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No offence in Goloka. So is their really offence in this material world?


Dear Pajkaja Dasa,


Well if you are a monist , if you hold there is no difference between Goloka and Boologa, then no there is no offence here. If you are a dualist, If you maintain the difference between the realms and of the souls - ours and krishnas, then yes there could be a thing called offence which does not exist in Goloka. There are many such things exists here which are not there and vice versa, If they are different worlds.




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Ravindaran yeah, offence is in this world only.

Offence, insult, blasphemy, aparadha..


"One should not tolerate blasphemy of the Lord or His devotees. In

this connection, in the Tenth Canto, Seventy-fourth Chapter, verse 40,

of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Sukadeva Gosvami tells Parikshit Maharaja, "My

dear King, if a person, after hearing blasphemous propaganda against

the Lord and His devotees, does not go away from that place, he

becomes bereft of the effect of all pious activities."


In one of Lord Caitanya's Sikshashtaka verses it is stated, "The

devotee should be more tolerant than the tree and more submissive than

the grass. He should offer all honor to others, but may not accept any

honor for himself." In spite of Lord Caitanya's being so humble and

meek as a devotee, when He was informed about injuries inflicted on

the body of Sri Nityananda, He immediately ran to the spot and wanted

to kill the offenders, Jagai and Madhai. This behavior of Lord

Caitanya's is very significant. It shows that a Vaishnava may be very

tolerant and meek, foregoing everything for his personal honor, but

when it is a question of the honor of Krishna or His devotee, he will

not tolerate any insult.


There are three ways of dealing with such insults. If someone is heard

blaspheming by words, one should be so expert that he can defeat the

opposing party by argument. If he is unable to defeat the opposing

party, then the next step is that he should not just stand there

meekly, but should give up his life. The third process is followed if

he is unable to execute the above-mentioned two processes, and this is

that one must leave the place and go away. If a devotee does not

follow any of the above-mentioned three processes, he falls down from

his position of devotion.~


N.O.D. (Nectar of Devotion OR

Bhakti-Rasamrta-Sindhu), end of Ch 9, Further Considerations of

Devotional Principles

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Thats pure devotees. Not me and you.


It says, three, something for everyone.



"There are three ways of dealing with such insults. If someone is heard

blaspheming by words, one should be so expert that he can defeat the

opposing party by argument. If he is unable to defeat the opposing

party, then the next step is that he should not just stand there

meekly, but should give up his life. The third process is followed if

he is unable to execute the above-mentioned two processes, and this is

that one must leave the place and go away. If a devotee does not

follow any of the above-mentioned three processes, he falls down from

his position of devotion."

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Mahabharata, Shanti-parva - Chapter 300

[Yudhisthira inquired, “How should one react to people who insult you by their rudeness and arrogance?”

Bhisma replied, “If one does not become angry when insulted by another, then he takes away all the pious merit that person may have accumulated by good deeds. In addition he transfers to the abuser his own sinful reactions. After all what is the value of praise or blame when uttered by a vulgar fool? A person who praises some one in his presence but criticizes him behind his back is no better that a dog.”]

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Ravindaran yeah, offence is in this world only.


Dear Pankaja Dasaji, offence exists as long as one identifies with an institutional belief other than himself. If all starts realising themselves, every being will find that he/she is one and the same. This is what Ravindran also was trying to say and there will be no room for Offence, Insult, Blasphemy, Aparadha etc.

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Suchandra if me you were in that situation..

If Prabhupada was and me were, who would fall? Im already am.

Since we took birth on planet Earth we cannot be so fallen. There're 7 planetary systems with millions of planets below planet Earth and the condition there is so horrible that Krsna and His pure devotees never incarnate at those lower planets. Those living entities are only getting the chance to take birth on planet Earth after million lifetimes of hellish condition. So there is no limit of fallen condition, there's always an even more fallen situation. Therefore the acaryas are warning us, don't waste this most valuable human form of life on planet Earth. Even the inhabitants of the 6 higher planetary systems with millions of planets cannot make spiritual advancement like it is possible on this planet Earth since they are constanly succumbed to the charms of heavenly pleasures, celestial pleasures so intense that the inhabitants of heaven are helplessly committed to indulge in bodily sense gratification followed by so many material addictions without a chance to kick those habits. In that sense the heavenly planets are as worse as the lower planets. So anyone who took birth on planet Earth, especially now so short after Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has appeared cannot be so fallen.



There are six planetary systems above Bhūrloka and seven planetary systems below it. Therefore the entire universe is known as caturdaśa-bhuvana, indicating that it has fourteen different planetary systems. Beyond the planetary systems in the material sky, there is another sky, which is known as paravyoma, or the spiritual sky, where there are spiritual planets. The inhabitants of those planets engage in varieties of loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which include different rasas, or relationships, known as dāsya-rasa, sakhya-rasa, vātsalya-rasa, mādhurya-rasa and, above all, parakīya-rasa. This parakīya-rasa, or paramour love, is prevalent in Kṛṣṇaloka, where Lord Kṛṣṇa lives. This planet is also called Goloka Vṛndāvana, and although Lord Kṛṣṇa lives there perpetually, He also expands Himself in millions and trillions of forms. In one of such forms He appears on this material planet in a particular place known as Vṛndāvana-dhāma, where He displays His original pastimes of Goloka Vṛndāvana-dhāma in the spiritual sky in order to attract the conditioned souls back home, back to Godhead.

Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.20.35

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