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Sages seek the essence of religion and not just the form

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The sages of Naimisranya asked Suta Gosvami for the essence of all scriptures. Only the essence can satisify the self. Anything less leaves the soul still in a hankering condition.




There are many varieties of scriptures, and in all of them there are many prescribed duties, which can be learned only after many years of study in their various divisions. Therefore, O sage, please select the essence of all these scriptures and explain it for the good of all living beings, that by such instruction their hearts may be fully satisfied.

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From Hari-nam Cintamani



Those who engage in bhajana may be divided into two distinct classes. Some bear only the burden, others appreciate the real worth of things. Those who long for enjoyment or for self-destroying salvation and are attached to worldly affairs are only yoked to the heavy load of virtue, wealth, enjoyment and salvation—they are unaware of the fact that prema is the best sap. So, such load-bearers fail to progress in bhajana in spite of their utmost strivings, whereas the essence-seekers aiming at prema-lata very soon reach the longed-for ultimate. They are called prema-rurukshu (those who earnestly strive for ascending up to the region of prema); they alone can in a very short time ascend up to the sphere of prema or easily become paramahamsas. Thus, when one who so long simply did bear burdens, learns to love the Truth in the company of sadhus, he also soon turns to longing for prema.



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What I have noticed in terms of my own practice of chanting the holy names is that I am just occupied with the form of chanting, neglecting the essence as Bhaktivinode describes above as seeking Krishna preme.


My fingers move from one bead to the other, my lips form the syallbles of ha re krish na but my mind is elsewhere. So my mind is not even engaged what to speak of there being a heartfelt desire to awaken Krishna preme.


Which brings me to the point of my real search. I am done with seeking out a religious path to follow. The path is the holy names. That is settled. But now begins the more difficult search and that is for the desire to love Krishna without reservation and ulterior motive.


And that is a search which can only take place within the soul itself. From the deepest point within us all we must learn to hunger and thirst for Krishna preme. Then we too may be what Bhaktivinode describes as prema-rurukshu or essence seekers of the highest degree.

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Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated, this Bhagavata Purana propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots the threefold miseries. This beautiful Bhagavatam, compiled by the great sage Vyasadeva [in his maturity], is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is the need of any other scripture? As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhagavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is established within his heart.

I can envision how one can come to set his sights higher than heaven or even liberation but I wonder how one can desire Krishna preme before he himself is even liberated. Is it possible? How? Maybe by grace alone.


This question always bothered me a little. That is until I finally paid attention to the last sentence; "As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhagavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is established within his heart."

It's by this cultivation of knowledge that the transforming power is transmitted and takes it's effect upon the fallen jiva. And the essence of the cultivation of spiritual knowledge naturally takes one to Krishna prema, the essence of the essence, the quintessential truth.


There is no place for compromising with the impersonalist schools on this goal. They cannot know that Krishna prema is the highest desire because they reject all desire as maya. Not to speak of the fact that they accept the form of Krishna only as maya temporarily spiritualized for "Lila". On this basis they may even say desiring Krishna prema IS the highest desire but they consider it that only because they think it leads on into the desireless state. Therefore their so-called desire for Krishna preme is not really desire for Krishna prema. Like their chanting their desire for krishna preme is only a shadow of the real desire. A shadow has no substance of it's own.


Vaisnavas consider such ideas as poison and therefore so should we. On another board there is some arguement over what is wrong with the chanting of Hare Krishna as done by the mayavadis. What is wrong is impersonalist chanting can never be an expression of Krishna preme or lead to Krishna preme. And the Vaisnava sees Krishna preme as the only thing worth desiring.

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I can envision how one can come to set his sights higher than heaven or even liberation but I wonder how one can desire Krishna preme before he himself is even liberated. Is it possible? How? Maybe by grace alone.


This question always bothered me a little. That is until I finally paid attention to the last sentence; "As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhagavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is established within his heart."


It's by this cultivation of knowledge that the transforming power is transmitted and takes it's effect upon the fallen jiva. And the essence of the cultivation of spiritual knowledge naturally takes one to Krishna prema, the essence of the essence, the quintessential truth.


There is no place for compromising with the impersonalist schools on this goal. They cannot know that Krishna prema is the highest desire because they reject all desire as maya. Not to speak of the fact that they accept the form of Krishna only as maya temporarily spiritualized for "Lila". On this basis they may even say desiring Krishna prema IS the highest desire but they consider it that only because they think it leads on into the desireless state. Therefore their so-called desire for Krishna preme is not really desire for Krishna prema. Like their chanting their desire for krishna preme is only a shadow of the real desire. A shadow has no substance of it's own.


Vaisnavas consider such ideas as poison and therefore so should we. On another board there is some arguement over what is wrong with the chanting of Hare Krishna as done by the mayavadis. What is wrong is impersonalist chanting can never be an expression of Krishna preme or lead to Krishna preme. And the Vaisnava sees Krishna preme as the only thing worth desiring.


It's so nice to read a devotee of Krishna having these realizations. Thank you theist for inspiring us and bringing wisdom to this forum

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You are very generous with your words Svarupa. Thank you for that and especially for your cyber association.


