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Haribol. Ravindran Kesavan makes a point that is often missed in these doomsday discussions. Some think that the 435,000 years left in Kali Yuga ensures that we have nothing to worry about for now, that the end is not near. But the end of Kali is just a small cycle in itself, considering that many, many Kali Yugas come and go even during a mere day of Lord Brahmas lifetime.


Annihilation comes surely and often, even in the best of times. Not just at the end of Yugas, like about 5,000 years ago where real evidence exists in all cultures, from Kuruksetra, Gilgamesh, the great deluge, et al.. Even during centuries, many annihilations come and go. And survivors are always there, even from age to age. The Pandava Brothers and their offspring were fully Dwarapa Yuga denizens, but their grandchildren were not. Thus, Arjuna was a young middle age at 150 years of age, while his great grandson, Janamejaya was old at 80. A new age does not mean "no survivors". No survivors is at a time when Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, and the denizens of the Siddhas enter the fully spiritual realm at the end of their lives (not that these exalted personalities are not existing there now while doing the duties in sattwa, tama and raja guna). Lord Sesa Balarama dissolves the entire mahat tattwa at the end of all ages, and this is never what we speak of when we see nukes and other such trivial stuff that mudha-mankind creates.


Lord Kalki is scheduled to appear at the end of Brahmas day, not the end of his life (necessarily). But even at noon (where some concur as our present position, having gone thru 7 of the 14 Manus), there is the possibility of a Lord Brahma hiccup. And what is the earth planet anyway? Do we think all is gone when this dust mote is swallowed by an insignificant black hole?


So, doomsday is here, and its been going on for quite a while. Denial doesnt slove the problem, just as the ostrich's huge body is still a great meal for the lion even though the bird's head is in the sand. Personally, I am doomed. I live in a world where all occupations are gone other than that of soldiers and prison guards. I look upon my pleasant surroundings, the green grass, the fat people, the wave of RVs and $1,000,000 yachts coming and going, and they are all doomed. Their happy faces dont even notice the 14 different police agencies that are fully employed here, the green cop cars that never give out seat belt violation tickets, never bother with the homeless drunks and crackheads, and these police do not even speak english, and probably are not even citizens of the US. Then we pull up to hippieland where dope is smoked on the sidewalk, and we notice the huge vans with the sattellite surveillance wires fixed on top, no one ever around. (Sorry, I dont now, or then, ever see black helicopters).


So I ran to the big country, the rural areas, 25 years ago, but it did not help. Now, rural is urban, and methamphetamine is the drug of choice. How much rural can we go? I know my bro BB (known to yall as Random) lives in the quiet corner, but it was quiet here just a decade ago, so, where? Uganda is not an option, nor is Patagonia. Yukon? Maybe. Mauritius would be okay, but for how long? And the Trident subs go there all the time as well, because their fiber optics are just a few miles offshore.


The moon and Mars are well spent, that was where we all used to live, but we burned those places out.


But all is not lost, because REAL life is consciousness, and such a thing has no boundaries, the body and even the mind, cannot screw it up. This is my guru maharajas great gift to me personally. I am spirit, not matter, there is no death, and planets, even universes, cannot hold me. So when the doomsday executioner asks me what I want done with myself after the beheading, I reply, Like Socrates, "first you will have to catch me". That dirt was here before I occupied it, it belongs her after I leave. "I" has nothing to do with doomsday.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Dear mahak,


Beautiful. You are an enlightened man. While the physical world is -or might be - real, and the physical body -which is a part of the physical world - will surely collapse one day, The self the soul the real you have nothing to do with the material world. You are not your body , you are not your mind. You are eternal and what is it for that eternal self if the world comes and goes?


Beautiful. You have got it. You are an enlightened soul.




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But all is not lost, because REAL life is consciousness, and such a thing has no boundaries, the body and even the mind, cannot screw it up. This is my guru maharajas great gift to me personally. I am spirit, not matter, there is no death, and planets, even universes, cannot hold me. So when the doomsday executioner asks me what I want done with myself after the beheading, I reply, Like Socrates, "first you will have to catch me". That dirt was here before I occupied it, it belongs her after I leave. "I" has nothing to do with doomsday. by mahak

You know what Mahak...the more my eyes are opening in these fledgling days....


...it comes down to either gross out and hope for the best...or exercize faith in Srila Prabhupada. Intelligence is pointing me in a direction....where is lone wolf?!...he may offer some advice...


(I see in your post faith in sri guru...thx)

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hey, bija, yeah, where is the sad-mon. Lone wolf has always put me straight as well.


We get so durn caught up in the day-to-days, but there is that old "visnoh smaranam", rememberance. Not the buildings, the overbearing folk, but the consciousness Srila Prabhupada "REMINDED" us of. Not taught, because this is inherant to the self. A guru's business is to remind, to awaken, and he never stops, even in the darkest hour, there is the light of vinsoh smaranam, which all by itself can bring one back home, back to Godhead.


haribol, ys, mahak sad as a ......

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