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what is the truth ?

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shiv vishnu and brahma . who is god ? which was the first religion on earth ? do you think jesus was part in our purans? and wat about allah and mohamed ? if quran is true then we all should be following the muslim religion but why there is a lot of religion ? when will the supreme god come ? where is he now ? is he born? is kalki = mohamed? is Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay right in his research ? IF Eigth incarnation of Vishnu : Krishna , THEN WHY PEOPLE PRAY KRISHNA NOT VISHNU ? WHY PEOPLE SAY THAT KRISHNA IS GOD NOT SAYING VISHNU IS ? is mahabharat a fiction or people has change its meaning ? i have read somewhere that Lord Ganesha Writing the Mahabharata as Narrated by Sage Vedvyasa , then wat is the truth ???!!!! any answer for all these?

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"<b>what is the truth ?"












<a href=http://vedabase.net/bg/4/11/en target=new>Bhagavad-gita 4.11</a>:


ye yathA mAM prapadyante

tAMs tathaiva bhajAmy aham

mama vartmAnuvartante

manuSyAH pArtha sarvazaH


ye--all who; yathA--as; mAm--unto Me; prapadyante--surrender; tAn--them; tathA--so; eva--certainly; bhajAmi--reward; aham--I; mama--My; vartma--path; anuvartante--follow; manuSyAH--all men; pArtha--O son of PRthA; sarvazaH--in all respects.

As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of PRthA.


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"<b>what is the truth ?"














Bhagavad-gita 4.11:


ye yathA mAM prapadyante

tAMs tathaiva bhajAmy aham

mama vartmAnuvartante

manuSyAH pArtha sarvazaH


ye--all who; yathA--as; mAm--unto Me; prapadyante--surrender; tAn--them; tathA--so; eva--certainly; bhajAmi--reward; aham--I; mama--My; vartma--path; anuvartante--follow; manuSyAH--all men; pArtha--O son of PRthA; sarvazaH--in all respects.

As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of PRthA.



Can you prove it ?


Christians, Mohammedians they all claim what's written in their books is the only truth.

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1.Matsya (Piscas)

2.Kachapa (Tartious)



5.Vamana Avatara

6.Parshurama Avtara

7.Ramchandra Avtara

8.Lord Balramaji

9.Lord Shri Krishna

10.Shri Buddha

11.Shri kalki


so this is the difference

vishnu is the preserver . the god

shiva is the destroyer . the god

brahma is the creator . the god

the trinity . the supreme god

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no no NO ! there is no difference.Bhagvan is not sme cheap yogi.He can take up Trillions of trillions of trillions of Spiritual bodies and yet be whole.cmplete.

See what the veda says : The second purusha expands into three guna avataras : brahma,vishnu,mahesh.But Vishnu is still considered Superior for He is in charge of the Sattva guna and He is the one visnu tattva which is described as 'Paramatma' i.e. He enters evry atom and maintains the universe.Now this is the case of just one universe.Garbhadakshayi Vishnu is identified as the Second Purusha,who again expands into brahma vishnu mahesh.

This Garbhadakshayi Vishnu is the source of all the eternal avataras(vamana,Nrsimha,kurma,matsya,kalki ,etc.)

Every avatara is eternal and has an abode called Vaikuntha.But there are 2 incarnations,sri Ramachandra and Sri Krsna,who descend directly frm Ayodhya and Goloka respectively.Krsna,when He descends,gets with Him Every SINGLE expansion...be it Baladeva,Pradyumna,anirudha,MAHA VISHNU,and all the avataras,He being the source of them all.

But stil,Narayana is equal to Sri krsna.There is NO DIFFERENCE.

It is like a man at hme enjoying(Sri krsna ) and the same man managing a multi national cmpany(Sri Vishnu.)

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shiv vishnu and brahma . who is god ? which was the first religion on earth ? do you think jesus was part in our purans? and wat about allah and mohamed ? if quran is true then we all should be following the muslim religion but why there is a lot of religion ? when will the supreme god come ? where is he now ? is he born? is kalki = mohamed? is Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay right in his research ? IF Eigth incarnation of Vishnu : Krishna , THEN WHY PEOPLE PRAY KRISHNA NOT VISHNU ? WHY PEOPLE SAY THAT KRISHNA IS GOD NOT SAYING VISHNU IS ? is mahabharat a fiction or people has change its meaning ? i have read somewhere that Lord Ganesha Writing the Mahabharata as Narrated by Sage Vedvyasa , then wat is the truth ???!!!! any answer for all these?


