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Angel's Chic: 1st novel to blend social realism, science fiction, fantasy & KC!!!

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Angel's Chic








Arjuna Krishna-Das (aka Arjunanatha dasa, ISKCON) has just published his first novel, Angel's Chîc. Set in an alternate reality Liverpool, India, Tibet and the heavenly planet Chandraloka (the Moon), Angel's Chîc is the first novel to blend social realism, science fiction, fantasy and Krishna Consciousness, and is set to become the first piece of best-selling Krishna Conscious fiction.



Arjuna wrote the story around 1992 in his twenties, when he first encountered Krishna Consciousness. "It combines all sorts of characters and places from my life" he explains. I loved Srila Prabhupada's books so much, and I wondered what would happen if people from the world I knew stepped into the worlds of the Bhagavatam."



Written in a dryly humorous style, Angel's Chîc describes the adventures of a brilliant scientist and a scatty hippy when crisis in the shape of a teleport machine brings them together. Angel's Chîc is also loosely based on the story of the Syamantaka jewel from Krishna Book, a gem so imbued with power that it cures any illness and drips gold.



"I think Angel's Chîc will open many people's eyes to Krishna Consciousness," he continues. "especially young people. Or people who lived through the 90s. Some people might never read Srila Prabhupada's books straight-off, but everyone loves a good contemporary adventure story. And once they've read Angel's Chîc, they will be curious to discover more about Krishna. It's just like putting the maha-mantra lyrics to pop music, and we know, especially in England, how important that was to the birth of ISKCON."



Not one to avoid controversy, Arjuna has also woven into the story a possible explanation of how, according to Srila Prabhupada, man never went to the Moon.


The book has entranced every reader so far:



"If you want to read something that is different and not run of the mill then this is the book for you. It has all the colour of Hinduism with a down-to-earth flavour of 90's Liverpool…" - Philip Weeks.



"Having just finished reading Angel's Chic, I felt compelled to write my appreciation. It grabs your attention from the off. The characters are believable. The escapades of the two heroes are full of fun and moral dilemmas, and I couldn't put the book down until the last page. What a remarkable first book this is. Well done Arjuna. I Can't wait for your next. What a good film it would make!" - Bart Thakery



"Absolutely amazing and wonderfully written! I was hypnotised by the climax towards the end of the book, and read until 4am. It's a marvellous piece of writing and you certainly did some research. Surreal sci-fi and horror" - Jo Kerr



Arjuna lives close to Bhaktivedanta Manor with his wife and two children, where he works as a technical author in the audio microelectronics industry. He is a disciple of HG Krishna-Kshetra Prabhu.



Angel's Chîc is published by Atma Communications, a new publisher of Vedic Fiction, with several other works in the pipeline. It is available through all good book-sellers, including Amazon.

Atma Communications

Krishna-das Website

Buy Angel's Chic on Amazon

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