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Please Help_horoscope matching for marriage_Sasikaran ji

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Dear Sasikaran ji,


i'm a muslim, i have been having a comitted relationship with a hindu guy for nearly 2 years as of september 2008.

We had a good start, and were very loving to each other. after 6 months we started having horrendous arguments and this was me mostly reacting to his non-emotional side,

and he not understanding my emotions.

after a research on his childhood, i found out that he was diagnosed with "Asperger's Syndrome" when he was 3 years and he has been trained by psycologist on emotions,

feelings and expressions till he was around 20.

the key area that effects in this sundrome is his inability to ract to any of my emotional needs as he does not understand them.

he accepted the fact that it was difficult for him to match to my same emotional level as i'm a very emotional person.

after knowing about his condition, i have reduced alot on communicating with emotional level, and had very practical approach to anything that we had going on.

we always planned to marry even thoug his parents nener approved of it.

however, after those blissful 6 months in love, we have been having fights on and off, due to his unstable nature, we have been getting by for the rest of the one and half years.

we use to take small breaks from each other, which brings back the love and feelings for each other. he is having financial problems which in turn makes him lean for financial aid from his parents.

this makes our marriage a little bit of a distance,

and when in fights he always trys to think of a break up,

or sometimes even me, but neither of us need that.

he is a manglik as per horoscope, and i want to know if we can make this marriage happen. if there are any remedies to make this marriage happen and be successful?

how long do we have to wait before we tie the knot?

we are currently going through problems as of now, and we are still trying to work things out.will this aborad plan work for us?? please analysis our horoscope.

Due to his condition and unstable nature, i have to be the strong minded in the relationship and take the intiative to make things happen for us. i dont wanna lose him, as i love him alot.

since his parents dont like this union he is going to UK for studies, and he wants me to come there, so we can settle off and marry there.

but i'm having financial probelms on it, but am trying my best. he is leaving end of this september or october.


His DOB: 14/03/1982

His Birthtime: 06:55 AM

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka


My DOB: 01/08/1987

Birthtime: 11:30AM

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka


please let me know if you need names as well.


please help me on this as it is very hurtful and frustrating to be on a rocking boat with no destination. atleast if can find remedies to work things out it will be great.


thank you

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