Have you ever heard of the blind men and the elephant story? Read it:


Once upon a time, there lived six blind men in a village. One day the villagers told them, "Hey, there is an elephant in the village today."



They had no idea what an elephant is. They decided, "Even though we would not be able to see it, let us go and feel it anyway." All of them went where the elephant was. Everyone of them touched the elephant.



"Hey, the elephant is a pillar," said the first man who touched his leg.



"Oh, no! it is like a rope," said the second man who touched the tail.



"Oh, no! it is like a thick branch of a tree," said the third man who touched the trunk of the elephant.



"It is like a big hand fan" said the fourth man who touched the ear of the elephant.



"It is like a huge wall," said the fifth man who touched the belly of the elephant.



"It is like a solid pipe," Said the sixth man who touched the tusk of the elephant.



They began to argue about the elephant and everyone of them insisted that he was right. It looked like they were getting agitated. A wise man was passing by and he saw this. He stopped and asked them, "What is the matter?" They said, "We cannot agree to what the elephant is like." Each one of them told what he thought the elephant was like. The wise man calmly explained to them, "All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all those features what you all said."



"Oh!" everyone said. There was no more fight. They felt happy that they were all right.



The moral of the story is that there may be some truth to what someone says. Sometimes we can see that truth and sometimes not because they may have different perspective which we may not agree too. So, rather than arguing like the blind men, we should say, "Maybe you have your reasons." [...] This allows us to live in harmony with the people of different thinking...



Source: Jainword.com



So believe and accept what your heart tells you is truth.

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Dear Deepak,


Milly's story of elephant is the explanation to your puzzle. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the grand mystic of Bengal, employs the same story to the religious fight. "No one has seen mother Kali completely. Each prophet has seen a small aspect of Her and propounded a religion".


Full truth no one knows and cannot be known. This state of affair is declared by mystics: "Those who speak do not know, and those who know do not speak". Veda itself talks about The Truth as Na Thi, Ne Thi ( not this - not that either)




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shiv vishnu and brahma . who is god ?



Looks like Krishna is above all because He has nothing to do, just enjoy.


na tasya karyaṁ karanaṁ ca vidyate na tat samas cabhyadhikas ca drsyate parasya saktir vividhaiva uruyate svabhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca


"God has nothing to do personally. As we see a very big rich man, he hasn’t got to do anything personally, but he has got so many assistants. They’re doing everything. Similarly, parasya śaktir vividhaiva sruyate. But when the things are done, svabhaviki jnana- bala-kriya. The knowledge is so perfect and things are done so nicely that it is automatically being done. And the rascals who cannot see behind there is God, they simply see this nature: “The nature is working automatically.”


Room Conversation

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

January 8, 1977, Bombay

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Can you prove it ?

[Yes. Can I prove to you? Yes I can. There you have it now!


Now--all you must do is remember that you have had the absolute truth bestowed to you by a Hare Krishna Devotee.


Again let me re-state it un-equivically:


"remember that you have had the absolute truth bestowed to you by a Hare Krishna Devotee."


Just remember: You were ignorant--but now--the absolute truth has been bestowed to you by a Hare Krishna Devotee. Just remember that the Hare Krishnas told you so. That's it.

PS: Stop fiddling-about with your doubts just ask more and more about who is this Krishna fellow]


Christians, Mohammedians they all claim what's written in their books is the only truth.

[so what is your contention? None? There is no contradiction in the Vedas or by Krishna's direct words of the principles held in the Bible or Koran.


Your missing link is not refered to in the Bible or Koran--a personal God is only indirectly alluded to --for good reason.


God is Absolute.


We, in our material bodies in a material world, are not absolute, nor are western historic records absolute--but they are real and temporary so in the false of time that comprises western historic records --we have come full circle to re-open lost histories as recorded for posterity in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.


Yes, we have stumbling blocks to bypass on our way--please add to the clear path for other movement while in this present birth, ARJ ]


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What is the truth?

Who is God?

‘Who’s’ are people. Names go with isolated things.

Since we know the three are ONE; Mass, energy (light) and time, then all is of this combination; nothing isolated.

Everything from before and tomorrow are described within them three.

All the people are names of portions of this existence. And since a portion is still a part of the total, then something from ‘then’ is a part of ‘tomorrow’ and ‘now’ can experience both. i.e… consciousness is aware.

We are all a part of the total, as the total experiences existence by our eyes.

God is existence itself.

