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Israel And The U.S. Attack The Rogue State Of Iran

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'2 US aircraft carriers headed for Gulf'



Adam Gonn – Jerusalem Post August 7, 2008



Two additional United States naval aircraft carriers are heading to the Gulf and the Red Sea, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Kuwait Times.


Kuwait began finalizing its "emergency war plan" on being told the vessels were bound for the region.



The US Navy would neither confirm nor deny that carriers were en route. US Fifth Fleet Combined Maritime Command located in Bahrain said it could not comment due to what a spokesman termed "force-protection policy."


While the Kuwaiti daily did not name the ships it believed were heading for the Middle East, The Media Line's defense analyst said they could be the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.


Within the last month, the Roosevelt completed an exercise along the US east coast focusing on communication among navies of different countries. It has since been declared ready for operational duties. The Reagan, currently with the Seventh Fleet, had just set sail from Japan.


The Seventh Fleet area of operation stretches from the East Coast of Africa to the International Date Line.


Meanwhile, the Arabic news agency Moheet reported at the end of July that an unnamed American destroyer, accompanied by two Israeli naval vessels traveled through the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean. A week earlier, a US nuclear submarine accompanied by a destroyer and a supply ship moved into the Mediterranean, according to Moheet.


Currently there are two US naval battle groups operating in the Gulf: one is an aircraft carrier group, led by the USS Abraham Lincoln, which carries some 65 fighter aircraft. The other group is headed by the USS Peleliu which maintains a variety of planes and strike helicopters.


The ship movements coincide with the latest downturn in relations between Washington and Teheran. The US and Iran are at odds over Iran's nuclear program, which the Bush administration claims is aimed at producing material for nuclear weapons; however, Teheran argues it is only for power generation.


Kuwait, like other Arab countries in the Gulf, fears it will be caught in the middle should the US decide to launch an air strike against Iran if negotiations fail. The Kuwaitis are finalizing details of their security, humanitarian and vital services, the newspaper reported.


The six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) - Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE and Oman - lie just across the Gulf from Iran. Generals in the Iranian military have repeatedly warned that American interests in the region would be targeted if Iran is subjected to any military strike by the US or its Western allies.


Bahrain hosts the US Fifth Fleet, while there is a sizeable American base in Qatar. It is assumed the US also has military personnel in the other Gulf states, The Media Line's defense analyst said.


Iran is thought to have intelligence operatives working in the GCC states, according to Dubai-based military analysts.


The standoff between the US and Iran has left the Arab nations' political leaders in something of a bind, as they were being used as pawns by Washington and Teheran, according to The Media Line analyst.


Iran has offered them economic and industrial sweeteners, while the US is boosting their defense capabilities. US President George W. Bush and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have paid visits to the GCC states in a bid to win their support.


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'2 US aircraft carriers headed for Gulf'




Adam Gonn – Jerusalem Post August 7, 2008




Two additional United States naval aircraft carriers are heading to the Gulf and the Red Sea, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Kuwait Times.


Kuwait began finalizing its "emergency war plan" on being told the vessels were bound for the region.




The US Navy would neither confirm nor deny that carriers were en route. US Fifth Fleet Combined Maritime Command located in Bahrain said it could not comment due to what a spokesman termed "force-protection policy."


While the Kuwaiti daily did not name the ships it believed were heading for the Middle East, The Media Line's defense analyst said they could be the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.


Within the last month, the Roosevelt completed an exercise along the US east coast focusing on communication among navies of different countries. It has since been declared ready for operational duties. The Reagan, currently with the Seventh Fleet, had just set sail from Japan.


The Seventh Fleet area of operation stretches from the East Coast of Africa to the International Date Line.


Meanwhile, the Arabic news agency Moheet reported at the end of July that an unnamed American destroyer, accompanied by two Israeli naval vessels traveled through the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean. A week earlier, a US nuclear submarine accompanied by a destroyer and a supply ship moved into the Mediterranean, according to Moheet.


Currently there are two US naval battle groups operating in the Gulf: one is an aircraft carrier group, led by the USS Abraham Lincoln, which carries some 65 fighter aircraft. The other group is headed by the USS Peleliu which maintains a variety of planes and strike helicopters.


The ship movements coincide with the latest downturn in relations between Washington and Teheran. The US and Iran are at odds over Iran's nuclear program, which the Bush administration claims is aimed at producing material for nuclear weapons; however, Teheran argues it is only for power generation.


