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How The Spiritual Master Is 'Jeevan-Mukta'

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What seemingly becomes more and more of concern is that a full-fledged genuine spiritual master who should be worshiped like a fully liberated jivan-mukta and as good as God, is just anyone.

All 6 bn people on Earth are bonafide gurus. End of the guru-tattva debate.

No more complicated explanations like, "The qualification of a spiritual master is that he must have realized the conclusion of the scriptures by deliberation and arguments and thus be able to convince others of these conclusions." (NOD, Evidence Regarding Devotional Principles)

And no one has to be convinced anymore about anything, they're all convinced already. Could be from John Lennon's "Imagine", which contains the line, "You might say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one."




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Sunday, July 27, 2008

How the Spiritual Master Is 'jeevan-mukta'

[ƒ 03.33.10]


Sometimes doubts arise in the minds of neophytes about whether or not the spiritual master is liberated, and sometimes neophytes are doubtful about the bodily affairs of the spiritual master.

The point of liberation, however, is not to see the bodily symptoms of the spiritual master. One has to see the spiritual symptoms of the spiritual master.

jeevan-mukta means that even though one is in the material body

(there are still some material necessities, since the body is material),

because one is fully situated in the service of the Lord, he/she should be understood to be liberated.

Posted by nirantara blog at 11:23 AM

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