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The Complete Illustrated Guide To Ayurveda

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The Complete Illustrated Guide To Ayurveda

posted September 19 2008

by Gopi Warrier & Deepika Gunawant, MD



About.com Rating four.gif

By Subhamoy Das, About.com



From Madonna and Naomi Campbell to Cherie Blair and the late Princess Diana, this age-old Indian medical tradition has fascinated the West with its many miracles. At a time when more and more people are turning to the holistic medical system of Ayurveda to stay healthy, this book is a must for reference. But unlike many reference books on the topic, this one is quite enjoyable!

Pleasant & Authoritative


Written by two experts, "The Complete Illustrated Guide To Ayurveda: The Ancient Indian Healing Tradition" is a comprehensive and practical guide to the ancient medical system of ayurveda full of color photographs and charts. It explains how the ancient system works, its current applications — disease, diagnosis treatment and prevention. Presented in a pleasant visual format, which makes the study of such an arcane topic relevant and enjoyable, it answers almost all your questions and every concept is put in the right perspective for the layman. So it makes for a great read for the uninitiated, across age groups. A host of decent illustrations underscore the rich content of the book. It also includes a glossary, useful addresses, further reading suggestions and index.

A Look Inside


The first chapter "The Science of Life" explains what ayurveda is and how it works. Chapter two: "The Traditional Wisdom of Ayurveda" deals with the meanings, mythology, theory and texts. In the heart of the third chapter - "The Principles of Ayurveda" - lie the Theory of Panchamahaphutas, the five elements, and the three "gunas". Chapter four entitled "Ayurveda Today" tells you about how to apply the powerful science of ayurveda in your daily life, and how modern medicine and ayurvedic preparations can co-exist and also work together. The next chapter deals with a complete ayurvedic lifestyle, and what do you need for such a living: The Dinacharyas (daily routine), Ritucharyas (seasonal routine) and an ayurvedic diet. The last two chapters are for the budding ayurvedic practitioner. Chapter six deals with diagnostic ayurveda, causes of diseases, classifying and diagnosing them. The concluding chapter is fully devoted to ayurvedic treatment: From remedies, surgery, medicine and physiotherapy to yoga, spirituality and rejuvenation therapy.


About the Authors


Author Gopi Warrier who founded a management consultancy firm with a special interest in International Development and Herbal Medicine, particularly Ayurveda in 1977, is also the founder of the Ayurvedic Company of Great Britain. Co-author Deepika Gunawant, MD, who is the chief physician of the company, is a doctorate in ayurvedic medicine and an ayurvedic practitioner for 15 years.

The Bottom Line


In sum, 'The Complete Illustrated Guide To Ayurveda' is true to its name — a complete health guide — easy to follow, enjoyable, lucidly illustrated and authoritative. Anyone concerned with wellbeing would want to have it in her collection, and benefit from it.

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