Kuwait, like other Arab countries in the Gulf, fears it will be caught in the middle should the US decide to launch an air strike against Iran if negotiations fail. The Kuwaitis are finalizing details of their security, humanitarian and vital services, the newspaper reported.


The six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) - Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE and Oman - lie just across the Gulf from Iran. Generals in the Iranian military have repeatedly warned that American interests in the region would be targeted if Iran is subjected to any military strike by the US or its Western allies.


Bahrain hosts the US Fifth Fleet, while there is a sizeable American base in Qatar. It is assumed the US also has military personnel in the other Gulf states, The Media Line's defense analyst said.


Iran is thought to have intelligence operatives working in the GCC states, according to Dubai-based military analysts.


The standoff between the US and Iran has left the Arab nations' political leaders in something of a bind, as they were being used as pawns by Washington and Teheran, according to The Media Line analyst.


Iran has offered them economic and industrial sweeteners, while the US is boosting their defense capabilities. US President George W. Bush and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have paid visits to the GCC states in a bid to win their support.




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Buh-bye IRAN, and payback for the hostage crisis FINALLY!


You should first read about America's involvement in Iran prior to the hostage crisis. If the criminals in US government did not topple the legitimate government of Iran to instal their puppet shah, there would have been no hostage crisis.


Only simpletons with no memory and no imagination can cheer the corrupt warmongering of the demonic leaders.

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and self-hating Americans are ignorant to the threat that Iranians and like-minded Jew haters are to the World at large.


But, everything is going according to Mahaprabhu's Divine Plans, and NO ONE can stop this sankirtan movement.


There will be chanting in EVERY town and village, and that will happen when the demons in Riyadh and Tehran are deposed. :)

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and self-hating Americans are ignorant to the threat that Iranians and like-minded Jew haters are to the World at large.



Sure, first you start a fight and then you complain that your victim is hitting you back. How typical... You reap what you sow.


The only thing stopping Lord Caitanya's movement are crooks and liars using it for their own material benefit. Do you see chanting in EVERY town and village here in US? No. Are the 'bad Muslims' stopping you? No. So what is the basic malfunction here, soldier? The same crooks and liars in and outside our movement who tell you to support the war and murder of innocent people in the name of world peace and security for Israel. Our movement has been turned by them into a fraud.


Lord Caitanya's movement is not spread with guns and bombs. Lord Caitanya showed us how to deal with Muslims, using peaceful harinama and philosophy. We use His methods, not those imported from Old Testament.

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and self-hating Americans are ignorant to the threat that Iranians and like-minded Jew haters are to the World at large.


But, everything is going according to Mahaprabhu's Divine Plans, and NO ONE can stop this sankirtan movement.


There will be chanting in EVERY town and village, and that will happen when the demons in Riyadh and Tehran are deposed. :)


Encyclopaedia Judaica estimated the number of Jews in Iran at 25,000 in 1996.

So how can they attack Iran and kill their own people?

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Iran was much better when Atreya Rishi had a temple and Govinda's restaurant in Tehran.


You have no clue how Lord Chaitanya is going to manifest.


Without guns and bombs, Moscow would still not allow Hare Krishnas to dance in the streets.


Anyways -- I have no desire to talk with leftist pashandis like yourself -- instead I'll concentrate on my bhajan -- which includes bringing the sankirtan movent into every town and village -- while whiners like yourself complain about Bush. LOL!

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Iran was much better when Atreya Rishi had a temple and Govinda's restaurant in Tehran.


You have no clue how Lord Chaitanya is going to manifest.


Without guns and bombs, Moscow would still not allow Hare Krishnas to dance in the streets.


Anyways -- I have no desire to talk with leftist pashandis like yourself -- instead I'll concentrate on my bhajan -- which includes bringing the sankirtan movent into every town and village -- while whiners like yourself complain about Bush. LOL!

Thanks rand0M aXiS, the more you explain on enforcing God's will I acquire a taste for your ideology.

In fact I once started a thread "Enforcing God's Will", but like 99% of what you post here, it was misunderstood as lunatic and ignored.

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Kulapavana posted this two years ago but it is NOW coming true


<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->Quote:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by Kulapavana

Israel will hit Iran in the next few months: Israeli official

By Khalid Hasan


WASHINGTON: Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities in the next “month or two or three,” an Israeli official has been quoted here as saying.


