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what is the truth ?

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Any religious movement that remains inexorably rooted in some past era becomes extinct.
Now your talking!



There are many examples. Krsna consciousness must always remain dynamic and adaptable to the times.


Let us therefore focus and preach on Srila Prabhupadas essential and timeless spiritual teachings. We should not dwell upon relative social statements that may change with time.
yet social changes are what created the need to place vedic literature in english


so in reality; Prabhapadas was truly adjusting, evolving, developing in true Bhakti (devotion)....... contributing to the evolution of knowledge for mankind.....




Most importantly, we should not misuse those statements to vehemently put forth our own personal prejudices in a manner devoid of love, which only succeeds in discouraging others from the path of bhakti.

as the first premise of pure love is honesty..... as to retain a belief over this choice... then the cycle reveals itself as "Any religious movement that remains inexorably rooted in some past era becomes extinct. There are many examples."


Hence.... krsna movement changed as well came west; the evolution was recognized as 'to continue' as the progression was given and shared by Prabhupadas's writings. He gave to us to progress, not to regress.


as to suggest in selfish requisite of pursuing a belief over the maintaining absolute truth to knowledge and the contributions of the previous teachers shares that "Any religious movement that remains inexorably rooted in some past era becomes extinct. There are many examples."



We should not dwell upon relative social statements that may change with time.


without changing and evolving; the children can not Love you for your contributions


be of selfish practice and become extinct!

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Bishadi, I believe Virakrsna and weallshineon are attempting to understand the art of preaching according to time, place and circumstance.

It's not a question of evolving,

that's not possible because the process of Krishna Consciousness is an awakening process to what we always have had,

but rather presenting the teachings according to the times.

Lets face the facts, today with a possible black President of the U.S. and so many women PROVING they are certainly not less intelligent, it is obvious that many Vedic teachings, that are meant for the material world anyway, can not and should not be applied at this particular time and place in Kali –Yuga.

Lord Buddha also felt this way 2,500 years ago and would rather preach atheist and impersonalism than follow the Vedas

In the West, we tried arranged marriages, 80% of them ended in failure.

We tried marrying young girls at 14 or 15 that ended in failure and the courts

We tried taking girls out of school at 14 to teach them cooking, sowing and learning how to one day serve their husbands. Today most of THOSE girls are University graduates who rebelled against that nonsense. Another foolish attempt to force Vedic standard in today’s world

But many then say, "In India it's working' Actually it isn't, India is changing very fast and many are also rejecting such suppression used under the heading of Vedic culture there as well.

Better to encourage people to chant Hare Krishna, as Lord Caitanya told us. Now, that process IS the only way and it does not matter if you are women, black, homosexual or even a dog, the chanting of Hare Krishna will work for all way beyond the mundane Vedas (Except for its essence, the Srimad Bhagavatam, as instructed by Lord Caitanya. ALL other Vedas are not necessary.


In time, as the devotee communities become stronger and more Krishna Conscious, then this will change again according to that time and circumstance, but the basic principles will never change. There are many great souls lined up to take birth here, just waiting for those who are Krishna Conscious and attract such great devotees.


What is about to happen over the next 50 years, as Krishna Consciousness takes a hold on the world, is beyond our wildest dreams.

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it is obvious that many Vedic teachings, that are meant for the material world


An this is also confirmed by Krishna Himself, He Himself says it in the same way. So it was not to instruct his personal opinion that Prabhupada said all this but simply to repeat what Krishna Himself says about those wasting their lifes on the material platform.

now that's a pathetic attempt to justify or shift the blame

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ravindra kesavan.

Nirvikalpa samadhi is unbreakable indeed.

But dnt apply your brain to it.Shaunaka traversed the Paravyoma(the spiritual sky beyond the mahat tattva,where is situated christ's 'kingdom of God'.),the brahmn dravya and then reached vaikuntha.

Do you even know what yogis have to meditate on ?

The yoga shastra states,"The yogis should always meditate on Lord Vishnu within their hearts,or their respective goals can never be realised."

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and some fool here equating a fanatic christian declaration "christ is the only way" to the vedic truth,"the mind cannot be purified without doing krsna bhakti."

There have been 5 jagadgurus till.All have accepted this fact and provided pramanas frm vedas.So dont speculate and babble anything.


What is truth?

Two equally fanatic fools , one chiristian fenetic fool and another krishnian fanatic fool are fighting with each other.


William Young

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and some fool here equating a fanatic christian declaration "christ is the only way" to the vedic truth,"the mind cannot be purified without doing krsna bhakti."

There have been 5 jagadgurus till.All have accepted this fact and provided pramanas frm vedas.So dont speculate and babble anything.