The contributors (prophets/teachers) represented what they experiences and could define in the words of their time. Many could see but words to define are limited by the cultures and environment; available knowledge. From the original teachers, the intent seems pure; to contribute knowledge. The sights can be believed. As cultures diversified, knowledge also diversified. Yet over the course of history, the progression can be observed sharing the evolution of knowledge. This progression and the contributors are not working for God but like any other; of the total (God). The difference is the choice. To be of pure intent, then each are capable of being just as aware and the reason is each are still ‘of’ the total.

The web now exists returning the diversity of the world’s knowledge to the finger tips. The depth of material knowledge now far exceeds the depth ever available in any other period in history. The web allows any of pure intent to do that homework.

So if existence itself is all that is and man lives within; then see that during ‘time’ men contributed knowledge for the next period to learn from until the one period (prophesized by many throughout the faiths) a birth. Basically a nut who spends his life to learn and by choice reveals the ‘absolute truth’…

Nothing magical about it as knowledge is to describe the experiences called phenomenon.

Rituals, beliefs, and the isolation from God all end with the truth.

Did that answer your questions?

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ravindra kesavan,Ramakrishna Paramhamsa has also said,

"The world is great but the ocean is greater.Greater than this ocean is the netherworld and greater than the netherworld is the entire universe.Sri Vishnu's foot covered the earth and the netherworld in one step.This same foot of His is found in the mahatma's heart and thats why the mahatma's heart is the greatest."


Now,ramakrshna paramhamsa very well knew that maya is lord krsna's exterior energy.He very well devoted his later years to serving the lord.

Every mahatma who REALLY is a mahatma knws who the Supreme truth is.

Sanaka,shaunaka,paramhamsa,vyasadeva,sukadeva,paramhamsa...these all are paramhamsas i.e. They have complete realisation of the self.Whats more,these paramhamsas are the baap of your ordinary paramhamsa.These brahmanandis,atmaramas,purna kaam,nishkaam paramhamsas are drinking the nectarean flow of the bhagvatam.


Shaunaka paramhamsa is the topmost authority on Jnana kanda.

He was in total samadhi.This samadhi doesnt break EVER.Remember we are talking about BAAP of ramakrsna paramhamsa and all those paramhamsas.

While in this samadhi,shaunaka treaded towards vaikuntha in the spiritual sky.The fragrance of the tulsi leaf on Sri Narayana's foot,entered shaunaka's nostrils.SNAP ! His samadhi broke.He became totaly suprised and alert.Then he saw the cause of his samadhi breaking like sme dream.He immediately offered obeisances and prayers to the Supreme lord.

He said,"The mere fragrance of your feet hav broken my nirvikalpa samadhi.And i rightly declare that brahmananda is like hoofprint of water in front of this ocean of happiness i'm getting by smelling that tulasi leaf !".

This is the condition of Shaunaka paramhamsa.

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Lord shiva confesses to Parvati,"Whenever some one say 'RA', i wait with utmost eagerness that the person might say 'MA' eventhough he is going to say 'vana' ."

Look at lord shiva's state.He just wants to hear RAMA.He gets such happiness.


Lord shiva is the king of all yogis.He has conquered kaama/lust.This same lord shiva takes Parvati to svetadvipa or the planet of Ksirodaksayi Visnu.He prays to the lord,"Oh lord,i have cme here with the desire to see that Mohini svarupa you manifested in front of the demons and devas."

Sri vishnu brushed it aside,saying,"let it be.Let it be,now why you want to see ?"

But Shiva insisted.Being so in love with His devotee,Sri vishnu relented.He immediately manifested the eternal Mohini avatara with the agency of Yogmaya.Shiva saw Her and he lost all sense.He brushed Parvati aside,who was sitting on his lap,and he ran.He ran like a lusty man after Her.

Make no mistake.This is a LEELA.shiva is no maya baddha jeeva.

But still,all these incidents point that every single living entity is running towards ANANDA.And that ananda is Sri Krsna alone.

Even paramhamsas cannot keep frm crying like a maniac when they hear Sri krsna's Name,Form,Pastimes/Leela,etc.

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every mahatma (who is genuine) knows the Spiritual Truth that Sri krsna/sri Visnu/His avatara, is infinitely more worshipable than Brahmn dravya(the undifferentiated,formless,quality-less spiritual effulgence.)


Sri shankaracharya himself has declared that "shuddhayati naantar aatma krsna padam bhoj bhaktimriteh."

Without serving the lotus feet of Sri krsna,the basic goal of cleansing the material mind IS NOT POSSIBLE.

