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Result of Vakri Jupiter in Ninth House

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Really, you should have a full reading done if this is a major concern.


Vakra strengthens a planet - this is because when a planet appears to move backward it is physically closest to us on earth. Jupiter in the 9th House is generally fortuitous - more or less so depending upon the lagna, etc.


I am not sure if free readings are generally given on this forum, but it is not my practice to do so.

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Hi Kailash,

I am a learner of astrology and would please like to take the liberty of answering your query as per my limited knowledge.

Your Jupiter is retrograde in own house. While retrogradation makes a benefic weak but should not turn it into a malefic. Hence, it should be good for you, further cause its placed in its own house, and aspected by the exalted mercury from the 3<SUP>rd</SUP> house. The only other aspect comes from the debilitated rahu in 5<SUP>th</SUP> house. I believe it should be generally good for you, rather than being bad!

Your lagnesh, Moon is well placed in Kendra, further strengthened by the exchange yoga with Saturn. Though moon considers Saturn a neutral but Saturn considers moon as its enemy. Sun is strong in its house but venus is largely weakened which might be affecting the significations of the 4<SUP>th</SUP> house- health of mother, property, vehicles etc. And also that of 11<SUP>th</SUP> house, though can’t interpret this due to the presence of neutral mars and debilitated ketu there.

With due apology to the learned members here for taking this liberty, I would kindly request them to correct me wherever necessary.

Kind regards

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Dear Vic


Thanks for reply.

Please check my all planets & tell me my future & career.


My Lagna & first House : Karka Lagan & Saturn

II nd House : sun & venus

III rd House : Mercury

V House : Rahu

VII House : Moon

IX House : Jupiter

XII House: Mars & Ketu


best regard / Kailash


As I said, It's not my policy to give free readings, especially not on the internet. However you should simply know that in the main, Jupiter in the 9th House is highly positive because he is in a place congruent with his natural significations. Also, being retrograde / vakri does NOT deter him. A lot of western concepts regarding retrograde have confused Vedic astrology on the subject. We simply consider vakri to be an indication of increased strength... the logic being astronomical in nature.

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Hi Kailash,

I am a learner of astrology and would please like to take the liberty of answering your query as per my limited knowledge.

Your Jupiter is retrograde in own house. While retrogradation makes a benefic weak but should not turn it into a malefic. Hence, it should be good for you, further cause its placed in its own house, and aspected by the exalted mercury from the 3<SUP>rd</SUP> house. The only other aspect comes from the debilitated rahu in 5<SUP>th</SUP> house. I believe it should be generally good for you, rather than being bad!

Your lagnesh, Moon is well placed in Kendra, further strengthened by the exchange yoga with Saturn. Though moon considers Saturn a neutral but Saturn considers moon as its enemy. Sun is strong in its house but venus is largely weakened which might be affecting the significations of the 4<SUP>th</SUP> house- health of mother, property, vehicles etc. And also that of 11<SUP>th</SUP> house, though can’t interpret this due to the presence of neutral mars and debilitated ketu there.

With due apology to the learned members here for taking this liberty, I would kindly request them to correct me wherever necessary.

Kind regards


You did a nice job.


Retrograde effects strengthen the ability of the planet to exert influence. It has a slight effect on intentions (not strength) as you noted, it *slightly* modifies a planet's nature. This is slight.


The exchange with Saturn will be reluctant to give good results, however. Saturn will resist cooperating with the moon for this native. Although the Moon will have a better effect on Saturn than visa versa. Thus the natives emotions are inclined to lack wisdom and restraint. But through emotions the native is likely to gain wisdom. In some ways this does suggest Bhakti Yoga towards Sri Krishna, with Shivji as an important guide on that path.


I would not consider the exaltations and debilitations of the nodes very prominently.

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