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Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja

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Room Conversation

March 1977


Srila Prabhupada: I very much want,Sridhara Maharaja, that you come and stay at Mayapura. Because (Bhaktisiddhanta) Prabhupada always desired that you preach. He told me quite a few times, "Why don't you pull him out?" [They both laugh.] You know, I also tried to some extent before, but somehow or other it did not work out. Now, why don't you come and stay at Mayapura?

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: The central principle of ISKCON philosophy is surrender, otherwise one will not be able to get to know the substance. Whatever you are seeing externally by means of your intelligence -- that is not going to help you to become acquainted with the real substance.

Srila Prabhupada: That Dr. Radhakrishnan [author and one-time president of India] was victimized by Western philosophy. He had no real understanding of Indian philosophy.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: No matter; up to whatever extent they go, ultimately they end up becoming the worshiper of the self. They think that they will become God. The geocentric philosophy is not heliocentric. According to Srila Prabhupada [srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura], they are not heliocentric. They are geocentric. Their limit is only up to their senses. Beyond that, they don't have any understanding whatsoever. Ultimately their goal is Brahmaloka. Brahmaloka is the ultimate goal of these people, and beyond that they don't have any knowledge. The para-bhakti on the brahma-bhuta platform-that when one is situated on the Brahman platform, the transcendental platform, there the pure devotional service begins-they don't have any understanding about that.

Srila Prabhupada: But that Radhakrishnan-inwardly he was afraid. I used to invite him from time to time. He used to be quite intimate with me. He used to say, "Please pray to God about me."

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Where did he say that?

Srila Prabhupada: Where he used to stay in Delhi. He once wrote to me also, "After I retire, I shall join your movement."

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Sometimes the false prestige spoils everything.

Srila Prabhupada: He used to have a lot of respect for me. Once he asked, "Are you writing everything in English?" So I asked him, "What do you do?" and he smiled.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: When he used to teach in Calcutta University, Bon Maharaja used to go to him, and once he took me with him, and before that once he brought him to Prabhupada. So this second time when we went to invite him I went with Bon Maharaja.

Srila Prabhupada: Personally he was a fine gentleman. A brahmana, very cultured, but a mayavadi. He is dead now.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, but Rajagopalachari [another Indian political leader/ author] was a Vaisnava.

Devotee (to Prabhupada): Your Srila Prabhupada has given you a lot of mercy.

Srila Prabhupada: That is all due to your blessings. I do not know for how long I will be able to carry on, so I came to see Sridhara Maharaja.

Devotee: If you all go away, then the world will become dark.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja (to Prabhupada): It is so wonderful that the will of the Lord becomes manifest through someone.

Srila Prabhupada: I very much want, Maharaja, that you come and stay at Mayapura. Because Prabhupada always desired that you preach. He told me quite a few times, "Why don't you pull him out?" [They both laugh.] You know, I also tried to some extent before, but somehow or other it did not work out. Now, why don't you come and stay at Mayapura?

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: At last Prabhupada told me: "You are an ease-lover. [Laughter] The qualifications - that you have."

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that's true. He told me also, "He is such a qualified person. Sridhara Maharaja is one of the finest preachers." I want to take you everywhere. At least at the place we have in Mayapura, people are coming from all over the world. Why don't you come and stay there? What is your objection to staying in Mayapura? If you just agree, then whatever kind of building you want, I will arrange it for you. They are trying to build a house for me, so both of us will stay there. And whenever you want, you can come here [to his Navadwipa math].

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, as long as I am alive to fulfill Prabhupada's desire.

Srila Prabhupada: This is my earnest desire. Since you could not go around the world and preach, at least stay there and people will come to you. I shall make that arrangement. And if you stay there, then it will be very helpful to me also. Sometimes I need to consult with someone but there is no one. There is no one with whom I can consult. I feel this deficiency very greatly.

Devotee: If he stays in Mayapura, then all kinds of people will get to hear from him.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that's right.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, people from all kinds of cultural backgrounds will come there.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, they are already coming. And in that house I will make arrangements for an elevator so that you won't have to go through the difficulty of walking up and down the stairs. You won't even have to move a step yourself. I'll make arrangements for a car and a lift. Jayapataka Maharaja is telling me that he will build a house for me. So both of us will stay in that house. Most of the time I am just traveling around, so if you are there, then they can get some guidance. So Maharaja, please-give me the order and I will make all the arrangements for you.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Well, I'll think it over and let you know.

