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Rudraksha-- Urgent question

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Hi All,


I have been using Rudrakhsa rosary for the last one month. Few days back my grandmother passed away and as per the Hindu rituals we are not supposed to offer prayers (touching idols) for the 13 days after the death (TERAHAVIN) because the family is supposed to become purified only 13 days after the death in the family.


My question is-- should I wear the Rudraksha rosary for these 13 days or not?


This doubt has come to my mind because Rudraksha is not supposed to be worn during sleep, in the laterine and at the SHAMSHAN (place where last rites after death are performed).


Here I would like to clarify that my grandmother expired in the village and I am living in th city so I am not at the place where my gramdmother expired.


Having this doubt I have taken off my rudraksha rosary and would like yo know from learned people.


I request learned ones to kindly answer my question as soon as possible.


Thanks a lot!!



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