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Can somebody put some light on abhijit nakshatra

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Hart de Fouw also explains this nicely in "Light on Life"


A nakshatra is the portion of the sky that the moon moves through over the course of 1 day.


It takes, on average, between 27 and 28 days for the moon to come back to it's original place, over the course of the month. Thus originally the sages counted 28 nakshatras.


However... 28 is not a multiple of 9 or 12 (9 planets, 12 signs, and 9*12=108) so it was disfavored and a system of 27 nakshatras of equal size (3 1/3 degrees each) was uniformly adopted by jyotisha. This transition from 28 to 27 was solidified all the more with the development and importance of the dasha systems which relay on 9 rulerships of the nakshatras, so the nakshatras needed all the more to be a multiple of 9.


Muhurta Jyotish held on to the 28th nakshatra, and it is still utilized in that arena.

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