The unnamed official told Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor-in-chief of the United Press International (UPI), at the recently held national day reception at the Israeli Embassy that he believed Israel would strike Iran first in the next two or three months and that fighter bombers would not be involved as they had been to take out Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor before it went critical in 1981. For Osirak, Israel had used 14 F-15s and F-16s. This time, the Israeli said, it would be missiles. Asked if Israel would employ Cruise missiles, he replied, “with a gesture of his hand that went up and down again”, which meant that it would be the weapon of choice.


Asked if tunnel entrances to widely scattered Iranian nuclear facilities would be targeted, he responded that Israel had its own geo-stationary spy-in-the-sky satellite taking constant pictures of Iran with a resolution down to 70 centimetres. “We know far more than anyone realises,” he added.


De Borchgrave’s report quoted a poll of conservative Republicans by a conservative web-based news service, which showed overwhelmingly strong support for bombing Iran. Almost 60,000 people took part in the poll and 88 percent agreed that Iran poses a greater threat than Saddam Hussein did before the Iraq War. To the question, “Should the US undertake military action against Iran to stop their (nuclear) programme?” 77 percent replied yes, 23 percent said no. Forty-five percent said that military action should be taken by the United States, while 35 percent wanted Israel to do that. Twenty percent said neither. As for whether US efforts to contain Iran’s nuclear weapons are working, 93 percent said they were not, while 89 percent said the US should not rely solely on the UN.


According to de Borchgrave, “Israel has developed some 100 Jericho-II medium-range ballistic missiles (which entered service in 1989). Jericho II’s range varies from 1,500 to 3,500 kilometres, depending on payload weight. They are deployed in underground caves and silos. Israel has several satellites in orbit - Ofeq-1 through Ofeq-5 - that were launched by Shavit space launch vehicles (SLV). The first two stages of the Shavit were Jericho II missiles. There are unconfirmed reports of an upgraded Jericho-3 missile with a range of over 3,000 kilometres.




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The human animal is ONLY protecting eating, sleeping mating with defending.



Lets see it all from the transcendental level that these threads are really meant for

From the viewpoint of each embodied baddha-jiva trapped in the restricted material world, they DO experience free will WITHIN the material body they possess, ACCORDING to desire, and karma that may appear to them that the actions of man creates the wars and peace etc in the material world.

However, on a higher level of understanding, everything is following a plan (the dreams of Maha Vishnu) that is known by Maha Vishnu and not known by the embodied jiva, who enters His dreams and plays out those bodily roles,

Therefore, as Krsna says, "not a blade of grass moves without the sanction of the Lord".

So the answer is, there is always free will for the embodied marginal living entity who enters the material world and chooses to wage peace or war influenced and directed by their own desires and Karma that are experienced and lived out within vessels provided by Maha-Vishnu.

Such 'vessels' are His creations and NOT the living entities, they manifested by Maha-Vishnu's dreams that are actually a real reality but are only temporary.

Srila Prabhupada – “This material creation is the spirit soul's dream. Actually all existence in the material world is a dream of Maha-Vishnu, as the Brahma-Samhita describes –

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Thakur - “This material world is created by the dreaming of Maha-Vishnu. The real, factual platform is the spiritual world, but when the spirit soul wants to imitate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is put into this dreamland of material creation”. 4.29.83.http://vedabase.net/sb/4/29/83/en

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Lets see it all from the transcendental level that these threads are really meant for


Seems like this is what rand0M aXiS wanted to point out, from transcendental level the goal is that the yuga-dharma, the chanting of God's Holy Names, becomes established on planet Earth in every town and village, as predicted by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefrore, everything whats happening can be seen as overcoming an obstacle for attaining that goal.

On the other hand things seem quite costly in terms of labor.



One of the biggest nightmares, a land invasion of Iran, is widely dismissed as a nonstarter. "Unless it's happened in the deepest recesses of the Pentagon, I've never been involved in a war game that seriously considered a land invasion of Iran," says the defense analyst. At the Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Maj. Bruce Terry estimated in his widely circulated master's thesis last year that it would take at least four years to mobilize the more than 1 million U.S. troops required for such an endeavor, followed by U.S. casualties in the tens of thousands for each year of occupation.

