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The Bhagavad-gita quote by Einstein - real or myth?

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Ananta Sesa

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This is most probably not a quote from Einstein:


"When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous."


It's likely fabricated to promote Hindu religion.



This is a quote from Einstein:


"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the 'Universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." - New York Post, 28 November 1972



These are probably quotes from Einstein:


"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."


"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."


"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."


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That supposed Einstein-quote about Bhavad-gita is stated in millions of BBT:s books...which of course the atheists demand a source for!


Yeah...these atheists are a pain. Why cant they simply accept what they are told? Why do they use their brains instead, asking for evidence?


I say, they should simply accept heaven, hell, Krishna and a flat earth without asking questions. Anyway, they are all going to hell for doubting.


Hare Krishna

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Yeah...these atheists are a pain.
Who is an atheists? The people who believe God or the people who believe the words from men?


seems your opinion is from men as you mention no reference from God




Why cant they simply accept what they are told?
By whom? Muhammad, Einstein, Zoroaster, Darwin, Jesus, Newton, Confucious, Hawking or perhaps the Buddha or Ted Haggard but let me guess, you have a man you like to learn from rather than the collective of God's 'creations'..........? ie...... who is doing the telling that is unequivocally equal to all mankind...... please do not say a man who walked the earth was blue or that Srila was the messiah



Why do they use their brains instead, asking for evidence?
because before a truly honest human being can convey truth, they must understand what they are saying or they are simply lying!



I say, they should simply accept heaven, hell, Krishna and a flat earth without asking questions. Anyway, they are all going to hell for doubting.
lying is for dying.....


devotion to the truth over the beliefs of mankind are where the true can be known


never stop inquiring, never give up that trust in God; all will be revealed!

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Yeah...these atheists are a pain. Why cant they simply accept what they are told? Why do they use their brains instead, asking for evidence?


I say, they should simply accept heaven, hell, Krishna and a flat earth without asking questions. Anyway, they are all going to hell for doubting.


Hare Krishna


Dear Kaisersose,

No one goes to hell by doubting. (That principle - accept what is told with out doubting , and with out using your brain - is a con of preachers) .

People go to hell by blindly accepting false doctrine.


There was a preacher called Jim Johns in United states some time back. He started a cult called People's Temple. Many accepted followed him faithfully with out doubt. At the end one day he asked them all to commit suicide by drinking cyanide . They accepted and followed what is told to them and died in massess.


See what is the end result of following your principle of accepting what is told ,with out doubting and withnout using brain?




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  • 8 months later...

Well I'd like to add my 2 pence into this:


"Which Einstein Quote?

Which books? I don't see it anywhere, at least in the English books."


Your Iskcon devotee,



PS: Maybe you are actually mistaken about which Physicist who worked on the atomic Bomb? maybe you meant Robert Oppenhiemer --who indeed, quoted the Gita, on video --this is famously known.




PS: Thee 'Dravida das' ???


PS: "supposed Elvis Presley-quote???" Is there any source for this supposed quote from him? Oh yeah, and what about the "supposed Elvis Presley is still alive and living in a Hare Krishna Ashram in Tennessee rumor" ???

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When I read the Bhagavad-gita, I ask myself how God created the universe. Everything else is superfluous.


I had the quote on my wall at work in the seventies. A co-worker bought a Gita from me because of the quote. So all is forgiven.

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When I read the Bhagavad-gita, I ask myself how God created the universe. Everything else is superfluous.


I had the quote on my wall at work in the seventies. A co-worker bought a Gita from me because of the quote. So all is forgiven.


Thoreau or Emerson. There was a similar quote on the back of the little purple gita's by that first publisher before McMillian.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

see as it has been told atheist are not the people who don't believe in god ...they are the kind of people who doubt even their very existence..who don't believe in themselves the inner instincts ..einstien's quote carries no weightage ahead of the song of god bhagwadgita..

just i put forth a word that whenever god wants to change sonething he has told he will do that by changing/igniting someone's..(one full of wisdom and faith) mind!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a human being, you are given a special faculty called "mind", and it is your duty to inquire . Even Bhagwat Geeta  encourages everyone to seek answers to their doubts, and it also states the path one can take to help him seek  answers to his/her questions .


One can receive knowledge from three sources put together. (1)  books (source of knowledge which is Bhagwat Gita itself) , (2) teacher / Guru ( who has deep understanding of the subject, and who himself/ herself was a student first) and fellow students ( through discussion i.e. sankirtan) 


If you are really interested, then do you think this forum can help you answer your questions? You are simply wasting your time.


Just for the fact, Do you believe that the universe which is so complex can be understood in one line or one paragraph?


Can a painting exist with a painter?  I don't know about you, but I can be 100% sure that it doesn't.


Similarly, a creation (in this case a universe) cannot exist without a creator.  My quest is always to understand THE CREATOR, and I can tell you that my journey has been very blissful so far.


I wish I had this curiosity when I was 5 year old. 

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