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Navarna/Durga Mantram initiation

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I'm trying to find out whether we need to be initiated by a spiritual guru, in order to chant either Aim Hreem kleem Chamundayi Vichhey or Om Dum Durgayi Namaha. Also, how many times do we need to chant each one of them in order to attain siddhi of the respective mantras?


Thank You.

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Thanks for letting me know. A few days back, I chanted the mantra a few times in the evening and then again the next morning. The entire day was like hell for me. So, I recited ganapathi mantram all evening, to calm things down. I thought, it was because I chanted the mantra on my own without being initiated. I have heard of ill-effects of this mantra when chanted uninitiated. That's why I asked the question.


Also, it is widely propagated that you have to repeat any matra the follwoing way:


1 lakh multiplied by the number of bijakshars in it. So, that would bring the navarna mantra to 9 lakhs. Am I right?




no you dont need to b initated.

1 lakh times

pray to lord shiva as ur guru

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Dear Ravikishore,


You are on the right path. You have gone to the highest. Dont give up the Chandi mantra because you are disturbed. Disturbances arises out of your bad samskaras. The bad tendencies will struggle to prevent you from succeeding in this worship. Both Deva and asuras live in our mind - and it is a warfare between the asuras and deva with in you. The asuras in you will make you miserable so that you give up. But sustain do not yield to your mind. Pray to goddess and seek her help to make you strong.


Take bhairo's advise and pray first to Lord Siva with full devotion as your guru before chanting . Then do ganapati chanting for a while with full devotion . Then chant the godess mantra.


Chandi a very high goddess and she grant you anything you want. But she will mature you before giving you her boon. You need to follow celibacy when you chant her mantra. Think of all women as the goddess only - including the one you are in love with.


Dont miss navaratry days. Do intensly puja and chanting on those days, devoting as much time as possible.


You are technically right that any mantra must be chanted as many lackh of times as there are letters in the mantra. By that rule you need to chant this mantra 9 lack of times. But that is only the complete procedure. You need to chant one lack time minimum for siddhi as Bhairo says. Just make that your target first. Later on you intent to complete 9 laks well and good.


And my personal advise to you, from my direct experience: Do not ask for the girl to goddess. (Not that there is any thing wrong in that) . Just love goddess for her own sake. Love goddess alone. That is the most ideal way to worship her. With that way of worshipping she is most pleased. And if you continue this way for three years, she will grand you whatever you want. She can make you a great - very very grereat - being . You simply have no idea what she can really make you.


With her worship your life purpose is fulfilled. Be a worthy bakta and earn her full favour.




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I'd like to learn the first chapter of Durga SapthaShathi. I looked at several websites and most of them say that this is one thing you shouldn't learn it by yourself just like that; you'd have to learn it from a guru.


I'd like to learn all the 13 chapters eventually. I generally like to listen to the audio while following the printed matter. Can I follow the same procedure for learning the SapthaShathi as well?


If not, could anyone please let me know the correct way of learning it?

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  • 5 months later...

I've searched the internet to see if there is any peetam or guru who gives initiation into the Navarna Mantra but, I couldn't find any. My intention is to memorize the durga sapthashathi so that I can eventually be able to recite the entire 700 verses this Navaratri, without the help of any book.

I'm confused by info on some websites that say that initiation is required and some that say that it is not required. Regardless, to be on the safe side, I felt that it is better to seek a guru who can initiate this mantra and also the sapthashathi parayanam and teach the proper way of parayana. I reside in India.

Any suggestion/guidance you can provide on who/where to get the diksha for the mantra and parayana will help immensely.

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Initiation is required. Mantra sastra is not something which you can read from a book and understand or do. Grace is required. So is adhikara. The mantra is Keelita or locked and cannot be unlocked without Guru's grace, flowing from the proper lineage. Mere rituals or chanting keelakam or keelaka manta will not do.