Srila Prabhupada: Let me make that arrangement, Maharaja. That planetarium [the "Temple of Understanding"] also will be built under your direction. My idea is to combine the Indian culture and the American money-the lame man and the blind man policy. I tell them also that this will be very beneficial for the world. Indian culture and varnasrama. Prabhupada's desire was to establish the varnasrama-dharma. So we have to do that: we have to establish our Varnasrama College. Let the people from all over the world come and learn about varnasrama.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: The effort that you are making to acquire the land in Mayapura-has that been successful?

Srila Prabhupada: No, nothing has happened as yet, but we are buying the land. How far one can hassle with the government-of course they haven't yet said either yes or no. But we are buying the land now. They demand a very exorbitant rate, but what to do? We are buying; wherever someone is selling we are buying. When they see the Americans they want a price four times more, but what to do. I feel, let these poor people also have something. They are stealing, but what to do? I feel, let them also have something. Every month I bring one million rupees to this country and spend it for our development work-about seventy to eighty thousand dollars.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: So this is a big income for Indira Gandhi.

Srila Prabhupada: That's what I say. With much difficulty I translate the books at night and they print it and sell it and send seventy, eighty thousand dollars every month to me here. Is India benefiting out of this, or losing out of this? Yet they [the Indian government officials] are accusing them [the American devotees] of being C.I.A. agents. [bhakti Vilasa] Tirtha Maharaja used to say, "The American government has given Swamiji two million dollars." As if the American government could not find anything better to do or any better person to give the money. For making them chant Hare Krsna and dance they would give me two million dollars.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: A man from the Central Intelligence Department took initiation from me. He was asking me [about the American devotees]. I told him, "These are nothing but rumors. I know Swami Maharaja for a long, long time. I know him very well, and his movement is nothing but a purely spiritual movement." Actually, what they are thinking is that previously they [the Westerners] used to send the missionaries, then they used to send the merchants, and then the army used to come and take over. But those days are no more. Though if a net of such a faith of universal religion [as Gaudiya Vaisnavism] could be cast throughout the world, then perhaps that could be actualized in future.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, this study has been quite proper. This is what our plan is. I tell them that, "You work in this direction, and in the future everyone will recognize this movement." The American government is already saying that this movement is spreading like an epidemic. (To his disciples Who said this?

Devotee: One congressman has said that.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Who said this?

Srila Prabhupada: One American congressman from the Senate said this on the television. "The Hare Krishna Movement is expanding like an epidemic, and if we allow them to go on like this, then one day they will capture the government-within ten years."

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: All the governments are becoming alarmed. (Laughter) Even this government, if they [the Western devotees] can conquer the masses and get them to support them.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that is the fear of everybody.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Ultimately, it may become the "world state" religion.

Srila Prabhupada: Automatically it will become so; that is the idea I have.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: America was being accused of trying to make a one-state world so that, "Let there be just one state, and then there won't be any wars. If the whole world is made into one state, then there won't be any wars."

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, I replied to that, "You may make a one-state world. But if you make the populace into dogs, then there won't be any use, they'll just keep barking. You have to make them into human beings."

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, they'll still go on fighting with each other.

Srila Prabhupada: Right, that is their nature to fight. So first of all you have to make them human beings; that is the brahma bhuta prasannatma, sama sarvesu bhutesu.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Then, mad bhakti labhate param.

Srila Prabhupada: When they come to that stage, then it will be more useful; otherwise there is no hope. It is not impossible to happen.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, when there is a common center, then everybody can unite. Everybody can be harmonized. But that has to be real. If it is fictitious then there won't be any achievement.

Srila Prabhupada: I am hearing that the present American president, President Carter, he has some such plan and he is discussing it with Indira Gandhi. He is consulting with Indira Gandhi quite intimately.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, they are accepting our broad policy. From what I hear from the radio and newspaper, it seems that their policy is becoming much more broader than before.

