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brahma kumar

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I generally dislike Wiki but their article in this case is quite well written.







That is what I get for scanning and not reading. I think it is a divine symbol that has been perverted by a group of people. I think consideration must be givin in its display and people need to have the origins explained clearly to them.

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Om shanti,

Swastik represents the world drama wheel.Something which is cyclic in nature and is of 5000 years.

Each of the section represents a yuga(golden,silver,copper and iron)

Satyug,treta,dwapar and kaliyug.

This is cyclic in nature and not linear.

we are presently in sangam(overlap)of kaliyug and satyug.

Each age as represented by the metals also represents the degradation of human values with time.

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Just as gold is the purest the human values(sanskars)were pure .

Their personality always had peace,happiness,purity,satisfaction..

As they say 16 kala Sampoorna.

As mankind descended to silver age there was a decrease of 2 degree to 14(silver)of kala's.

Till this age there was only one religion,language,country.

From bronze age various religious Establishers started establishing their religions.

Abrahmaic in west and various in east(india).

Even then they were 8 degrees sampoorna(values).


At the start of kaliyuf mankind was devoid of all his original qualities.

and the 5 vices(lust,anger,greed,attachment and ego).

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The emotions and feelings of these 5 vices became more predominant though original sanskars still exist.

which is collectively called MAYA.

At this sangam god descends again to make us 16 kala sampoorna and to establish the religion of deities.

Though i dont have any proofs to prove this the knowledge is given by the

director of this drama who is nirakar (no form) shiva.

He is called shiv because it means SEED or source

2.Benefactor(a personality that only gives never takes)



A picture would me more helpful i can upload it at any link on this site.

Om shanti.

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Swastika is a bloody symbol. Nazi-like. It's violent and without respect. Just stupid bloody nonsense..




No Primate, That could be one association of this symbol you got from Nazi's use of it , just like the Christian meaning of snake symbolism as evil incornate - as lucifer came in the form of snake - but hindus have holy meaning to it - see Vishnu lies on a snake.


Swastika has a very good holy connotation not only amoung Hindus but universally accross the globe, in many ancient civilizations. It is an architypal symbol. ( meaning it is universal content of all minds of all cultures). Architypally, this is the symbol - or mandala or chakra - that arises or encounters first in one's spiritual journy. This is the very door of spiritual realm.


It is devine and very very holy. It is the seal of the door of spiritual realm.




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It is used as parameter by Demigods [eyes for the Universal Justice] when bestowing blessings or for atonement. It is cyclic in nature, when it turns clockwise, it means blessing; anticlockwise means punishing. It has a lot to do with Karma...


This symbol can be found in the palms of Demigods.

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No Primate,
remember, many primates don't read



That could be one association of this symbol you got from Nazi's use of it
Hitlers purpose was cleansing but failed with ego and selfish requisites.

Swastika has a very good holy connotation not only amoung Hindus but universally accross the globe, in many ancient civilizations. It is an architypal symbol. ( meaning it is universal content of all minds of all cultures).

the combining of the four colors of mankind (yellow, black, red and white) see the Hopi too




that migration towards the; the knowledge of truth.


remember if we (mankind) are under the 'lotus feet' of vishnu.... then each corner of the earth must be honored



Architypally, this is the symbol - or mandala or chakra - that arises or encounters first in one's spiritual journy. This is the very door of spiritual realm.
makes sense



It is devine and very very holy. It is the seal of the door of spiritual realm.
perhaps why the adi buddha (last avatar to come) is supposed to have it on the bottom of his feet http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/symbols/buddhapada.htm


which to me suggests, he has walked (observed the knowledge from each)


The swastika is not a Nazi idea but used as a war cry within a war machine.


It is almost as bad as Judaism using a religious belief to create a state within a foreign land. i.e.... the migration to Israel was not of compassion but of selfishish religious beliefs.


hence the idea once observed; it is good that Israel exists or what hitler did to the jewish people? Neither would exist without the other and we can't change time to argue about it. That divide of the east and west, the war of all wars; will be based in this conflict.


It is already written.


perhaps try a little from other points of view about the combining of mankind



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