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Bill Gates's Chart Analysis

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Dear Astrologers,


What combination of planets has made Bill Gates so very rich?


In the second house of Leo Bill has a Malefic Jupiter, still he has immense wealth, how can that be explained astrologically?


Moreover I understand it's Venus which has set him on the path of extreme wealth, but Venus is in 4th house and is hemmed in Sun and Saturn, then how it got related to wealth when it is in house of Family.


Birth Details :

Birth 10/28/1955 (Oct 28, 1955)

Birth Time: 22:00 (10:00 PM) PST

Birth Place: Seattle, WA

Latitude / Longitude: 47 N 36 / 122 W 20




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While search on internet I came across an interesting article about Bill Gate's natal chart. This analysis is written by the great P.V.R. Rao.


The report explains various dasa systems, their needs and how do they work.


It can be found at http://www.vedicastrologer.org/gatesdasa.htm


Unfortunately it doesn't answer my queries, so I'm waiting for a learned astrologer to throw some light on the same.




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  Ayush said:
Dear Astrologers,


What combination of planets has made Bill Gates so very rich?


In the second house of Leo Bill has a Malefic Jupiter, still he has immense wealth, how can that be explained astrologically?


Moreover I understand it's Venus which has set him on the path of extreme wealth, but Venus is in 4th house and is hemmed in Sun and Saturn, then how it got related to wealth when it is in house of Family.


Birth Details :

Birth 10/28/1955 (Oct 28, 1955)

Birth Time: 22:00 (10:00 PM) PST

Birth Place: Seattle, WA

Latitude / Longitude: 47 N 36 / 122 W 20






Some sources say he was born 21:15 pm, so it is not sure if there's anything correct.


What could be also an option is that he isn't what is always spread, a lone warrior having become extremely successful but rather the opposite, part of a huge network. In fact fully depending upon this functioning network so much so, that without the help of that network he would never have reached that success. The success of Microsoft made possible by a combined effort of an efficient network and not through the ideas of an individual, Bill Gates.


Nowadays they often stage for propaganda purpose such stories of an individual becoming a superstar from nothing. Take Harry Potter frontwoman Joanne K. Rowling, now labeled as richest woman of UK. Meanwhile it became known that she had a whole industry working for the publication of Harry Potter from the very beginning. And her positioned as mastermind and genious of the Harry Potter story just for pushing the Harry Potter saga.


Bill Gates horoscope with TOB, 22:00 pm, so many planets in Scorpio clearly indicate that he's an expert in dealing with a network.



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Here is another great article from internet which says why people with same chart don't get the same results. For example, there must be people with the same chart as of Bill Gates who must have born at the same time at the same date and at the same place, but none is close to Bill Gates.




Bill Gates seems to be a topic of conversation lately, with the big contribution to his foundation by the Super Investor Billionaire Warren Buffet. This article showed up in my inbox today and it makes interesting proclamations about Bill's future and from where his wealth comes.


his basic chart shows debilitated sun and exalted saturn with venus in fifth. lagna lord exalted in virgo with mars, jupiter in leo, ketu in the twelfth, moon in tenth.



Why aren't people who are born at the same time and place as

Bill Gates rich like him?


What is special about Bill Gates?


What is the future of Bill Gates?


Money attracts money; poverty attracts poverty.




Currently the breaking news is that Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world, is giving most of his money (several billions of dollars) to the foundation of Bill Gates who as everyone knows is the richest man in the world for the past many years. Why would Warren Buffet give the money to Bill Gates foundation? Mr. Buffets answer is that if you want to play golf, play with Tiger Woods. Buffets thinking is that Bill is the right person in the world of philanthropists and it is better to give the money to him so that the money would be properly used. True, no one can question the prudence of Buffet and in my opinion Mr. Buffet has made a good decision.


I am writing this note to my readers who are interested in Vedic Astrology and I thought that I would raise some fundamental questions about the correctness of astrology itself using Bill Gates as an example. Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 at 21:15 in the city of Seattle, Washington. The following is his Vedic birth chart with the placement of various planets in different houses.

Why aren't people who are born at the same time and place as Bill Gates rich like him?


The most fundamental question to ask is the following. There are people in Seattle, Washington born at the same time as Bill Gates. Why are they not as rich as Bill Gates or somewhere near to him? One might rightly assume that some of them born at the same time may very likely be poor as well. The natal charts of all those born at the same time will be identical. If at all there are some changes, it will be in the placement of the Moon which is the fastest moving planet. Even the Moon stays in one zodiac sign for about 2 days. This is an inconvenient question for astrologers. Assuming that some one carries out a research project to collect all the horoscopes of people born at Bill Gates birth time in Seattle and present it to a bunch of astrologers, how would they give their readings? Is astrology then a false science? No, it is not.