Srila Prabhupada: Besides that, they don't have any other way. Otherwise they cannot achieve what they are actually wanting-the peace through the United Nations; that cannot be achieved.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, nothing less than Krsna consciousness will be able to give them that desired peace; nowhere else will they find it.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, bhoktaram yajna tapasam, sarva loka mahesvaram. So that is what I was telling them, that, "Stop fighting and making all those legal suits; then so nicely the preaching can be done in India in every village, every town." One disadvantage with these people is the language, but still, you must have heard, wherever they are going they are getting a very good reception. My Geetar-gan-first I printed five thousand, then ten thousand, then thirty thousand, but this time we are printing one hundred thousand and they are selling very nicely. In Bengali we are printing various books-Geetar-gan, Bhagavan Ekankatha, Bhagavata Darsan. In Hindi also, we are selling many books, like at Kumbha Mela we sold many, many books.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, this is what Krsna consciousness is, and people will naturally wonder what is there in it that captured the whole world in just ten years.

Srila Prabhupada: Now that they are opposing it, this is a great credit.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, that's why the governments are organizing the oppositions.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, they are clearly mentioning that, "If they get a chance to expand unrestrictedly, then in ten years' time they'll capture the governments."

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, if the mass is converted and their votes can be acquired, then the government will be captured.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, and these are all young men. The young class of people have accepted it. One scholar, Dr. Stillson Judah, has already predicted that this movement will not be destroyed, because it has entered into the bones and marrows [of Western culture].

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Who is he, where is he from?

Srila Prabhupada: He is an American, a professor in the Berkeley University.

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Srila Sridhara Maharaja: No matter; up to whatever extent they go, ultimately they end up becoming the worshiper of the self. They think that they will become God. The geocentric philosophy is not heliocentric. According to Srila Prabhupada [srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura], they are not heliocentric. They are geocentric. Their limit is only up to their senses. Beyond that, they don't have any understanding whatsoever. Ultimately their goal is Brahmaloka. Brahmaloka is the ultimate goal of these people, and beyond that they don't have any knowledge. The para-bhakti on the brahma-bhuta platform-that when one is situated on the Brahman platform, the transcendental platform, there the pure devotional service begins-they don't have any understanding about that.

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Srila Prabhupada: I very much want, Maharaja, that you come and stay at Mayapura. Because Prabhupada always desired that you preach. He told me quite a few times, "Why don't you pull him out?" [They both laugh.] You know, I also tried to some extent before, but somehow or other it did not work out. Now, why don't you come and stay at Mayapura?

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: At last Prabhupada told me: "You are an ease-lover. [Laughter] The qualifications - that you have."

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that's true. He told me also, "He is such a qualified person. Sridhara Maharaja is one of the finest preachers." I want to take you everywhere. At least at the place we have in Mayapura, people are coming from all over the world. Why don't you come and stay there? What is your objection to staying in Mayapura? If you just agree, then whatever kind of building you want, I will arrange it for you. They are trying to build a house for me, so both of us will stay there. And whenever you want, you can come here [to his Navadwipa math].

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, as long as I am alive to fulfill Prabhupada's desire.

Srila Prabhupada: This is my earnest desire. Since you could not go around the world and preach, at least stay there and people will come to you. I shall make that arrangement. And if you stay there, then it will be very helpful to me also. Sometimes I need to consult with someone but there is no one. There is no one with whom I can consult. I feel this deficiency very greatly.

Devotee: If he stays in Mayapura, then all kinds of people will get to hear from him.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that's right.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Yes, people from all kinds of cultural backgrounds will come there.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, they are already coming. And in that house I will make arrangements for an elevator so that you won't have to go through the difficulty of walking up and down the stairs. You won't even have to move a step yourself. I'll make arrangements for a car and a lift. Jayapataka Maharaja is telling me that he will build a house for me. So both of us will stay in that house. Most of the time I am just traveling around, so if you are there, then they can get some guidance. So Maharaja, please-give me the order and I will make all the arrangements for you.

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Srila Prabhupada: This is my earnest desire. Since you could not go around the world and preach, at least stay there and people will come to you. I shall make that arrangement. And if you stay there, then it will be very helpful to me also. Sometimes I need to consult with someone but there is no one. There is no one with whom I can consult. I feel this deficiency very greatly.


