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Purifying Past Karma

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I can do no better than to quote the sacred words of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu:


"Glory to the chanting of Krishna's names (Sri Krishna Sankirtan), which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death"


Chanting Krishna's names has the power of releasing one from karma and material existence. The Buddhist teaching where you "dilute" your bad karma by accumulating more and more good karma does not apply in Hinduism. If you do good and help people, you will have to return to this material world to enjoy the fruits of your actions. Perhaps the fruits may be that you are born as the son of Bill Gates or into a powerful family, but you will still have to return to this material world to experience the results of your good deeds. To get out of this material world, you need to render devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna, and do everything as an offering to Him.


Just chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

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Is there a practice to fix / purify past karmic passage into this current life?

This is hardly achieved when acting on one's own - the dynamic of material attachment is of this kind to always pull as back into sinning.


Therefore the yuga avatar says, Sankirtan, we have to live in a society of those who are without sin to invoke the rays of the benediction moon.


Benediction moon being used to illustrate that things happen not merely by our deeds but due to the mercy of Lord Caitanya.

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Burning the seeda of past karma is the only way. This can be achived in many ways. The pure clasical method is yoga. In nirvikalpa samadhi Seeds of karma are burnrd. This is the sure method. Of course there are other methods like bhakti yoga or Karma yoga. Seek liberation through any authentic method. that is the way to purify past karmas .



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