reader like me , just little memory would do to recollect the charts. In fact, you have posted these questions about you long back and you have cut and paste the same message in different threads. It does not serve any purpose doing a CID job here, as no one pays for it. Nor it is our aim. Genuinely I was looking into your husbands chart , to give him a reading. But I was able to remember his chart from your thread and so it struck me that you have posted questions in two different names. Now that it appears that both of you have come to the same forum for a common problem. I wish you two sit together and sort it out. I am sure his chart does not show any divorce provided he sheds his ego. Wish you good luck



sorry for my harsh words......thanx a lot for your analysis......forgive me in tension i dropped some unwanted words....

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Dear Sow.Bhagappriya,

Your star is Uttrabadrapada(Utthirattathi)4th pada and your husband's Dhanishta(Avittam)1st pada.In the first place the female star,yours, does not match with male,your husband's as per Dina requirement.By your charts also there is no compensation for this short coming.In your chart all the three kalathara stanas are afflicted by malefic aspects and even kalathkara karaka,Venus, is associated with rahu and nearly combust with Sun & Mars in th12th and your ascendent & Moon in association with Saturn.Rahu in 5th.All these always distrub your mind,even in normal environments,and keep you think only on negative aspects and the same makes you think to the extent of a Divorce.

On the other hand in your husband's chart Venus ,though debilitated in virgo,has some compensation but all the three kalaththara stana lords Jupiter and Moon are in the 8th in addition to the stanas them selves being afflicted.This combination gives him a partner who will always be not compatible.Both are running dasas which are some some how not complementing to each other.You runing Venus dasa from 2005 form this peroid only your problems most probably started gaining height.

Perhaps your private intimacy is also like that of the birds.

As many of the planents play a negative role,there is a need to invoke the blessings of a mighty god who can bring them all under control to make you both lead a happy and hamonious life with good offsprings.One of such a

powerful gods who can do this feat is the Lord Shri.Hanuman,the Chiranjivi.Leave all your worries to him and chat Hanuman Chalisa every morning with full devotion while also worshipping your family deity(Kula Deivam).As Astroseeker suggested to you earlier find suitable time to calmly sit with your husband to convince him and get him also involved along with you in this worship to ward off all that evil sprits disturbing your life.

Whenever find time go to the nearest temple where you can do navagraha pradashina,especially on Thursdays,Fridays and Saturdays.

Surely with some tolerance you can win your husbands love and affection to lead a properous weded life all the time to come


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Thanks a lot...

I will follow your advice....i will do all prayings...

upto when these problem will be there?

one astrologer told like if we seperate temporarily for 3-6 months no misunderstanding will come.If both arguing like this seperation is most probably there....is it true?

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You must be only talking of separation but not your hubby.That is indicated in your Chart only.Your hubby may not be a bad person but your attitude,adament due to the influence of Saturn may be inducing him to enter into arguement or any such.Anything is quite away is always attracted.This must be the reason that some one has advised you both to be away for 3-6 moths.Since how long you have been married?Sharing pleasures equally is also an important factor to develop love among couples.

You are still not coming out of your confusion with so much stated in my previous thread.

So start doing the remedy suggested and feel the effect your self in the course of time.Talk good and only politely.Practice this You will forget the word separation and will only talk of integration& so also your hubby

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


As all of you advised I tried to convince him by undergoing counseling with my senior members in our family.But he is so stubborn that now he wants divorce.Please help me by analysing my chart???what will be my near future????plsssssssssssssssss.................somebody help me

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