Most religions claim that theirs is the only way. I find this very hard to accept. I have come to the conclusion that truth is multi-faceted so it will sometimes look different depending on which angle it is viewed from.


For example, a Christian may believe that theirs is the only way, while a Muslim may believe that theirs is the only way. Since both religions disagree, both cannot be absolute truths. While both groups may believe their view is absolute, at least one of them is wrong. But we can say that both statements are true in relation to each group's core beliefs.

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Do you even know what yogis have to meditate on ?

The yoga shastra states,"The yogis should always meditate on Lord Vishnu within their hearts,or their respective goals can never be realised."


Yoga shastra does not say that. (Neither I could find it in Patanjali Yoga Sutra, which is an authendic source on yoga nor I could hear it in the teachings of the Bihar School of Yoga, which is an authentic institution in yoga shastra, where I attended a course in yoga.)


Only Vaishnava fanatics say that.



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Yoga shastra does not say that. (Neither I could find it in Patanjali Yoga Sutra, which is an authendic source on yoga nor I could hear it in the teachings of the Bihar School of Yoga, which is an authentic institution in yoga shastra, where I attended a course in yoga.)


Only Vaishnava fanatics say that.




Only Vaishnava, the one who realizes everything say that.


Now the statement is correct.


The -ve thing: The Supremacy of Vishnu should not be revealed so cheaply to people; only the jeweler knows how to identify Gold.


I suppose that Buddha got his knowledge under a Tree in Bihar.

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ravindra kesavan.

Nirvikalpa samadhi is unbreakable indeed.

But dnt apply your brain to it.


Coz.. he is going to apply his brains. Lets see whats he knows...



Shaunaka traversed the Paravyoma(the spiritual sky beyond the mahat tattva,where is situated christ's 'kingdom of God'.),the brahmn dravya and then reached vaikuntha.


Another reference of a story book.



Do you even know what yogis have to meditate on ?


The above question shows you know nothing as to who is a yogi and what meditation means. Do you know, Meditation is not something to do, it is undoing or rather doing nothing. Meditation is Not Done. It happens.



The yoga shastra states,"The yogis should always meditate on Lord Vishnu within their hearts,or their respective goals can never be realised."


Read Patanjali 'Yoga Sutra' first.

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Bishadi, I believe Virakrsna and weallshineon are attempting to understand the art of preaching according to time, place and circumstance.

It's not a question of evolving,

that's not possible because the process of Krishna Consciousness is an awakening process to what we always have had,

but rather presenting the teachings according to the times.



And the circumstances NOW are the children can see a little more than what was shared even 25 years ago. Such that not even the greatest of teachers had the knowledge available to this “to time, place and circumstance”

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It's not a question of evolving,

that's not possible because the process of Krishna Consciousness is an awakening process to what we always have had,

but rather presenting the teachings according to the times.

So the rules of evolving are based on ‘time and environment’ and change is ever purposed. This does not mean the experience is per se changing, but the knowledge of defining the experience exceeds anything previously available.

Ie… ranjeetmore …… is still speaking in the old language to share his opinion on a western forum in the context of the krisna movement, in which the teacher was converting everything to ENGLISH for the west. Nothing benefits from the regression!

The progression (evolving process) is not only observed in nature and knowledge but the ability to comprehend and experience evolves, such as why any seek in the first place.

To see the varied opinions should give each teacher a clue as to the proper change to embrace.

Regression is oppressive.

Progression is submissive.

So the choice goes back to each person and to choose ‘perfect’ follow the rules of truth!

Good: supports life to continue

Bad: loss to the common

In the choice weigh the action. The bad in this case is to isolate and maintain complacency.

Or be submissive (bhakti/devotion)

As then the only choice is; to support our future with every bit of our fiber, so they can have the chance ‘we all did not’………… give that true LOVE to our future; existence; GOD; do good!

Submission to God is not worrying about yourself but being responsible to existence and life in all actions/purpose. Selfless commitment.

Can you see the difference?

The old ways will fail in today’s world as only by honoring the truth in knowledge as a whole will you continue; been trying to share this with you.

Is it the western arrogance that throws you off?

Imagine each child knowing the truth in the numbers of billions not little retreats in the forest where individual understanding is like trying to comprehend Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

But in truth; the rule share we are each like a tap on the pond; when our wave interacts with others in existence the good combinations combine and our wave lives longer, the bad offer little good in support of the total or in simple terms 'try and jump out of the pond'; either way a loss to the common.

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shiv vishnu and brahma . who is god ?


All three are names of one single God.


which was the first religion on earth ?

Animism : the belief that everything in world is animated by a spirit , and . Totemism : the spirit worship. (Reference Antropology)


do you think jesus was part in our purans?

Not ours but of Jews.


and wat about allah and mohamed ? if quran is true then we all should be following the muslim religion but why there is a lot of religion ?