And control over mind is the first step to any spiritual realisation.So any 'mahatma' who says that he is realised without doing sri krsna bhakti,SLAP HIM.IF YOU DNT SLAP HIM,YOU WIL ALSO FALL INTO THE DITCH WITH HIM.

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Shaunaka paramhamsa is the topmost authority on Jnana kanda.He was in total samadhi.This samadhi doesnt break EVER.Remember we are talking about BAAP of ramakrsna paramhamsa and all those paramhamsas.While in this samadhi,shaunaka treaded towards vaikuntha in the spiritual sky.The fragrance of the tulsi leaf on Sri Narayana's foot,entered shaunaka's nostrils.SNAP ! His samadhi broke.He became totaly suprised and alert.Then he saw the cause of his samadhi breaking like sme dream.He immediately offered obeisances and prayers to the Supreme lord.He said,"The mere fragrance of your feet hav broken my nirvikalpa samadhi.And i rightly declare that brahmananda is like hoofprint of water in front of this ocean of happiness i'm getting by smelling that tulasi leaf !".This is the condition of Shaunaka paramhamsa.


Dear Ranjeetmore,

There is quite detailed document on yoga and samadhi validated by the experienced practitioners. The Nirvikalpa samadhi does not brerak off generally and is final state as the soul completely merge with the ultimate in this state and is a no-return state. As Nirvikalpa erraces all karmic seeds, there is no reason for the soul to return to the world. It breaks off and the person is brought back to the ordinary world consciousness only in few cases , where the person is specially assigned for certain special devinly ordained tasks. Shaunaka is one of them and Ramakrishna is another. If they were not brought back, we will not even know about Nirvikalpa samadfhi's existence. Their very purpose ariving here in the world is not to seek their personal mukti but to guide others. And that is why they returned back, not because Nirvikalpa state is not final state.





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Srila Prabhupada's spiritual message won't change just as that of Jesus Christ. Mohammed, Buddha et all.


I do agree that SP's definitions were more complete but whatever he left as regulative principles or culture are temporary. With time it will fade away, it will be considered really tough to keep the pace.

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So any 'mahatma' who says that he is realised without doing sri krsna bhakti,SLAP HIM.IF YOU DNT SLAP HIM,YOU WIL ALSO FALL INTO THE DITCH WITH HIM.


Just remember: You were ignorant--but now--the absolute truth has been bestowed to you by a Hare Krishna Devotee.


budding jehadists :eek4:

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I have been a disciple of Prabhupada's for nearly 40 years, we have to learn to NOT just repeat
Wise words, in which to comprehend, we can share the reality or truth within application; then the dharma shares its life.


Srila Prabhupada's spiritual message won't change just as that of Jesus Christ. Mohammed, Buddha et all.

I do agree that SP's definitions were more complete but whatever he left as regulative principles or culture are temporary. With time it will fade away, it will be considered really tough to keep the pace.

Each of the worlds contributors shared the beauty of ‘truth’.

When you see the combination of; then realize the absolute.


ravindra kesavan,Ramakrishna Paramhamsa has also said,

"The world is great but the ocean is greater.

How is that possible?

The ocean is but a portion of the world. Perhaps a rehash on the meaning before representing a story as if to bring wisdom.


Greater than this ocean is the netherworld
no such thing as the ‘netherworld’ as it is like never-never-land in the never-ending story….. created ideas…..

first step is to perhaps be honest with absolute truths before using words divided and unequal to mankind……….


.Sri Vishnu's foot covered the earth and the netherworld in one step.
Then why the diversity of beliefs?

Why on a thread of ‘truth’ use stories created by men?


Without serving the lotus feet of Sri krsna,the basic goal of cleansing the material mind IS NOT POSSIBLE.

Is like saying; without confessing Jesus as the savior, you cannot be saved…… a secular structure within a belief system.

The true teaching of Krsna is submission or bhakti… to give of the self over any for the good of all……….. rule ONE; be honest!


And control over mind is the first step to any spiritual realisation.So any 'mahatma' who says that he is realised without doing sri krsna bhakti,SLAP HIM.IF YOU DNT SLAP HIM,YOU WIL ALSO FALL INTO THE DITCH WITH HIM.

Hence, for a teacher to suggest they know the words of truth but cannot share life ever lasting………….. then he be a liar!

The truth only exists ONE way. All else are creations of mankind.

The truth combines mankind! The truth shares life. The truth raises the dead to the flesh.

The truth is what every soul on this earth seeks.


Look at that rascal Osho.Bhagwan Osho,it seems.

Hes not even pig Osho.He is worth pig stool.

Makes sense that any who fib….. are like ………

well you know….. a rascal!

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