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I am not disrespecting the way of worship in terms of offering murga and sacrificing animals. But I really have a bit difficulty understanding this way of worship.


I do not understand how one could offer cigars and rum to a deity. Why offer

things that we may not want for ourselves to the deities?


Why do they accept these things? Are we in control of the deities or are they in control?


Why sacrifice animals that symbolise the vehicles for deities like Bahuchara Mata and Meldi Mata?


:confused: I am asking these questions especially on behalf of many who ask such to which I have no sure answers to. The only response I have to give is that this is a way to please the deities and it should be respected.............


Help me understand this way a little more. Please!!!

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Animal Sacrifice and liquor offering.


Dear Innocent,

God is for every body and not only for what is the so-called high culture.

Every culture- low or high - worship god according to its own conception. Hunters have their gods too. When a hunter offers a beast to god there is no sense of guilt or even that he is offering something low or unholy. He loves god and he offers what he considers as the best food which he can think off. He offers what he consumes. Animals are food for him there is no other connotation. Similarly when a particular tribe man offer liquor or cigar to god they are not some forbidden or bad objects as we tend to think – He is offering the best of things from his perspective. In many tribes, liquor is a valued thing; they celebrate all their festival with liquor drinking. In their marriage customs they exchange liquor as bride price. Liquor is not a evil thing for them- it is a vary holy valuable thing. What they offer to the god is the best of things according to their own perspective though it may not be from our perspective.

Even in the Vedic rites animal sacrifice and soma juice drinking were prevalent. For example Indra is supposed to be very fond of horse’s head and offered that, while the rest of the gods are offered the rest of horse’s parts, in Vedic yagas. They also offered and drank Soma juice an intoxicating liquid made out of a hallucinogen plant called soma. Though now we contemn such practices in their own days and culture there is no such negative connotations attached to those things.

We must understand worship from the cultural contest. The present practices come from these roots, though we have changed our notion on these issues. Religion being conservative in its approach will not change its rituals that easily. So they continue.



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you have to understand about the gunas

there are three gunas satvic,rajasic and tamasic.

all forms of god comes in these three forms.

for instance i think its the tantrarajatantra or some other tantra that kala bhairo comes the the three forms.

satvic he is white and has other features

rajasic he is red

and tamasic he is black and naked with only a deer skin around his waist.


every thing that governs this world has the three gunas every us

we are satvic when we think pure thoughts

rajasic when we want somthing and tamasic when we get angry.


we dont control god but because he loves us so much he would accept what we give him in the gita it says god will take any offering a devotee with pure heart gives to him flower, fruit or water, or anything.


right now most ppl condem it becuz they think that our worship is evil and they come an say things lik y do u offer blood to god thats evil but you will see in the christians and muslims hav it as well.


everytime a muslim kills an animal he says a pray which means he offers the animal to god before he eats it.

christians do eat any kind of meat but they saying they dont do sacrifice

but dont they say that jesus die for there sins isnt he there sacrificial lamb.

dont they cover themselve with his blood every month they do comunion were they drink of his blood and eat of his flesh.


now i am not saying to follow that part but they are many paths to lead to god.


i would post some more later ok

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I wonder if someonec can explain this to me.........


On a couple of occasions I went for pychic readings (by two different psychics) I was told that they saw elemental beings around me. One of them described them as "wispy beings with wings". The other described them as "elves and fairies out of a children's story book". From the perspective of Vedic sciences what does all this mean? I do believe there are many levels of spirit beings. What does it mean to have elementals beings around you??

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Dear Bhairo Ji,


Thanks for replying. If they are yaksas or yaksini's how should I handle them? Is there any danger of being possessed by them?


How can I request their help? Are there any particular rituals? Or can I just talk to them??


Please tell me more..........


Kind regards,


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Dear HST,


I dont know why you call them elemental beings. May be you are using the term the psychics used. They may not be elemental being but angels.


Asuming they are elemental beings, I am interpreting your situation.

Elemental being means, in Hindu terminology, Panja boodas. which means the five elemental entities: Earth, water, fire , wind and space. - the consciousness associated with these five elements. ( everything in the universe is conscious). I also do not know whether the psychics have pinpointed which element of these five they are refering to. If all the beings that surround you belong to one elemental group, say earth, then it means your Muladhara chakra is active. If they are water related then swadistana is active if they are fire element then manipuraka is active and so on. Chakras have their association with elements. When the chakra is activated the corresponding elements are worked on and the elemental being are attracted to you.


Do you or did you inviolve in kundalini related krias any time ? if you did that explain the results. If that is the case all that you need to do is to go advanced in the path of kundalini yoga. In due course you will win all the five elements. Booda Jaya it is called in yogic literature.


That is if they are elemental beings. They could be angels, - yakshnis.

By the by everything can be called elemental being in one sence - though that is not technically very correct. Everything came from or composed of five elements only and hence everything is elemental being . Angels too. But this is not a technically correct clasification system. Composit entities are not technically called elemental.


