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Placing Shiva Lingga At Home

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Hi all,


My name is Shiva and im living in Malaysia, this is my first time im posting and i feel very fortunate by accidently knowing this forum.


My question is im planning to move in to my new house where i have planned to place a Shiva Lingga in my prayers room...what will be the do's and dont's i have to follow?


I would like the lingga to be in the center of the room where i even can circle the lingga while chanting His manthra...


I have heard alot of comments from people saying that we are not suppose to have a lingga at home....my reply is only one thing:


" I never do any sin by placing Him at home and praying him, just try my best to get closer to him on the way i know"


Any comments are more then welcome...thanking you all in advance..




Hara Hara Mahadeva!!

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Hi all,


My name is Shiva and im living in Malaysia, this is my first time im posting and i feel very fortunate by accidently knowing this forum.




first up sorry i took sorry long to reply you

secondly it is not wrong to place a shiva lingam in your house it is very good go right ahead.

but when you place it there you must do a few things

1 take flower and sing a shiva song,after place flower on lingam.

2 do jaap of any shiva mantra

3 bath lingam in this order 1)milk 2)dahi or yogurt 3)ghee 4)honey )sugar mixed in water or rose water.

4 bath with pure water.

5 offer tilak,deeya,dhopam.fruit,water.

6 do havan or homa

7 do arti.

8 say closing pray.


now people are getting mixed up, it is not the shiva lingam you cannot install in ur house

it is the shalagram or vishnu stone u shouldnt put in ur house ok.


or and the part about circling the lingam is very good shiva will bliss you

you are doing a very good job

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Thank you very much bhairo..im very happy with your reply...will do as you have told so....im abit noob on all these rituals since theres no proper person to guide me...if you dont mind answering one last question will be appreciated...how to perform homa/havan? i know its like fire burning but what are the materials and ways to do it...


may lord shiva bless you..


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As per what i am aware of a shiva linga should not be circled around... basically a shiva linga is always installed in a yoni and there is a place for the water outlet you can circle from one side of the water flow channel so u end up doing a 340 degree circle around the linga and back to the other side but u should not cross (step over) the water channel... just like a japa mala where u never cross the last bead.

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first get a havan kund,which is like a pot or any metal container with the top open ok.

place it somwere that it cannot burn any thing in ur house.


first get sticks of wood and pack then in the havan kund.and lit it,(but dont use gas or them things to light it ok). when it is lit,offer water around it three times.

take a mixture of any of the following-rice,sugar,mustard seed,seasame seed,chipped fruits,chipped coconut,nutmeg,clove.

any combination of these will work.

take a little bit in ur hand and offer when saying these mantras ok(when you say swaha then offer the items in the fire).


om shree ganesh swaha

om ram ram agni swaha

om brahma swaha

om shree vishnu swaha

om shree krishna swaha

om shree rama swaha

om shree varaha swaha

om shree nirsimha swaha

om namah shivaya swaha

om naag devta swaha

om mahadeva swaha

om sada shiva swaha

om mahakala swaha

om kala bhairo swaha

om sangani swaha

om muneshwaran swaha

om vira bhadra swaha

om batuka swaha

om dum durga swaha

om bhadra kali swaha

om parameshwari swaha

om katari swaha

om ganga swaha

om bhoomi swaha

om dharti swaha

om gowri swaha

om lakshmi swaha

om saraswati swaha

om chamunda swaha

om chandika swaha

om ambi mata swaha

om jagadamba swaha

om minakshi swaha

om varun swaha

om hanuman swaha

om panchmukhi hanuman swaha

om indra swaha

om surya swaha

om chandra swaha

om mungal swaha

om budha swaha

om guru swaha

om sukra swaha

om sani swaha

om rahu swaha

om ketu swaha

om panchloka swaha.


after offer water around fire three times

and you are finished.

or one more thing you can take anyone of these mantras an offer 108 times in havan too ok

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Thank you so much Bhairo and Shivaduta...i was wondering how to do this without much knowledge but Lord himself has shown me the way through you guys...


Apart from this i saw some of the threads about worshiping Shiva Lingga at home and found some negative comments about it...some have been saying its not advisable to place lingga at home but yet no proper explanations and reason given by them about why we cant do it...i hope im doing the right thing...


as i told before "im only trying to get more nearer to him with the way i know"


cheers guys..

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, My question is ,can a shiva lingam put in your house or it has to put outside in the yard?i've my shiv lingam in my house and everyone say its not right to keep a shiv lingam in a house,so i want to know which one is right,outside in the yard or inside the house?i dont like to put my shiv lingam outside i dont feel comfortable.Pls reply.

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