Life is not to be found on the internet. Neither can Guru be found just like that on the internet. Keep looking for a Guru. The Guru will give a mantra which suits you first and then may be Navarna mantra. Dont give up the search or stop looking just because things are difficult.


Many Gurus prefer to remain hidden or to reveal themselves only to those they choose to. So keep looking.

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  • 5 months later...

I spoke to an official at Kancheepuram and he told me that Navarna Mantra needs to be given by a Guru. It is only after chanting this mantra 9 lakh times that the Saptha Shati inititation will be given. The person sounded a sticker to tradition and norms; it seems like the traditional (and correct) procedure for learning Saptha Shati.


Just thought I'll share this info.



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Initiation is required. Mantra sastra is not something which you can read from a book and understand or do. Grace is required. So is adhikara. The mantra is Keelita or locked and cannot be unlocked without Guru's grace, flowing from the proper lineage. Mere rituals or chanting keelakam or keelaka manta will not do.


Life is not to be found on the internet. Neither can Guru be found just like that on the internet. Keep looking for a Guru. The Guru will give a mantra which suits you first and then may be Navarna mantra. Dont give up the search or stop looking just because things are difficult.


Many Gurus prefer to remain hidden or to reveal themselves only to those they choose to. So keep looking.


You are quite right.iam shocked and surprised that people take to srividhya without a guru which may spell diaster if not properly guided by a Guru.

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I spoke to an official at Kancheepuram and he told me that Navarna Mantra needs to be given by a Guru. It is only after chanting this mantra 9 lakh times that the Saptha Shati inititation will be given. The person sounded a sticker to tradition and norms; it seems like the traditional (and correct) procedure for learning Saptha Shati.


Just thought I'll share this info.



Ceratinly you need initiation as otherwise it would spell diaster.There is even a method called siddharikoshta to check whether any particular mantra suits an individual.This however is not applicable to mahamantras

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Sadasiva is the ultimate Guru. Generally Mantras which are recited for any particular purpose need initiation. But if the mantra is recited only for spiritual advancement, then you do not need initiation.


In Bengal everyone reeds Sapthasathi without any initiation. In fact it is more popular in Bengal than in South India. Every Bengali knows Sri Sri Chandi as Durga Sapthasathi is called in Bengal.


The beliefs in Bengal are different from those in South India.


So there is no correct answer to your question.


Durgaputra put it correctly. Do not play around with Mantras.

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You are right about the difference in the belief system. My intention is to recite the mantra for a purpose. So, based on what you said, I require initiation, which is ok with me. That said, I've also learnt and recited Rudram and Durga Saptha Sloki without any initiation. I just prayed to Lord Shiva to help me learn correctly.


There is still a part of me that says, just continue praying to Lord Shiva and learn SapthaShathi as well. But, I've read, not only in this forum but other websites as well, that it is dangerous (might lead to death of a family member) to learn without a Guru. Because I don't know how far that is true, I've held back. It is also the reason why I'm checking with a couple of senior boarders here.


Just FYI...I'm not playing with any mantra.





Sadasiva is the ultimate Guru. Generally Mantras which are recited for any particular purpose need initiation. But if the mantra is recited only for spiritual advancement, then you do not need initiation.


So there is no correct answer to your question.


Durgaputra put it correctly. Do not play around with Mantras.

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Sadasiva is the ultimate Guru. Generally Mantras which are recited for any particular purpose need initiation. But if the mantra is recited only for spiritual advancement, then you do not need initiation.


In Bengal everyone reeds Sapthasathi without any initiation. In fact it is more popular in Bengal than in South India. Every Bengali knows Sri Sri Chandi as Durga Sapthasathi is called in Bengal.


The beliefs in Bengal are different from those in South India.


So there is no correct answer to your question.


Durgaputra put it correctly. Do not play around with Mantras.

You are quite right. In the south religion and mantras are still preserved in the old pristine ways and we should also take into account that the north,East,west all suffered much due to Mughal invasion which had probably resulted in dilution of rigidity in scriptural sanctity.

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