If they are angels, the western method is just to invite them and prey to them to reveal them fully. You dont even need any specific mantra for thes as they are only happy to reveal to you and help you, according to western traditions of occultism. Just invite them and ask for ther healp from your heart. Mostly they are likely to be your guardian angels and teachers. They will gladly reveal themselves and guide you, (according to western occultism). When you ask for revealing they wont appear in front of you like a fairy tale image. You need to look for omens and symptoms around you. Just watch for the signs in your life. May be a white feather of a bird ( assumed to be the presence of a fairy) will fall. May be some one will answer your (hidden) questions. May be some book suddenly reach you which will answer you. Things like that you need to watch for in your life.










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Dear Bhairo Ji,


Thanks for replying. If they are yaksas or yaksini's how should I handle them? Is there any danger of being possessed by them?


How can I request their help? Are there any particular rituals? Or can I just talk to them??


Please tell me more..........


Kind regards,



there is no danger of being possessed by them they dont do bad they give the person there boons or blessings some gives the power to see through walls others give the power of wealth.


you see i dont know which one you have you need to go be a tantric so he can see them and tell u exactly how to worship them. for your benefit ok

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Dear Ravindran ji,


Thanks for your reply. Actually the first psychic woman I went to did not use the word "elementals". I used it here for a want of a better term. But I realize that the term could be incorrect as they relate specifically to entities associated with the five elements as you have explained. May be the better term would have been "spirit beings"(?) which is a more generic term. The psychic simply described them as "wispy beings with wings" She could not tell me what they were. She also said that at first she thought they might be angels but didn't think they were angels when she looked at them more closely. During the reading these beings seemed to be showing her various things because she kept saying "now they are showing me this...." or "now they are showing me that...." so on and so forth. When I was leaving the room after the reading she pointed behind me and said that she could see them following me out of the room.


The second psychic woman I visited used the word "nature spirits" which I thought was synonymous with "elementals" (but I could be again using an incorrect term) -- she described them as looking like fairies and elves out a children's story book. That is all she said about them.


To answer your question -- No, I have not done any Kundalini Yoga related activities. So is it still possible that they may be Pancha Boodas?


You have also mentioed yakshinis. What are they and how do they affect humans?


Kind regards,


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there is no danger of being possessed by them they dont do bad they give the person there boons or blessings some gives the power to see through walls others give the power of wealth.


you see i dont know which one you have you need to go be a tantric so he can see them and tell u exactly how to worship them. for your benefit ok


Dear Bhairo Ji,


Thanks for your reply. Sounds like they are very benevolent entities. :)


Unfortunately I live in Tasmania and I have no hopes of finding a tantric in this part of the world.


Since I am unable to determine who these beings are, is there a general way to win their favor?


Kind regards,


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Dear HST


If you have not done any kundalini krias or yoga or breathing exercise the beings are not likely to be elemental spirits. (There is still a possibility that chakra can activate spontanoiusly but that is an extreemly rare posibility).

By the description you have given they seems more of angels and spirit guides (Angels have wings).I am not sute that they are yakshanis. I just picked up from your own post.


Yakshanis are semi devine beings supposed to be living in Kubera's heven. They are cabable of giving all kinds of material comforts to a person with whome they are pleased with. They can give aboundance of food, cloths, gold, silver, and copper coins in plenty.


Some of them specilise in food. they can produce up on asking any food items. They can get a variety of fruits from anywhere in the world. Due to this some Indian magicians produce any fruit you mention even unseasonal and rare difficult to obtain species and in any quantities.


Some of them speacilise in knowledge They can know anything and everything and answer any question put to them. Some fortune telleres do sadana of yakshani to know the past preasent and future - they are supposed to be amazingly accurate and specific. Such a siddha having yakshani siddhi can tell tou your name , address and your purpose of visit , how exactly you travelled, how much money you carry in your pocket and what are the numbers of those currency you are carrying , your problems in your life and what you are thinking in your mind - all these with out any clue provioded by you - no horoscope no palm reading. Yakshni is supposed to be revealimng all these to him/her.


Some specilise in the knowledge of medicinal herbes. They can diagnose any disease and correctly prescribe the approprite herb and show all kinds of herbes in cluding sanjivani.


Some of them can give a elexier that can increase your life span.


All yakshanis are supposed to be very sensual and sexual. They desire love and sex. Their general title is 'Midhuna priya' (Fond of Intercourse). They dwemand sex from the sadaka in turn for their favours.


Perehaps the being surrounding you may not be yakshanis. They seems to be more like spirit guides. Just invite them by prayer and ask them to show who they are . Usually they are harmless and means well for those people whome they associate with. And they don't require much of sadana. All that is needed from your side is to be receiptive and prey to them to come and guide you. You dont even know their name for this. Just an abstract and general prayer something like the following will do:


"O my guardian angels and guiding spirits my homage to you .I well come you. Please guide me in my life. Please show me who you are so that I can understand you better".