Massive US Naval Armada Heads for Iran



Timothy Alexander – August 8, 2008


Operation Brimstone ended only one week ago. This was the joint US/UK/French naval war games in the Atlantic Ocean preparing for a naval blockade of Iran and the likely resulting war in the Persian Gulf area. The massive war games included a US Navy supercarrier battle group, an US Navy expeditionary carrier battle group, a Royal Navy carrier battle group, a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine plus a large number of US Navy cruisers, destroyers and frigates playing the "enemy force".


The lead American ship in these war games, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN71) and its Carrier Strike Group Two (CCSG-2) are now headed towards Iran along with the USS Ronald Reagon (CVN76) and its Carrier Strike Group Seven (CCSG-7) coming from Japan.





Northrop X47b UCAS's over the Operation Brimstone flotilla



They are joining two existing USN battle groups in the Gulf area: the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72) with its Carrier Strike Group Nine (CCSG-9); and the USS Peleliu (LHA-5) with its expeditionary strike group.


Likely also under way towards the Persian Gulf is the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) and its expeditionary strike group, the UK Royal Navy HMS Ark Royal (R07) carrier battle group, assorted French naval assets including the nuclear hunter-killer submarine Amethyste and French Naval Rafale fighter jets on-board the USS Theodore Roosevelt. These ships took part in the just completed Operation Brimstone.


The build up of naval forces in the Gulf will be one of the largest multi-national naval armadas since the First and Second Gulf Wars. The intent is to create a US/EU naval blockade (which is an Act of War under international law) around Iran (with supporting air and land elements) to prevent the shipment of benzene and certain other refined oil products headed to Iranian ports. Iran has limited domestic oil refining capacity and imports 40% of its benzene. Cutting off benzene and other key products would cripple the Iranian economy. The neo-cons are counting on such a blockade launching a war with Iran.


The US Naval forces being assembled include the following:


Carrier Strike Group Nine

USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72) nuclear powered supercarrier

with its Carrier Air Wing Two

Destroyer Squadron Nine:

USS Mobile Bay (CG53) guided missile cruiser

USS Russell (DDG59) guided missile destroyer

USS Momsen (DDG92) guided missile destroyer

USS Shoup (DDG86) guided missile destroyer

USS Ford (FFG54) guided missile frigate

USS Ingraham (FFG61) guided missile frigate

USS Rodney M. Davis (FFG60) guided missile frigate

USS Curts (FFG38) guided missile frigate

Plus one or more nuclear hunter-killer submarines


Peleliu Expeditionary Strike Group

USS Peleliu (LHA-5) a Tarawa-class amphibious assault carrier

USS Pearl Harbor (LSD52) assult ship

USS Dubuque (LPD8) assult ship/landing dock

USS Cape St. George (CG71) guided missile cruiser

USS Halsey (DDG97) guided missile destroyer

USS Benfold (DDG65) guided missile destroyer


Carrier Strike Group Two

USS Theodore Roosevelt (DVN71) nuclear powered supercarrier

with its Carrier Air Wing Eight

Destroyer Squadron 22

USS Monterey (CG61) guided missile cruiser

USS Mason (DDG87) guided missile destroyer

USS Nitze (DDG94) guided missile destroyer

USS Sullivans (DDG68) guided missile destroyer


USS Springfield (SSN761) nuclear powered hunter-killer submarine


IWO ESG ~ Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group

USS Iwo Jima (LHD7) amphibious assault carrier

with its Amphibious Squadron Four

and with its 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit

USS San Antonio (LPD17) assault ship

USS Velia Gulf (CG72) guided missile cruiser

USS Ramage (DDG61) guided missile destroyer

USS Carter Hall (LSD50) assault ship

USS Roosevelt (DDG80) guided missile destroyer


USS Hartfore (SSN768) nuclear powered hunter-killer submarine


Carrier Strike Group Seven

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN76) nuclear powered supercarrier

with its Carrier Air Wing 14

Destroyer Squadron 7

USS Chancellorsville (CG62) guided missile cruiser

USS Howard (DDG83) guided missile destroyer

USS Gridley (DDG101) guided missile destroyer

USS Decatur (DDG73) guided missile destroyer

USS Thach (FFG43) guided missile frigate

USNS Rainier (T-AOE-7) fast combat support ship


Also likely to join the battle armada:


UK Royal Navy HMS Ark Royal Carrier Strike Group with assorted guided missile destroyers and frigates, nuclear hunter-killer submarines and support ships


