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Pakistan Wants Peace With India

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Pakistan wants peace with India



The Ottawa Citizen




Published: Saturday, August 23, 2008

Re: Divided peoples seek a return to harmony, Aug. 14

The partition of the subcontinent was the inevitable consequence of the irreconcilable differences due to the exploitation of Muslims by the Hindus. The resolution for the demand of a separate homeland was adopted after all attempts to discover effective principles of internal harmony based on non-discrimination, equity and justice failed.

The writer of the op-ed, Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan, has based his initial argument on the fallacious assumption that Muslims and Hindus of the subcontinent had everything in common except their religion. In reality, Islam and Hinduism built two entirely different kinds of society.



It was not only the social structure that was different. They were two different people deriving their inspirations from different historical backgrounds and heritage.

The cultural and social differences were compounded by the economic and political injustice meted out to the Muslims of the subcontinent.

Muslims realized the need for the creation of a separate homeland after an arduous struggle to safeguard their political and economic rights within a United India failed. Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah made every possible effort for the unity of Muslims and Hindus and made the demand for Pakistan after he was finally disappointed with the attitude of Congress. The Muslims felt frustrated after every demand for their rights was resisted and all possibilities of compromise brushed aside.

History is witness to the fact that the policies of the Muslim League underwent a radical change in the light of Muslim experience of the provincial autonomy -- particularly in the Hindu majority provinces during Congress rule from July 1937 to October 1939 which was nothing short of a nightmare for them.

The writer has mentioned the popularity of Indian songs in Pakistan to support his claims of cultural similarities. I would like to emphasize that art and music have no boundaries and the people of Pakistan have enough aesthetic sense and generosity to appreciate foreign art and music.

The nuclear race in the subcontinent was initiated by India, and Pakistan had to follow suit to maintain balance of power in the region.

Pakistan is working for peace and stability in South Asia. We are committed to the process of composite dialogue with India for the resolution of all outstanding issues. Pakistan has repeatedly emphasized that the process needs to move from conflict management to conflict resolution.

Mamoona Amjed,


Press Counselor, Pakistan High Commission

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