I have put the question to many renowned astrologers and no one gave me a satisfactory answer except one gentleman. His name is Unnikrishna Panikkar (click for recent article) from Kerala in Southern India. Mr. Panikkar is a divine astrologer and he practices a special form of Vedic astrology called Astamangalam Prasannam. (B.V. Raman, Indias most celebrated astrologer has published a translation of this unique form of astrology. The title is known as Prasna Marga in 2 Volumes). Panikkar told me that a persons chart should be read in relation to six generations of his ancestors in this case, Bill Gates father, his grandfather, his great, great grandfather, etc. going back six generations. The whole idea is that if Bill Gates is rich, it is not simply his doing. It is collectively the merit of six generations of his ancestors. Mr. Panikkar said that if your grandfather or great grandfather had been a bad guy who raped women and murdered someone or even deceived another, you end up paying for it.


To the modern rational mind-set this seems to be unfair, but that is how things work in the world of the souls. Mr. Panikkar speaks about a unique soul genetics which is similar to DNA inheritance. Astamangalam astrology is an amazing science, but unfortunately there are only a few who are good at it and it is difficult to get hold of them to give you a reading. Mr. Panikkar became attracted to me for my spirituality and for about 2 years we have been good friends.


What is special about Bill Gates' chart?


Bill Gates is born at a very auspicious time. It is the thirteenth waxing Moon time and the Moon itself is on the star, Uttarabhadrapada. His incarnation is a direct act of Lord Siva who is the God in charge of removing karma. Students who are following my teaching know that on the 13th Moon (Pradosham Day) during sunset time Siva removes the suffering of people. Like Siva, Bill Gates will alleviate the suffering of people. His birth star Uttarabhadrapada is ruled by Saturn and Hanuman. Saturn himself is in Libra exactly with a debilitated Sun and powerful Venus. The placement of these three planets in his Fifth House from the Ascendant clearly proves that Bill Gates is connected with the Divine, particularly Lord Siva. In order to have a fortunate life one should have a good Ascendant zodiac sign and the Lord this zodiac sign powerfully placed. Bill Gates has Gemini as the Ascendant and Mercury, the Lord of Gemini, is exalted in Virgo. Further, Ketu in the 12th house means that this will be Bill Gates last incarnation.


What is the future of Bill Gates?


Bill Gates had been born in India in many, many lifetimes and this memory will kick in very soon for him. He will soon engage himself in researching the occult palm leaves called nadi leaves in Southern India which carries the cure for so many diseases. This research will lead him to become spiritual for the rest of his life. He would soon thereafter be interested in physical immortality and the art of turning the body into light following the Tamil Siddha tradition. He will invest a lot of resources for research into physical immortality.


It is very likely that he may dramatically enter U.S. and world politics. He will be some sort of ruler U.S. President? The entry will be dramatic and he will do a good job. Eventually Bill Gates will become a yogi and he will establish ashrams all over the world. He will bridge the gap between science and religion.

- Written by Amrta




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Try these datas and see what you can get out of it

Bill, Gates, Male, 10/28/1955, 21:15:00, DST/WT 0, Seattle, WA, USA, Time Zone 8.00, Lat. 47 N 36, Long. 122 W 19


  Ayush said:
Dear Astrologers,


What combination of planets has made Bill Gates so very rich?


In the second house of Leo Bill has a Malefic Jupiter, still he has immense wealth, how can that be explained astrologically?


Moreover I understand it's Venus which has set him on the path of extreme wealth, but Venus is in 4th house and is hemmed in Sun and Saturn, then how it got related to wealth when it is in house of Family.


Birth Details :

Birth 10/28/1955 (Oct 28, 1955)

Birth Time: 22:00 (10:00 PM) PST

Birth Place: Seattle, WA

Latitude / Longitude: 47 N 36 / 122 W 20




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  Ayush said:

Why aren't people who are born at the same time and place as

Bill Gates rich like him?



Like I said, it rather looks like he is chosen for propaganda purpose to play the frontman and inventor of Microsoft, but in fact it is an efficient network which by combined effort achieved this global popularity. Of course there must be always a mastermind, boss. If in case of Microsoft Bill Gates is actually the one who makes all the important decisions and actually can be called the boss of Microsoft is very doubtful. Looks rather Bill Gates is something like an advertising vehicle, a legend.

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  Ayush said:
Dear Astrologers,


What combination of planets has made Bill Gates so very rich?


In the second house of Leo Bill has a Malefic Jupiter, still he has immense wealth, how can that be explained astrologically?


Moreover I understand it's Venus which has set him on the path of extreme wealth, but Venus is in 4th house and is hemmed in Sun and Saturn, then how it got related to wealth when it is in house of Family.