Srila BR Sridhara Maharaja is a very dear devotee with so many deep and beautiful realizations; I am reading one of his books at the moment, and by reading it I can understand why Srila Prabhupada relished his association. Simply a beautiful devotee.


Here is the book for your pleasure: Follow the Angels - click here

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By Srila BR Sridhara Dev Goswami


Prayer unto Sri Sri Dayita Dasa

(after the manifest pastimes of Sri Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura)

1. At the end of the night of Sri Sri Vrsabhanunandini, She suddenly took him to her entourage,

withdrawing him from the company of throngs of grief-stricken souls. A great cry of lamentation

arose, their bodies were bathed by their tears. When he was thus stolen away, this

world was plunged into the deep darkness of one whose eyes have been stolen away (hrta -

stolen away; nayana-mani - jewel of the eye - the internal name of Saraswati Thakura is 'Nayana-


(Bereft of the vision of my Divine Master,) O my sorrowful eyes (dina-nayana), (or, O savior of

the fallen [Dina-nayana],) wherever that great soul may be, please quickly take this servitor

there! (Although he is my Master named 'Nayana,' or 'one who brings us near,' in his mercy

he shows the miserliness of not taking me unto his company.)

2. From his lotus feet, the nectarine river of divine love flows throughout the universe; his servitors,

like bees, maintain their lives drinking the honey that falls from his lotus feet; and the

pure devotees in the shelter of the confidential mellows of Vraja revel in the bliss of singing

the glories of his lotus feet: O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may be, please quickly

take this servitor there.

3. Parental affection, so highly esteemed in the world, is a colossal hoax (as an obstacle to Hari-

bhakti); socially recognized pure matrimonial love is nothing but dacoitry (in that it plunders

away both the husband's and the wife's eagerness for the chance to acquire the treasure

of love unadulterated by the superficiality of familial prejudice); and common friendship is

merely deception: I have gleaned these thoughts from the rays of light that emanate from the

toenails of the holy feet of that great personality, the embodiment of supramundane affection.

O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may be, please quickly take this servitor there.

4. The divine message sung by Sri Krsna Caitanyacandra had its continuous play in the ears

of the people. From the ear, did he, just to fulfill the purport of the name 'Nayana-mani,' reveal

his form to the eye, making his advent in the mansion (temple) favored by the glance of

Sri Nilacalacandra (at the time of the Rathayatra festival)? O Dina-nayana, wherever that

great soul (Mahapurusa) may be, please swiftly take this servitor there.

5. Drawing up the pure golden waters of the Jambu River mentioned in Srimad-Bhagavatam,

has this golden cloud arisen on the mountain where the golden moon (Sri Gauracandra) descended

(set), just to shower down torrents of rain upon the whole countryside that was scorched

by the forest fire (of threefold sufferings), then suddenly conceal himself in the dust of

the land of the Advent of Sri Gauranga? O Dina-nayana, wherever that Great Master may be

now, please quickly take this servitor to that place.

6. He is of the same hue as Sri Gaura, and although he, who sings the tidings of Sri Gaura, is

the (natural) Guru of the whole universe, he accepted discipleship to a great devotee called Sri

Gaura Kisora ('adolescent Gaura'). In the whole Gaura-mandala he is the repository of the

glory of those who grant entrance into the fold of the pure Gaudiya Vaisnavas. He proudly

ascended the lofty throne of preaching the glories of the gift of the Golden Lord Sri Gaura

(the service of Sri Radha-Govinda in Vraja) to the Vaisnavas of Dravida (the devotees in

South India, who are generally worshippers of Laksmi-Narayana). The glory of his dignity

shines even in the group of Sri Gandharva, and he holds a pre-eminent position in the intimate

circle of Sri Giridhari, that is, he is the most beloved of Lord Mukunda. O Dina-nayana,

where that great soul is now, please swiftly take this servitor there.

7. He inundated the whole universe of countless living beings - whether brahmana, ksatriya,

vaisya, sudra, less than sudra, and even mleccha - with the oceanic nectar of the holy name of

Sri Radha-Krsna. Although unapproachable by the liberationists and yogic perfectionists, he

is known as the friend of the fallen, the mercy potency of Sri Gauranga. O Dina-nayana, wherever

that great soul may be, please swiftly take this servitor there.

