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Deepaji Plzzz Plzz Reply....

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Dear Deepaji,

Mangesh went to Dubai for Job purpose inspite of many pleading from me not to do so! He has debt of 5 lacs to clear that he went! & in a very badly

manipulative way.. He didnt even meet me!


Now after all the Immigration tention has cleared he is asking me to shift there with him.. He is gona come to India in October & then we can go for

court marriage.. His parrents still appose to our union So this will be wthout

informing them..


Plz tell me if We will be able to get married & live happily? Will I be going abroad?? Also how can I make him stop lying & hiding things from me?


He has to perform Ashlesha Nakstra shanti For Vidhruti yog.. That'll also

happen in october.. Do u see any harm in getting court marriage dont within

the week of performing Vidruti yog shanti?? Or does he still pose threat to me even after performing the shanti?


Plz give ur valuable advice..


Warm Regards



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