Birth Details :

Birth 10/28/1955 (Oct 28, 1955)

Birth Time: 22:00 (10:00 PM) PST

Birth Place: Seattle, WA

Latitude / Longitude: 47 N 36 / 122 W 20





Well this is not difficult to see. He is a Gemini lagna with Asc and 4th lord exalted in fourth. This brings luck and success on many levels particularly with the mind, home/real estate. 2nd lord of wealth and 11th lord of wealth are mutually aspecting along 4/10th axis, great for wealth particularly for a profession that has to do with the mind (computers/logic).


The auspicious 5th house of Poorva Punya or past life credit has a powerful venus and 9th lord Saturn is at its maximum degree of exaltation in this luck house. The 5th house is one of creative intelligence and good business sense which he possesses in spades. Of course 5th and 9th lords both in powerful signs and combined in same house is extremely auspicious.


Lakshmi yoga. When Venus and Mercury are in owns signs that is one lakshmi yoga. In this case it occurs in yoga-karaka houses (4th and 5th).


2nd lord Moon, lord of wealth is nearly full in the 10th house of career and aspected by exalted lagna lord.


Positions from the moon show all evil house lords destroyed (lords of 6th, 8th and 12th are all in 8th) this is a highly auspicious combination not only giving tremendous good fortune but without side effects (since the evil lords are weak).


His wealth reached world-class status under Saturn/Venus (or was it Venus/Saturn I don't remember). In any case that would make sense since both planets are so well placed.


In his Sun cycle he faced some problems with the Gov't as you might expect, charges of Monopoly and such. A debilitated Sun could give occassional problems during its cycle.


But overall the luck & success are dripping off this chart. Notice that the sensitive Pisces/Virgo axis is emphasized giving strong intelligence and flexibility of mind.


It wouldn't be likely for such a person to have been too rich and successful if we were not living in the "Information technology revolution", although they would still be quite successful.


- Pablo

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  ppena said:
Well this is not difficult to see. He is a Gemini lagna with Asc and 4th lord exalted in fourth. This brings luck and success on many levels particularly with the mind, home/real estate. 2nd lord of wealth and 11th lord of wealth are mutually aspecting along 4/10th axis, great for wealth particularly for a profession that has to do with the mind (computers/logic).


The auspicious 5th house of Poorva Punya or past life credit has a powerful venus and 9th lord Saturn is at its maximum degree of exaltation in this luck house. The 5th house is one of creative intelligence and good business sense which he possesses in spades. Of course 5th and 9th lords both in powerful signs and combined in same house is extremely auspicious.


Lakshmi yoga. When Venus and Mercury are in owns signs that is one lakshmi yoga. In this case it occurs in yoga-karaka houses (4th and 5th).


2nd lord Moon, lord of wealth is nearly full in the 10th house of career and aspected by exalted lagna lord.


Positions from the moon show all evil house lords destroyed (lords of 6th, 8th and 12th are all in 8th) this is a highly auspicious combination not only giving tremendous good fortune but without side effects (since the evil lords are weak).


His wealth reached world-class status under Saturn/Venus (or was it Venus/Saturn I don't remember). In any case that would make sense since both planets are so well placed.


In his Sun cycle he faced some problems with the Gov't as you might expect, charges of Monopoly and such. A debilitated Sun could give occassional problems during its cycle.


But overall the luck & success are dripping off this chart. Notice that the sensitive Pisces/Virgo axis is emphasized giving strong intelligence and flexibility of mind.


It wouldn't be likely for such a person to have been too rich and successful if we were not living in the "Information technology revolution", although they would still be quite successful.


- Pablo

This kind of kali-yuga wealth is not actual wealth since it creates the darkest hellish condition in his future millions of lifetimes.


Someone who doesn't become a Vaishnava right after the auspicious appearance of the yuga-avatar is gliding down into very low position of having to accept millions of abominable births in the lower species.


Since Bill Gates is not even vegetarian he is even more severly punished for having the chance to become educated about the law of karma but foolishly rejecting it.


In this way he is sinking down into hell and having to suffer 1000 births in hell for every single hair on the cows bodies he supported to be killed.


Btw, Venus in Scorpio is the most bad Venus constellation, at the same time his Venus squares Pluto, indicating that in past lifes his Venus was turned into chaos. Therefore, additionally, Venus conjunction Saturn.


Ruler of house 2 is in house 5 in square with Uranus what says he might eventually lose everything, since Uranus eradicates illusions which cause material attachment.

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Dear list members namaskar,

I would like to say that it is not about our income but about our excpences (12th bhava) that what will decide where will we go after this life. GRahas in 12th bhava will have 11th argala on our 2nd bhava, hence decide a lot about our food habits etc of course there should be virodha argala to stop bad influence on the same bhava. I cannot agree that if somebody is very rich and involved in temple that he is making bad karma. Of course the money although it is pure rajas should be earned through good means also.