8. Do I have a hope to ever see that beautiful golden personality who makes everything auspicious

for the world? Do I have a hope to ever behold that tall figure once again, his blue lotus

eyes, his nose that excels the charm of the Tila flower, his forehead that shames the half-moon,

his graceful lotus face, his gleaming pearl-white teeth, his long arms extending to his knees? O

Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul has gone, please swiftly take this servitor there.

9. In the year of our Lord Gauranga 450, in the month of Pausa, on the fourth day of the dark

fortnight of the moon in the star of Magha, at the closing of the night of Brhaspativara (5.30

a.m., 1st January, 1937), that most beloved attendant of Srimati Vrsabhanunandini entered

into the eternal pastimes. O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may be, quickly take this

servitor there to him.

10. The entire earth and skies were filled with the cries of anguish of the people, and of the

disciples devoted to the service of Sri Gurudeva's lotus feet. Where has that Great Master gone?

Alas! today the whole universe seems empty, in the separation of Prabhupada. The servitor

of Gurudeva cannot endure even a moment of his separation. O Dina-nayana, wherever,

wherever that great soul may be, please quickly take this servitor there to him.

Life Nectar of Surrendered Souls - click here

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Nice posts bija

Although; it's unfortunate and a shame that most (not all) of the disciples of Govinda Maharaj (Srila Sridhar Maharaj's successor) that I know of, CLEARY cannot understand these pure teachings.

From what I see and hear about their gatherings, all they can do is see the faults of ISKCON devotees and are too materially mundane and less intelligent to see the spirituality or pure eternal soul within all living creatures

In all fairness, this does not mean all ISKCON devotees are beyond the same mundane self-righteous fault finding.


In fact, whether it's ISKCON, or Govinda Maharaj's flock or Narayana Maharaj’s people, it appears the poisonous contamination of identifying the material body one is trapped in as the pure eternal soul, is deeply riveted within such 'so called devotees' mundane viewpoint of reality.


It really exposes how spiritually immature some so called devotees are, it's almost if they want those who have fallen down or struggled, to suffer 'eternal damnation'.


I don't know what they read into the teachings of Govinda Maharaj and his Spiritual Master Srila Sridhar Maharaj, or Narayana Maharaj, or even my dear Godbrother Gour Govinda Maharaj I stayed with and shared a room with in Mayapur (A disciple Guru of Srila Prabhupada) who I have had the good fortune to meet all of them and listen to their classes at Navadwip.


They certainly do not preach such 'eternal contamnation' and eternal expulsion from the association of devotees' as many fools do who claim to be their followers


If such self righteous ignorant so called devotees think this way, then maybe they should become Chtistians because they believe in that nonsense 'eternal damnation' and 'eternal expulsion from the Kingdom of God and the association of Krsna's dear merciful devotees!!


We, who are devotees of Srila Prabhupada and those who are devotees of Srila Sridhar Maharaj, KNOW Karma (the reactions of ALL our sins no matter how degrading and offensive they are) are temporary and ultimately eventually, we are ALL uncovered from this material dream, from the material veil of biological body and mind, to realize we are ALL pure souls and servants of Lord Krsna.


We therefore, are NOT these troublesome agitating material bodies or mind that technically is a part and parcel of the mahat-tattva and has nothing to do with who we really are in our eternal svarupa devotional form.


Srila Sridhara Maharaja - "No matter; up to whatever extent they go, ultimately they end up becoming the worshiper of the self".


Even this comment is not eternal in the material World because in the correct understanding of Spitiual life, as also taught by Srila Sridhar Maharaj and Govinda Maharaj, IS there is no such thing as eternal damnation or eternal expulsion from Krsna's Vaikuntha Kingdom.


Srila Sridhar Maharaj's grand disciples (followers of Govinda Maharaj) as well as Narayana Maharaj's disciples and other Gaudiya Math followers, as well as ALL members of ISKCON, should TRY and understand this Spiritual fact and elevate themselves above the mundane mental platform that makes them believe they are their material body and everyone else is also their material vessel.