Some people who are very sensitive - who are psychic themselves,- the spirits show their visible form and reveal their names. If you are not that sensitive, then this may not happen. Buit still you will get your answer in the form of omens. Look for omens after prayer.




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it does have a general method and mantra i saw it in a book it was for asta yaksini or the 8 main yaksini so i will get it for u ok.

you have durga very strong in you and yes this could be ur last life but you are very powerfull and you need to use this power to help others ok.

dont worry i will tell you how.

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Dear Bhairo,


Thank you so much for consulting the Devi and answering my questions. I am very grateful to you for that. :pray: Thank you! Thank you!


If I get any success in my sadhanas I want to serve others in a meaningful way. That is definitely my aim. Thank you once again for the encouragement Bhairoji.


Look forwad to hearing about the asta yakshini sadhana.


Kind regards,


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Dear Bhairo ji,


As advised by you (in the Shakti Sadhana forum), I have completed 10800 jap of my guru mantra which you said I will need for protection. As you advised, I did 10% of that with havan and 10% with tarpan. So please tell me what I need to do next.


You see, I have two goals in mind:


(1) I would like to obtain a shakti -- the aspect of the goddess that I love most is Ma Durga


(2) I would also like to try yakshini sadhana since the beings that the psychic women saw around me could be potentially yakshinis.


I did a search for Ashta Yakshini sadhana and foud the following information from a previous post on this website. I have copied this information below (see section hilighted in purple). What are your views on this?



Ashta means eight in Sanskrit. Yakshinies are divine nymphs capable of

fulfilling every aspect of one's life. This ritual is for appeasing eight of

them. Here is a brief description of each of them:

Sur Sundari

Sur Sundari is extremely beautiful and is capable of provides financial status, wealth and property.


Manoharini has a mesmerizing personality and she, too, is capable of making one wealthy.


Beautiful, teenage Kanakavati is capable of giving the power to defeat all enemies.


Youthful Kaameshwari has a seducing personality. She provides pleasure and money.

Rati Priya

Rati Priya has golden complexion and she like golden ornaments. She provides happiness and strength.


Padmini has big, beautiful eyes. She helps develop self-confidence and mental strength.


Nati provides protection and safety in every situation.


Anuragini's beautiful complexion is fair and radiant. She provides wealth, fame and respect.

Method of performing this ritual

Starting from any friday, at around midnight, after bathing, wear clean, pink,

silk clothes and sit facing north on a woolen mat with your legs folded. Wear

purfume, light a ghee lamp, some incence sticks and chant 51 rounds of the

following mantra using Sphatik rosary:


<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>
Ayeim Shreem Ashta Yakshini Aagachchha Aagachchha Swaha



Repeat the procedure for 21 nights while remaining celibate and avoiding non-veg

food, alcohol, smoking etc.

Please, note. This ritual is not for beginners. It works quickly and can be

fatal if not done properly. If you are new to advanced tantra, DO NOT attempt

this ritual. You should always consult your Guru (spiritual teahcer) before

commencing any ritual because without a Guru, you'll never be successful no

matter how hard you try.


Your guidance will be much appreciated. :)


Many thanks.


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Bhairo ji, by the way, are you a practicing trantric?? Sorry, if I am putting you on the spot by asking you this.....but I get the feeling you are.;) As you said else where that most genuine tantrics keep quiet about their abilities and prefer to remain unaccessible... you might not want to discuss it here. I understand and I hope you won't take offence about me being curious. :)

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Hi Bhairo,


Can you please tell me something about "MASAAN KRIYA". How can we know if it is applied on someone (what are the symptoms). And above all what are the preventive actions (if any) against this tantrik ritual?



you have to give me more details masaan kriya has different methods which are to dangerous to mention here ok.

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you have to give me more details masaan kriya has different methods which are to dangerous to mention here ok.

One thing i would like to make clear that knowing of its power to wreak havoc i will never try to apply this kriya on my enemy also. Since last 10-11 years my family is facing various kinds of problems i have seen many failures, mysterious death of my father, various fights among family members strange things around me (specially suddenly some laungs (clove) appearing in my house). Despite of all problems, I was a brilliant student till my intermediate but in my engineering studies i have lost my brain i don't know why then suddenly i met a priest who lives in a temple near my college he told me that on my house some closer relative has spread ashes from five different shamshaan (cremation ground) in my house, and during construction of my house that relative also buried a bone in my house. He also pointed out one strange coincidence that since last 5-6 years no priest has entered my house (and that was due to this extreme powerful masaan kriya). He has told me some precautions which i started and there is improvement in our daily life conditions, but he also told me that complete cure is known to his guru who will be back after nearly one year.

thats why i am trying to know more about this tantra... specially preventive actions.


And above all i want to send back this masaan on whoever has send it on my home and disturbed our life to such an extent.

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