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This boy (my brother) want to marry a girl. Both of their chart have saturn in 2nd place.

Will they lead good life after marriage?

I am seeing many people facing problem after marriage because of conflicts occurs by their nature.

I believe that is the reason astrology advise to match the couple charts before marriage

If these charts are not match you can save these two persons marital life before they getting married


Boy detail:


Date of birth : December-31-1979

Time of birth: 9.5 PM(21.5)

Place of birth : Chennai

(Mrigasira nakshatra)


Boy appearance : fair,medium and round face



Girl Detail:

Date of birth : December -10-1981

Time of birth : 24.20 December 10 or 12.20 AM December 11.(December 10 night 12.20)

Place of birth : chennai

(rohini nakshatra)


Girl Appearance : Black,very lean and oval face


Thanks & Regards,


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