Anyway Prabhu, Happy Janamastami and glorious to Lord Krsna's appearance day.


Are you going to Melbourne Temple today?


I'm there now on my lap top, the place is packed. There was such a beautiful morning program with sweet bhajans sung by young Indian boys.


There is even Police directing traffic at the end of Dank street, unless you came early as I did, you won't get a car park within four blocks of the Temple

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Srila Sridhara Maharaja: No matter; up to whatever extent they go, ultimately they end up becoming the worshiper of the self. They think that they will become God. The geocentric philosophy is not heliocentric. According to Srila Prabhupada [srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura], they are not heliocentric. They are geocentric. Their limit is only up to their senses. Beyond that, they don't have any understanding whatsoever. Ultimately their goal is Brahmaloka. Brahmaloka is the ultimate goal of these people, and beyond that they don't have any knowledge. The para-bhakti on the brahma-bhuta platform-that when one is situated on the Brahman platform, the transcendental platform, there the pure devotional service begins-they don't have any understanding about that.



It definetly does seem very rare to meet people that have knowledge beyond the senses. I have read al lot of the books and can understand some of the concepts about us not being these physical bodies etc. and can appreciate the concept of Krishna being the supersoul but I still find myself attracted to the senses a lot especially just love playing golf because it almost requires a certain mastery of the senses and emotions in order to play really good golf. I have never felt closer to God then when I won a golf tournament because of the mental and emotional discipline it took to overcome the pressures of tournament golf.

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Very quiet here Sarva, I don't often travel to big cities, and have very little attraction to big gatherings. Ofcourse it would be nice to hear kirtan and dance in front of Their Lordships and the simple hearted vaisnavas. But that is not possible for me this birth it seems.


I prefer to not comment about groups and disciples - if I could meet one pure devotee in this life briefly, that association is enough to meditate on. The times I have judged has been a mistake of my dusty heart, from impression thousands of years in the making.


We are all in this boat of material life together - one day this ghastly experience will not even exist, once the subtle material body is terminated. Until that time we place full faith in the Personality of grace, Sri Sri Nitaai-Gaura. Mercy has no requirements but is ever extending, so in the land of dedication we are the minute.


There is gradation in the spiritual world as well as the material...one being a reflection of the other. The land of dedication, by God's grace will allow us entry oneday...until that day the Holy Name and the well-wishes of the simple-hearted is sufficient. The rest is illusion.


Happy Janmasthami Sarva, may the chanting and association of Naam Prabhu and Gaura Bhakta Vrinda bring over-flowing love to your heart.


Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krsna!

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whether it's ISKCON, or Govinda Maharaj's flock or Narayana Maharaj’s people, it appears the poisonous contamination of identifying the material body one is trapped in as the pure eternal soul, is deeply riveted within such 'so called devotees' mundane viewpoint of reality.


KNOW Karma (the reactions of ALL our sins no matter how degrading and offensive they are) are temporary and ultimately eventually, we are ALL uncovered from this material dream, from the material veil of biological body and mind, to realize we are ALL pure souls and servants of Lord Krsna.


We therefore, are NOT these troublesome agitating material bodies or mind that technically is a part and parcel of the mahat-tattva and has nothing to do with who we really are in our eternal svarupa devotional form.


Srila Sridhara Maharaja - "No matter; up to whatever extent they go, ultimately they end up becoming the worshiper of the self".


Even this comment is not eternal in the material World because in the correct understanding of Spitiual life, as also taught by Srila Sridhar Maharaj and Govinda Maharaj, IS there is no such thing as eternal damnation or eternal expulsion from Krsna's Vaikuntha Kingdom.


Srila Sridhar Maharaj's grand disciples (followers of Govinda Maharaj) as well as Narayana Maharaj's disciples and other Gaudiya Math followers, as well as ALL members of ISKCON, should TRY and understand this Spiritual fact and elevate themselves above the mundane mental platform that makes them believe they are their material body and everyone else is also their material vessel.


Follow the Angels is indeed a timely publication that will certainly enthuse all sincere souls who are in search of the highest plane of truth.