We have to help each other continue on the path of cultivating transcendental knowledge. Even though we are clumsy at it at this stage, like child ren learning to take their first steps, if we keep trying Krishna will help us.

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Sages seek the essence of religion and not just the form of a good looking GURU who is a clever actor and imitater of great Spiritual teachers like Srila Prabhupada.





Pray carefully
with your heart then consider cautiously, testing the 'GURU' that finds you.



Do not Foolishly look at any Guru as a 'Prabhupada' relacement because of their 'acting' ability to cleverly immitiate him,
as many did, and got cheated, after Prabhupada left this world.



The tragedy caused when GURU falls down -



What Happens to the Disciple When the Guru Falls?





The following is a letter I recently received from a friend, which I felt was very pertinent to present day ISKCON. I have omitted the devotee's name.



"To the devotees,



I am an ex-disciple of Harikesa Swami. Recently I have been studying various cases of fallen gurus and have realized that there is little information given, in this regard, from the standpoint of the disciple. Personally I feel it is very important to hear about the impact that losing one's guru has upon us, the disciple.



I recall the day we heard the news that Harikesa was acting inappropriately. Firstly there was complete confusion with a lot of conflicting information. If you had known Harikesa as we knew him at that time, you would understand that his fall down was unbelievable, if not impossible.



At first I didn't even bother telling my wife. I new that all these false rumors, were just the work of some envious people. I had experienced such rumors before. But as more information came to light I went to my wife with the news. To be completely honest we were both totally devastated.



My wife just cried, even in front of our children. I didn't really know what to say or how to give her any solace. In the past I had prayed to my beloved Guru Maharaja for help in such difficult times. For days we held onto the hope that somehow or other this was all a big mistake.



Before I accepted Harikesa Swami as my gurudev, I had heard of other gurus falling down. But I felt total conviction when I approached Harikesa.



He had such a unique way of presenting Krishna consciousness, with such intelligence and conviction. He could really appeal to young people, pointing out the realities of material illusion and the pitfall of chasing after the opposite sex.



He could smash you and leave you laughing at your own stupidity. He also inspired all of us to preach, and especially to distribute Srila Prabhupada's transcendental books. Many of his disciples were among the biggest book distributors in the world. Personally I saw Harikesa preach to many people with such patience and compassion.



To us, his disciples, he was our life and soul. Thus it was very difficult for us to give up that attachment.



But finally we had to accept the facts. That person to whom we had given our hearts, our devotion, prayers, service, and even our money had cheated us. Gradually our grief turned to aguish, frustration and
finally anger



In the material world when you discover that someone you trusted has cheated on you, say your partner for example, it can be very bewildering, especially if you feel you haven't done anything wrong in that relationship.



It really hurts. But when that person is your spiritual farther, your well wishing friend and guide, your worshipable Lord and Master! The pain is felt a million fold.


I remember my children asking why I was taking down the many pictures of Harikesa that hung on our walls. Even my wife's sister noticed. In fact, in time, many of our family and friends would ask about our "Guru". And even today people ask me how I got my name.



The whole experience has been very difficult to deal with. In the meantime we keep hearing how Harikesa is off spending the money and living it up with his new wife, speaking against Srila Prabhupada and speaking all sorts of deviant philosophies.



Our personal spiritual lives also suffered, as did many of our godbrothers and sisters. My poor wife's especially. She had such implicit faith in our beloved Gurudev.



But gradually she starting becoming really despondent and her sadhana slackened. For the first time since we had met (20 Years) she stopped chanting her rounds.



We kept hearing crazy stories of our godbrothers and sisters running off with money, falling down, leaving the movement. Some of them were continuing to worship Harikesa (which really amazed us) and there was a lot of fighting over that.



Finally my wife told me that she didn't want to have anything further to do with the Krishna Consciousness Movement and taking our children with her, she left me.



She is still a devotee but very compromised in her practices. So now I have to figure out if I'm going to join her and my family in that compromised situation or stay strict and alone. It is difficult to know where to go from here. It is difficult to turn to any spiritual leader with trust.



So that person whom we once turned to for shelter, guidance and inspiration in our spiritual lives has done quit the opposite. Instead of instilling in us faith in Lord Krishna (which is the foremost duty of the spiritual master), he has crushed our faith.



I know that he has become like a wedge in the heart of my wife, between her and Lord Krishna.



To be honest my only shelter is Srila Prabhupada, it seems that he is the only person we can really place our complete faith in.



Your servant," (withheld)



How are we meant to understand if we are sincere then a bonafide Guru finds us?



Does it mean that ALL those who took initiation off nine of the original eleven in ISKCON
were not sincere and therefore deserved to be cheated because we only get what we deserve?



Can someone answer this please?



If it is Prabhupada you are attracted to, then it is better to worship his photo than project that love for him onto
some hoo-doo Guru
as many did after Prabhupada left this world,
ntil you know for sure the Guru that comes to you,
is bonafide
and simply ALWAYS loves Krsna



Don't just accept the first so-called guru that comes along, find out everything about them and
test them
and don't be
foolishly sentimental and naivly 'sincere'
as they were in the late 70s, 80s, 90s and even now.




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