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i heard somewhere that doing 32lakh jaap of HREEM,can completely change a persons life,and give totality in marriage. I am going through a lots of probs,and really want to do this. though i have never done any sadhna before,is it ok for me to do this,being a gurl i cannot do it continuously so is it ok if i do break kar kar ke. Also is it ok to do it without taking sankalap ,i will just samarpit it to maa? Also please tell me any other rules and precautions i need to take. And also i do not need to prefix and suffix it with anythin?



Please do reply,i will be greatful for help

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Hreem is the mantra of bhuveneshwari...

hreem without any prefix or suffix is called "shuddha bhuveneshwari"

Hreem is also the maya beej or the seed sound of maha maya

hreem is also called the devi pranav


(om is the pranav mantra and hreem is the pranav when it comes to devi worship)


a beej (seed) mantra is just like a seed of a plant ... you have to feed it with the water and soil of your thoughts, love and energy the seed grows into a tree...


on its own "hreem" is enough


if you want somethign as a prefix and suffix then


"om hreem namah" is the best...


best of luck

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  • 7 months later...


"Om Hreem Om" is the key for bhuvneshwari Mata. (One of the imp Dus Mahavidya devi & easy to perform/impress)


3 lakh jap. And you can have darshan of maa.

Ask any thing you get it. Best time to do is Navratri.


Sankalp is necessary. Homa, trapan, Marjan is necessary.


Work without any doubt.


Ladies - can take 5 days break. Resume after head wash.


God bless you.



Dhruv Bhura


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Hi Sir


im interest to get the "Diksha" book for all the Sadhanas


indicated and do i need to attend for yantra classes to do


diksha or do it on my own?


Your kind quick reply will help me in my studies and


physical difficulties


Thanking U


Our Awesome God alwys showers

every1 in universe




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I am not clear what you want to know!


Diksha is given by Guruji to sadhaks. Like Guru Diksha, Maha Lakshmi Diksha, etc


After taking this Diksha, we can perform our sadhans. Results would be quick & successful.


Buy (if possible) "Trantra Mantra Yantra Vigyan" Magazine/patrika. This is very famous, should be available easily at ur area. This magazine would clear lot of queries.



Dhruv Bhura

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