French Navy nuclear powered hunter-killer submarines (likely the Amethyste and perhaps others), plus French Naval Rafale fighter jets operating off of the USS Theodore Roosevelt as the French Carrier Charles de Gaulle is in dry dock, and assorted surface warships


Various other US Navy warships and submarines and support ships. The following USN ships took part (as the "enemy" forces) in Operation Brimstone and several may join in:


USS San Jacinto (CG56) guided missile cruiser

USS Anzio (CG68) guided missile cruiser

USS Normandy (CG60) guided missile cruiser

USS Carney (DDG64) guided missile destroyer

USS Oscar Austin (DDG79) guided missile destroyer

USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG81) guided missile destroyer

USS Carr (FFG52) guided missile frigate


The USS Iwo Jima and USS Peleliu Expeditionary Strike Groups have USMC Harrier jump jets and an assortment of assault and attack helicopters. The Expeditionary Strike Groups have powerful USMC Expeditionary Units with amphibious armor and ground forces trained for operating in shallow waters and in seizures of land assets, such as Qeshm Island (a 50 mile long island off of Bandar Abbas in the Gulf of Hormuz and headquarters of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps).


The large and very advanced nature of the US Naval warships is not only directed at Iran. There is a great fear that Russia and China may oppose the naval and air/land blockade of Iran. If Russian and perhaps Chinese naval warships escort commercial tankers to Iran in violation of the blockade it could be the most dangerous at-sea confrontation since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The US and allied Navies, by front loading a Naval blockade force with very powerful guided missile warships and strike carriers is attempting to have a force so powerful that Russia and China will not be tempted to mess with. This is a most serious game of military brinkmanship with major nuclear armed powers that have profound objections to the neo-con grand strategy and to western control of all of the Middle East's oil supply.


The Russian Navy this spring sent a major battle fleet into the Mediterranean headed by the modern aircraft carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov and the flagship of its Black Sea Fleet, the Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser Moskva. This powerful fleet has at least 11 surface ships and unknown numbers of subs and can use the Russian naval facility at Syria's Tartous port for resupply. The Admiral Kuznetsov carries approximately 47 warplanes and 10 helicopters. The warplanes are mostly the powerful Su-33, a naval version (with mid-air refueling capability) of the Su-27 family. While the Su-33 is a very powerful warplane it lacks the power of the stealth USAF F-22. However, the Russians insist that they have developed a plasma based system that allows them to stealth any aircraft and a recent incident where Russian fighters were able to appear unannounced over a US Navy carrier battle group tends to confirm their claims. The Su-33 can be armed with the 3M82 Moskit sea-skimming missile (NATO code name SS-N-22 Sunburn) and the even more powerful P-800 Oniks (also named Yakhonts; NATO code name SS-N-26 Onyx). Both missiles are designed to kill US Navy supercarriers by getting past the cruiser/destroyer screen and the USN point-defense Phalanx system by using high supersonic speeds and violent end maneuvers. Russian subs currently use the underwater rocket VA-111 Shkval (Squall), which is fired from standard 533mm torpedo tubes and reaches a speed of 360kph (230mph) underwater. There is no effective countermeasures to this system and no western counterpart.


A strategic diversion has been created for Russia. The Republic of Georgia, with US backing, is actively preparing for war on South Ossetia. The South Ossetia capital has been shelled and a large Georgian tank force has been heading towards the border. Russia has stated that it will not sit by and allow the Georgians to attack South Ossetia. The Russians are great chess players and this game may not turn out so well for the neo-cons.


Kuwait has activated its "Emergency War Plan" as it and other Gulf nations prepare for the likelihood of a major regional war in the Middle East involving weapons of mass destruction.


The two-ton elephant in the living room of the neo-con strategy is the advanced biowar (ABW) that Iran, and to a lessor extent Syria, has. This places the motherlands of the major neo-con nations (America, France, the United Kingdom), as well as Israel, in grave danger. When the Soviet Union fell the Iranians hired as many out-of-work former Soviet advanced biowar experts as possible. In the last 15 or so years they have helped to develop a truly world class ABW program utilizing recombination DNA genetic engineering technology to create a large number of man made killer viruses. This form of weapon system does not require high tech military delivery systems. The viruses are sub-microscopic and once seeded in a population use the population itself as vectors. Seeding can be done without notice in shopping malls, churches, and other public places. The only real defense to an advanced global strategic biowar attack is to lock down the population as rapidly as possible and let those infected die off.