Every culture came out with the idea of god in their own way with names and forms. Just like watter is called differently and drunk differently.


when will the supreme god come ?

Why will he have to come ? He is always here.


where is he now ?

Right here.


is he born?

He is never born and never dies


is kalki = mohamed?

Kalki is everybody - humanity is evolving to Kalki state


is Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay right in his research ?

What is his reasearch?



Some do worship Vishnu as some worship Krishna. Vishnu is God.


is mahabharat a fiction or people has change its meaning ?

It is a Fiction


i have read somewhere that Lord Ganesha Writing the Mahabharata as Narrated by Sage Vedvyasa , then wat is the truth ???!!!!


Ganesha the God did not write it. (Some human being named Ganesh might have written it).


any answer for all these?

See above




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Christians, Mohammedians they all claim what's written in their books is the only truth.



The truth written in every book of every religion...


and it is the same...


unfortunately what humanity lacks is people capable of reading and understanding the truth as it is written. the people who read the texts read their own hatred and bigotery along with the texts... thereby staining the truth of the texts.

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I think that whenever we read any text, be it from Sanatana Dharma, Christianity, Buddhism, etc we should only take to heart the things in it that resonate with us and what we find to be agreeable.


There are things in the Bhagavad Gita that I agree with 100% and there are things in it that I disagree with, but this does not mean that I believe the Gita is absolutely true or absolutely false. It's just a wonderful text that I enjoy learning from. :)

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Actually God is one. People out of illusion give different names to God. God has form & He does not have form. Both are correct.We can not say God can be only like this. Who ever wishes to see God in his own way he can see Him in that form. Devotion is very important. Unflinching faith is required to realize God. Easiest way to attain God is to cut short your ego. Out of our ego we think the name &form given by us is only correct. You can call Him Krishna or Vishnu or any other name that does not matter. How you approach Him that is what matters. Be devoted to HIM alone You will reach Him. Truth is only one God. God is the only Truth.

Hari Bhol!

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actually god can never be known totally.even the vaishnavs agree dat the greatest of devotees like narada or arjuna could not know him totally,wat to speak of earthly seekers.he is boundless n infinite. now these orthodox vaishnavs like to put forward this theory dat vishnu is the god n rest are demigods[specially the iskcon idiots].if god can never be understood fully,even by best of devotees , then how is it possible to say dat such n such deity is the supreme or such and such path is the only path?one must tread all the referred paths and fail to reach the truth and only then can he say dat this path is false.moreover sankaracharya is a strong monist at heart n not a vishnu bhakta,as put forward by these vaishnavs.this can be understood if one studies the hymns and slokas composed by him.when he is praising one particular deity{say devi] he uses all of those exclusive terms used to denote the supreme truth , and at the next moment he again applies them while praising another deity[say vishnu].this is only possible if you accept brahman as the supreme truth ad rest all deities as its different manifestations.if the vaishnavs argue that vishnu is the supreme i can also show with innumerable scriptural quotes dat devi is the supreme.and so forth.the truth is that hindu doctrines(specially the purans and the tantras are misleadingly paradoxical)different gods have been raised to the supreme position in different purans.so accepting the brahman to be supreme and every one else to be its manifestations seems to be the most desirable solution.and indeed in the ancient vedic age it was brahman who ruled.that is why we find most of the hindu terms and words having that word with them. braahman(one who is situated on the level of brahman i.e god consciousness) aham brahmasmi(i am the brahman) athato brahma jignyasa(the question about self or brahman) if vishnu was the supreme wouldnt he be more specifically mentioned instead of brahman?my intention is obviously not to derogate vishnu but to challenge those dogmatic doctrines claiming his god to be only truth . these morons fail to understand that after 1000 years of subjugation when hindu's have lost their identity and unity its time to reshape and revitalise our old dharma. instead of that they go on fighting among themselves.also these guys generally lack a detailed study of history and sociology,having which , they would have understood that hinduism was never a monotheistic religion(different worships,tribal,tantrik,vedic,puranic existed side by side) which they claim it was, and also that monotheistic approach is a virtual impossibility.no two persons want or veiw god the same way.forcefull implementation of 'one god' concepts is bound to fail as with islam,christianityetc.for example:as soon as crist died christainity broke up into numerous sub groups.even isckon is facing the same problem internally today.why is that happening.because no two person have the same idea about god.this is where the concept of ishta devata or ones chosen diety comes into play.i would suggest dat one should always believe in one infinite brahman and then choose upon a diety according to his taste and worship him with all the supreme attributes.serve him the best with totall causeless love.pay respect to all,just like the lady of the house caters to everyones needs,but keep him(ishta dev) on a highrer pedestal than others,just as that lady keeps her own husband above the rest.radhe radhe.

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