Srimad Bhagavatam, the most exulted scripture ever to see the light of day assures us that if one wants to make advancement in spiritual life that it is necessary to follow in the footsteps of the devotees of the Supreme Lord.




bhavanti purusa loke

mad-bhaktas tvam anuvratah

bhavan me khalu bhaktanam

sarvesam pratirupa-dhrk





"Those who follow your example will naturally become My pure devotees. You are the best example of My devotee, and others should follow in your footsteps." (Bhag. 7.10.21)


In "Follow the Angels" the author Srila B. R. Sridhar Deva Goswami Maharaja, the illustrious Guardian of Devotion, guides the readers on the path of dedication shown by our predecessor acaryas such as Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada.


To follow the path of the previous acaryas is indeed the way of success in spiritual life, whereas to obscure the path of the previous acaryas or to create a method of spiritual practice of our own fancy certainly implies failure.


In part one of Follow the Angels Srila Sridhara Maharaj discusses the Krsna Conception as the highest plane of truth attainable for a living entity. The basis of this conception is that absolute beauty, affection, love and harmony are the highest goals ever discovered and that these exist in Krishna to the fullest degree. It is Krishna alone who can satisfy the innermost hankering of the soul. "Awake, arise! Search for your fortune!"

Srila Sridhara Maharaj explains that this requires the necessity of a proper connection with a real agent or guru who has a direct connection with Krishna. The guru assures our future in spiritual life. The guru and Vaishnavas are the agents of the Supreme Lord and Srila Sridhar Maharaja explains that such agents are higher than the scripture and that all success can be achieved by service to such higher agents.

We have come to attempt to know the infinite, but for a finite soul to measure the infinite is impossible. Only our good faith (sraddha) will guide us in our journey through the infinite. Faith is everything there and it is of infinite nature-all-accommodating.


By the sweet will of the Lord, everything may be true in the world of faith. Calculation does not have any value there. It is inconclusive and destructive in its ultimate aspect, so calculation should be rejected. Faith is everything for one who wants to know Krishna.

One must acquire an earnest desire to know the truth, which in due course will mature into pure spiritual attraction. Then a real taste for the truth will manifest-will be awakened in our heart.


And all attraction for sense pleasure, fame, name, and money will vanish. When this spontaneous taste for the truth awakens within us, we are safe, but not prior to that.


In Kali Yuga the service of the holy name has especially been recommended, but first the name must be taken from a bona fide guru, and it should be chanted in the association of the sadhu or saint.


In the acme of dedication there is only love, Vraja Vrindavana bhava. And there is preaching-preaching is sankirtana-the most effective way of chanting. Preaching is real service to the holy name, not just counting beads.


These and many more illuminations on the Krishna conception are revealed in part one of Follow the Angels.

From part two of Follow the Angels, the title of the book has been drawn. Here we find that we have come to the fulfillment of our innermost demand, but a measure of caution is given, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."


In part two, Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami advises that one should follow the angels and not make offense by rushing ahead when one is not actually qualified.

"One must go step by step. If we omit any step, we will be nowhere. We should be mindful of every step, and automatically that will take us in the right direction. Don't ever try to run very hurriedly. Try to remain a little down and back. That will forcibly take you to the goal, naturally. The higher Vaishnavas will take you there. You can't go there on your own."

For the greatest success in our spiritual life a proper posing in the relativity of the Absolute Truth is required. Don't try to rush ahead-do not become an offender. Stay a little distant and below. That will draw the greatest fortune for you. Pujala ragapatha gaurava bange, try to keep at a respectful distance. Keep the highest goal always above your head. Don't rush towards that position. It is not that cheap.

Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami says, "Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, has especially given this caution, pujala ragapatha gaurava bange. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has distributed what He experienced in His deep trance, but we must be ready to pay for it. Saraswati Thakura came for that purpose. Pujala ragapatha-don't go hurriedly.


Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Don't commit offenses. This is the highest prospect of your life after many lifetimes. We should always move expressly towards the goal of having the temperament of a servant. We should not venture to tread on the highest plane.


Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Don't be a fool; become an angel. Try to follow the angels." This is a fragment of the valuable advice given by Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami in part two of Follow the Angels.

