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Worthlessness leades to felo-de-se

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Dear All,


I've been a member of this forum for a while, met some good astrologers and have seen people with various problems which really look bad.


But for this very moment, I feel I've seen enough in this life of mine. I'm 24 and I consider myself worthless and nothing less than a parasite. I started working when I was 18 to fund my education. Today all I see is darkness and noway to get over the misery and bog around me.


I've been into something which I can call major chronic depression for past few months. My decision to join some college has also not worked and I'm back again at my parental dwelling, doing nothing other than wasting my time thinking does my life really makes sense, or will it ever.


Whats the point of getting into astrology learning about planets and stars when all you see is misery and poverty which pull you more and more in them creamed up with destructive thoughts from family.


I cannot see much of a reason to write all this in this forum, even this is not a mental counseling space. But I think I've had enough of all this. I cannot move, cannot go on, I feel stuck up and I feel screwed up to the best. And for all this if I can blame someone then that would always be my sire.


If anyone feels like having a look at a guy who has done nothing in his life, then these are the details...


15th October 1984; 04:07 AM; Rourkela, India.


And I humbly apologize for my erratic behaviour.

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