Bill Gates is nowdays very involved in giving money to donations etc. We also know that this is Kali yuga but also taking the name of Krishna he will help us to purify ourselfes. It is said that in Satya yuga people were born enlightened in higher state of conciousness, but in Kali yuga people will easily fall in Dharma but also opportunity to get up is more often and easier.

I dont know if u use Western asorology or Jyotish, but per jyotish he is mithuna lagna with lagna lord Buda uccha (exalted) in 4th bhava, and Sukra is in fifth bhava.

There are many yogas that are giving him so much money in the cart.

Best wishes, Bojan


hari om tat sat



  suchandra said:
This kind of kali-yuga wealth is not actual wealth since it creates the darkest hellish condition in his future millions of lifetimes.


Someone who doesn't become a Vaishnava right after the auspicious appearance of the yuga-avatar is gliding down into very low position of having to accept millions of abominable births in the lower species.


Since Bill Gates is not even vegetarian he is even more severly punished for having the chance to become educated about the law of karma but foolishly rejecting it.


In this way he is sinking down into hell and having to suffer 1000 births in hell for every single hair on the cows bodies he supported to be killed.


Btw, Venus in Scorpio is the most bad Venus constellation, at the same time his Venus squares Pluto, indicating that in past lifes his Venus was turned into chaos. Therefore, additionally, Venus conjunction Saturn.


Ruler of house 2 is in house 5 in square with Uranus what says he might eventually lose everything, since Uranus eradicates illusions which cause material attachment.

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  Bojan said:

Dear list members namaskar,

I would like to say that it is not about our income but about our excpences (12th bhava) that what will decide where will we go after this life. GRahas in 12th bhava will have 11th argala on our 2nd bhava, hence decide a lot about our food habits etc of course there should be virodha argala to stop bad influence on the same bhava. I cannot agree that if somebody is very rich and involved in temple that he is making bad karma. Of course the money although it is pure rajas should be earned through good means also.

Bill Gates is nowdays very involved in giving money to donations etc. We also know that this is Kali yuga but also taking the name of Krishna he will help us to purify ourselfes. It is said that in Satya yuga people were born enlightened in higher state of conciousness, but in Kali yuga people will easily fall in Dharma but also opportunity to get up is more often and easier.

I dont know if u use Western asorology or Jyotish, but per jyotish he is mithuna lagna with lagna lord Buda uccha (exalted) in 4th bhava, and Sukra is in fifth bhava.

There are many yogas that are giving him so much money in the cart.

Best wishes, Bojan


hari om tat sat

Krishna clearly says in Bhagavad-gita that it is the quality of your work what determines your next birth. To be rich without being a devotee of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is therefore rather demoniac - asura - and all sinful activities like the killing of other living entities counted together. Such people are crushed in the rollers of Lord Yamaraja.


Bill Gates could have easily installed sounds like Hari, Gopal, Rama, etc in his Operation Systems, sounds which cause liberation from samsara. Instead Bill Gates rather supports pornography, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling, all what the internet became today - filth, sinful activity, hellish condition.


Donating is defined by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad-gita, according Krishna's standards, Bill Gates' welfare is useless and not helping to spiritualy uplift humanity. Btw Bill Gates stole the name 'Microsoft' from a luxury bed firm.




Many say that Bill Gates stole the idea for a graphical operating system and the mouse from Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer, who stole the idea from Xerox.


As Lord Krishna says, better be a poor but honest streetsweeper than a pseudo, someone who pretends to be something that he's not. But Bill Gates is even worse, he's a demoniac asura, a candidate for hell.

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Dear Suchandra, Pablo and Bojan,


Thanks a lot for the detailed clarification and the input to the thread. I'm sure the conversation would be handy not only for me but also for many other people.


My thoughts:

I'm an individual who believes that everything we do live and believe in are created by we the mankind. We have made religion and we believe in it, we have made society and we follow its rules and the list goes on. This is the reason why I feel I'm more of an atheist. I do not believe in anything which my eyes can't see. I acknowledge Karma, and believe only in myself. With this thought many religious people don't get along with me well and many people who want a change of want to hear something new listen to my talks with affirmation.

With these thoughts as base to my thinking, I feel there is no other life than this life which we live. In this life Bill Gates did something which no one else managed to do, and undoubtedly if Astrology is a science of life, it should show for Bill's planets making all sorts of combination for being rich. Indeed, it wasn't only his efforts which made him acquire that wealth, the reasons for him being rich can be a million. But, in the end what matters and means is he is rich and he will be till the day he die, no matter what planets say.


I dunno where Bill Gates would go after this life. For one thing which I'm sure is in this life he is not going anywhere other than to an expensive mansion, largest office in silicon valley, and some jets and some lemos for quick club and charity trips.


People are too naive to see what where and how. They are keen on knowing only and only the present. For Bill Gates, he is rich rather richest of all, and it makes all the sense in this materialistic world.




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