In part three, Higher Talks, Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami reveals the highest ideal of guru tattva: Gaura-Gadadhara in madhurya-rasa, and Radharani in Krishna-lila.


If we raise our head a little higher and look up, then we shall find Radharani and gurudeva. It is Radharani who is instrumental in accomplishing the function of gurudeva from behind. The source of grace for the guru is coming from the original source of service and love.

Srila Sridhar Maharaja says, "We are requested not to see guru as limited in his ordinary personification, but as the transparent mediator of the highest function in his line.


If only our vision is deep, we can see that according to the depth of our sraddha, our vision, guru tattva is very peculiar, very noble, very broad, wide and very deep."

As an example of the higher vision of guru, Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami relates how his guru (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura) saw Gadadhara Pandit and Swarupa Damodara in Bhaktivinode Thakura and Gaura Kishora das Babaji respectively.


Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami then carries his readers away with an unparalleled description of Gadadhara Pandit as a shadow of Mahaprabhu running after Him as if his heart had been stolen. Like a shadow, he is moving after Mahaprabhu.


Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami compares Gadadhara Pandit to Rukmini. "So when Mahaprabhu plunders the spirit of Radharani, the rebellious vama nature, what remains is comparable to Rukmini-a passive seer, without any power to assert, only an onlooker.


An onlooker, tolerating everything, a very pitiable condition that elicits kindness and sympathy from everyone." This and other higher talks one will find in part three of Follow the Angels.

It is with great happiness that Gosai Publishers present this publication and we trust that it will be well received by the devotional community for it contains the most valuable wisdom for progress in our spiritual lives.

Srila Sridhara Deva Goswami is renowned throughout the world as a saint and self-realized pure devotee of the Supreme Lord-we therefore bow down to his lotus feet and humbly beg forgiveness for any mistake that we may have made in our attempt to serve him.


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I don't know what they read into the teachings of Govinda Maharaj and his Spiritual Master Srila Sridhar Maharaj, or Narayana Maharaj, or even my dear Godbrother Gour Govinda Maharaj I stayed with and shared a room with in Mayapur (A disciple Guru of Srila Prabhupada) who I have had the good fortune to meet all of them and listen to their classes at Navadwip.


They certainly do not preach such 'eternal contamnation' and eternal expulsion from the association of devotees' as many fools do who claim to be their followers


If such self righteous ignorant so called devotees think this way, then maybe they should become Chtistians because they believe in that nonsense 'eternal damnation' and 'eternal expulsion from the Kingdom of God and the association of Krsna's dear merciful devotees!!


I like this point, this pioneering movement of Lord Caitanya, be it Gaudiya matha or ISKCON, is in its infancy and we are not really advanced at all even we pretend to be in our costums of tilak, dhoti and dundas.


So I suppose with the comment above by Sarva, if the shoe fits, THEN WEAR IT!! :)

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<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->Quote:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by Sarva gattah

whether it's ISKCON, or Govinda Maharaj's flock or Narayana Maharaj’s people, it appears the poisonous contamination of identifying the material body one is trapped in as the pure eternal soul, is deeply riveted within such 'so called devotees' mundane viewpoint of reality.

KNOW Karma (the reactions of ALL our sins no matter how degrading and offensive they are) are temporary and ultimately eventually, we are ALL uncovered from this material dream, from the material veil of biological body and mind, to realize we are ALL pure souls and servants of Lord Krsna.

We therefore, are NOT these troublesome agitating material bodies or mind that technically is a part and parcel of the mahat-tattva and has nothing to do with who we really are in our eternal svarupa devotional form.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja - "No matter; up to whatever extent they go, ultimately they end up becoming the worshiper of the self".

Even this comment is not eternal in the material World because in the correct understanding of Spitiual life, as also taught by Srila Sridhar Maharaj and Govinda Maharaj, IS there is no such thing as eternal damnation or eternal expulsion from Krsna's Vaikuntha Kingdom.

Srila Sridhar Maharaj's grand disciples (followers of Govinda Maharaj) as well as Narayana Maharaj's disciples and other Gaudiya Math followers, as well as ALL members of ISKCON, should TRY and understand this Spiritual fact and elevate themselves above the mundane mental platform that makes them believe they are their material body and everyone else is also their material vessel.


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