Unless the public gets it act together and forces the neo-cons to stop the march to yet another war in the Middle East we are apt to see a truly horrific nightmare unfold in OUR COUNTRIES.


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You have no clue how Lord Chaitanya is going to manifest.


Without guns and bombs, Moscow would still not allow Hare Krishnas to dance in the streets.



I'm glad you have all the clues.


Unlike you, I lived and preached KC in a communist country for years. We did very well in those years. In those years we had more full time devotees and more temples then now. Explain that if you can.


It was not guns and bombs that made the chnges in Russia. The change happened without any bloodshed. And there was plenty of preaching going on. I know it from a direct experience.


When devotees display arrogance and ignorance in their preaching, and when they are led by crooks, the local people can see that they are a fake and have no interest in what they preach.


Like I said: What is stopping the KC movement in US??? What would you bomb to change the sorry state our movement is in? Who would you shoot? Ah? Ask yourself that question, soldier.


Learn from Lord Caitanya, not from the Old Testament. Even Jesus of Nazareth rejected violence in his mission. Too bad people who claim to follow him did not.

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I'm glad you have all the clues.


Unlike you, I lived and preached KC in a communist country for years. We did very well in those years. In those years we had more full time devotees and more temples then now. Explain that if you can.


It was not guns and bombs that made the chnges in Russia. The change happened without any bloodshed. And there was plenty of preaching going on. I know it from a direct experience.


When devotees display arrogance and ignorance in their preaching, and when they are led by crooks, the local people can see that they are a fake and have no interest in what they preach.


Like I said: What is stopping the KC movement in US??? What would you bomb to change the sorry state our movement is in? Who would you shoot? Ah? Ask yourself that question, soldier.


Learn from Lord Caitanya, not from the Old Testament. Even Jesus of Nazareth rejected violence in his mission. Too bad people who claim to follow him did not.


It reminds me of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi; he said, "I'm in a war, but this time the weapon is different."


The weapon he referred to was "Ahimsa [indirectly Truth]".


Very few these days have that same spirit power as that of Gandhiji, and thinking about waking up US makes me think about another phrase of the Mahatma, "We can wake up someone if he is really sleep"

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I'm glad you have all the clues.


Unlike you, I lived and preached KC in a communist country for years. We did very well in those years. In those years we had more full time devotees and more temples then now. Explain that if you can.


It was not guns and bombs that made the chnges in Russia. The change happened without any bloodshed. And there was plenty of preaching going on. I know it from a direct experience.


When devotees display arrogance and ignorance in their preaching, and when they are led by crooks, the local people can see that they are a fake and have no interest in what they preach.


Like I said: What is stopping the KC movement in US??? What would you bomb to change the sorry state our movement is in? Who would you shoot? Ah? Ask yourself that question, soldier.


Learn from Lord Caitanya, not from the Old Testament. Even Jesus of Nazareth rejected violence in his mission. Too bad people who claim to follow him did not.


It reminds me of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi; he said, "I'm in a war, but this time the weapon is different."


The weapon he referred to was "Ahimsa [indirectly Truth]".


Very few these days have that same spirit power as that of Gandhiji, and thinking about waking up US makes me think about another phrase of the Mahatma, "We can wake up someone if he is really sleeping".

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CNN reported violent' date=' Muslim anti-American protests in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin, and Dublin. Muslims and anti-War protestors attached American fast food franchises throughout Europe and Australia. [/font']

Muslim and Anti-War protestors firebombed American corporate Businesses. Citizens of Christian, Jewish and Hindu background retaliated in France and fire bombed Muslim mosques, schools, and homes killing over 150

A violent coup during the Iran attack toppled the pro-American Pakistan president putting nuclear weapons in the hands of Fundamentalist Muslims. India goes on Red alert and prepares for the worst by having their nuclear weapons on standby.









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Pakistani Islamic students burn U.S. and British flags on the end of a demonstration Sunday, Aug. 10, 2008 in Lahore, Pakistan. President Pervez Musharraf should resign to spare Pakistan the trauma of a bitter impeachment process that will include accusations he violated the constitution, Pakistan's law minister has said. (AP Photo/K.M.Chaudary)


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