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Large Hadron Collider

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so as we all now this experimant is underway, and alot of scientific theries are going to be proved, and if not we will be destroyed. but what i would like to n=know is how do all of u feel about this from a spiritual point of veiw. before only god had the knowledge and the power to do such things, and man is in possestion of this knowledge and power.........what i think is that now we have the basic knowledge to create a whole new universe......dosent that sound like to much power

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According to the Veda, the universe is created by Brahma who is a super-man but still a man, a jiva soul.


According to the Veda, solid earth is created from more subtle elements, and the gases and air came into existence as a transformation of aether. Originally there was only subtle energy and that energy became more gross and formed into atoms and physical particles.


According to the Veda, in the beginning of the universe there was a rippling of energy when the soul of Brahma began to re-engineer the substance he found all about himself. This rippling is the energy of Brahma's thoughts adn idea - the mantras and ideas he resonates with. Brahma did not create the material elements, he only re-fashioned substances that already existed and set them moving in a dynamic way so that material bodies were formed, and in "seeing to" that process Brahma saw other minds awaken within those newly formed forms, and those other minds in other bodies began to act within nature according to their svabhava, their inherent nature. So it was, that at the dawn of time when Brahma was residing over the waters of eternity the evil propensity of Madhu and Kaitabha arose spontaneously from within the ocean of devastation. Brahma awoke, and evil beings also awoke.


Science says matter evolved from other stuff. The Veda says the same. Maybe evil forces will awake within the Large Haladron Collider. Or maybe not.

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so as we all now this experimant is underway, and alot of scientific theries are going to be proved, and if not we will be destroyed. but what i would like to n=know is how do all of u feel about this from a spiritual point of veiw. before only god had the knowledge and the power to do such things, and man is in possestion of this knowledge and power.........what i think is that now we have the basic knowledge to create a whole new universe......dosent that sound like to much power


Doesnt look like an experiment, rather a tool to get all this money and fool the public. 20 nations paid for all this, without any public opinion poll.

If these particles which colide and cause an explosion generate the building blocks of life and the order of the planetary systems of the universe, then this particles must contain all this information in seed form already. This is science, nothing comes from nothing, all the components how the universe and life is made must be already in those neurons they're using for the experiment.

However, these particles are visible for the scientists, means, these particles are at best a mixture of earth, water, fire. If more subtle elements like ether, buddhi, manah, ahankarah are not taken into account, there're elements missing, how they can expect to create something?

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Doesnt look like an experiment, rather a tool to get all this money and fool the public. 20 nations paid for all this, without any public opinion poll.

You may be right that this whole LHC project is just a scheme to pay the salaries of thousands of scientists. Why should they seriously attempt to solve science anyway? They all would be out of a job! Another possibility is that the quantum experiments performed at CERN are a western cover-up for an anti-matter factory, to create an anti-matter bomb, to control/destroy the world.



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