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Adam And Eve !

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it has always been said that the first man and woman on earth was ADAM AND EVE! is it true ? lol . but what about the theory of science that we are descendent of monkeys ?



foolish question ya

The theory doesn't say we are descendants of monkeys. It says we are descendants of ape like creatures :smash: . The Adam and Eve story is not to be taken literally.

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it has always been said that the first man and woman on earth was ADAM AND EVE! is it true ? lol . but what about the theory of science that we are descendent of monkeys ?



foolish question ya


Any manifest history that relates to what we are, is relevant to our understanding of whom we are. Our common biological bloodline with monkeys shouldn’t be taken too literally, however. We are what we are, and if it looks as if we descended from monkeys, then that fact may give us information about whom we really are. Nothing more, nothing less.



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it has always been said that the first man and woman on earth was ADAM AND EVE! is it true ? lol . but what about the theory of science that we are descendent of monkeys ?



foolish question ya


A metaphor with much to offer.

That is the first story or ‘creation’

the ‘2<SUP>nd</SUP> creation’ is the last chapter coming.

In this life is shared as from the interaction of light (energy) and mass. Such as from ‘atoms and energy’ a true comprehensible understanding of life reveals itself. In that light is the form to energy that combines all elements to make any single molecule. This process is misunderstood in the sciences by the constraint of Planck’s constant. Current physics are incorrect and why in general studies, the children are not shown how 'evolution' works within the math and chemistry of sciences. By walking the planck, 'chaos' and equlibrium maintain the conflict and the division of sciences. Meaning Darwin shared the observance to evolution by no mathematical framework in the science can provide the proof to over rule the religions.


That progress of atoms and energy to combine and share ‘life’ is an ever evolving process of time and environment. In which harmonizing mass resonates and when combinations associate their combined energy is greater than individual. (opposite of entropy)

Life began at the beginning of ‘mass and energy in time’, rather than at Adam and Eve but, let’s go on.

The idea that woman came from the rib of man, well in biology each cell divides by giving up a portion of itself to ‘create’ the next generation.

Then when Adam ate of the tree of knowledge. (Adams apple story)… that shares the day that comprehension was born in consciousness and man left nature (instinctive) but in the story God kicked them out of the garden of Eden. (purely natural)

But man became aware of himself and why they began to wear fig leafs; awareness.

The story goes on but now read through it with new eyes and find, mans became ‘one of us’ per Jehovah in which by choice man can ‘create life’.

Hope that helps

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Of course Darwinism is correct in stating that we and apes have a common ancestor. Genetics and DNA research prove this beyond doubt. In fact all life on earth is genetically related. The question is whether this relatedness is the direct result of natural selection and evolution, or of some higher order universal dynamics that manifests itself as an evolutionary process and survival of the fittest in nature.



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Any thing related to material existence is wery well explained by science rather than religion. Evolution theory is correct There cannot be any doudt on this now in the 21st centuary, though there are some still debate about science.


What possibvly could still be doubted in darvin's theory is Darvin's assumption that the evolution is determined by random chance process of survival of the fittest. There is valied doubt on this view. It is more reasonable to assume that evolution is governed by a very purposive integent teleological purpose. This is where Darvin went wrong not in the details of evolutionary history - there are solid proof to the verasity of the evolutionary sequence now.




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Of course Darwinism is correct in stating that we and apes have a common ancestor. Genetics and DNA research prove this beyond doubt. In fact all life on earth is genetically related.




We are all from that very first 'light.'


All life is of the 'light' and in the process of evolution we can all recognize, that if ever there is a break in the lineage or that a branch of life stops, then the extinct is observed. This means within each of us, that 'original' light is still alive and if ever there was a break in our lineage we would not be here.



The question is whether this relatedness is the direct result of natural selection and evolution, or of some higher order universal dynamics that manifests itself as an evolutionary process and survival of the fittest in nature.



Instinctive is pretty much always of the 'intent' to continue. And man shares his 'instinct' simply by observing that drive of copulation.


The real issue is that with 'choice' or that experience of, we as a species have isolated ourselves from the natural (left the garden)


so to honor 'life' and the life of nature, we can see our own traits


but we know compassion and Love; capable of giving of ourselves over the nature of instinct.


We can create and 'support life to continue' by choice rather than instinct. We can give of ourselves for the good of 'the total'.............

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And how does man + increased anger = monkey?



that is easy; monkey is instinctive or simply always looking out for 'self'


man is conscious have the ability of compassion (others over the self, first)


A person of self is following their own selfish requisites; a regression!


See hitle, stalin and a whole host of the leaders who had their own agenda.


Not only are they considered 'beasts' within mankinds memories and history; but most have an 'extinct' line and only live in the 'hell' of their creations.


We remember them as animals of selfishness. Kind of like demons of the known histories.


So can man regress to a beast; absolutely.


As without mankind, there would be no evil in existence.

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