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In a birth chart the planets' locations are shown in degrees against which are also shown the Rasi lord,then the star lord and also two more sub lords.


One for instance: Lagna : 115 :55 :22-Alsesha3- Moon-Mer-Rah-Moon


Sun:195:18:56-Swati3 -Ven-Rah-Ven-Ven


Can the two more sub-lords & their significance be explained,please.



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classic72 ji,

I have not used jhora until now for not knowing how to utilise the software.

You may help in this regard.

But I have birth chart of a boy where I find the table below in which under KP Pointer 4 planets are shown.The first one(Ven) is the lord of the house(Tula) and the second(Rah),The Star lord.I would like to have the clarification on the 3rd & 4th ones shown as to what do they signify.

<TABLE id=DataGrid1 title="You may click Back button of the Browser to return to the the Form Page" style="BORDER-RIGHT: #deba84 1px; BORDER-TOP: #deba84 1px; Z-INDEX: 102; BORDER-LEFT: #deba84 1px; WIDTH: 650px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #deba84 1px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #deba84" borderColor=#deba84 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 rules=all border=1><TBODY><TR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: white; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #a55129"><TD>Planet</TD><TD>Longitude</TD><TD>Star</TD><TD>Pada</TD><TD>KP Pointer</TD><TD>House</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Sun</TD><TD>15° Li 18' 56.9897"</TD><TD>Swati </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Ven-Rah-Ven-Ven</TD><TD>3</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Mercury</TD><TD>29° Vi 26' 25.6728"</TD><TD>Chitra </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mer-Mar-Sat-Rah</TD><TD>3</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Venus</TD><TD>28° Le 51' 19.6743"</TD><TD>Utra Phalguni</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Sun-Sun-Mar-Mer</TD><TD>2</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Moon</TD><TD>21° Vi 2' 17.7086"</TD><TD>Hastha </TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Mer-Moo-Ven-Moo</TD><TD>2</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Mars</TD><TD>9° Ge 5' 10.2929"</TD><TD>Ardhra</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mer-Rah-Jup-Sat</TD><TD>11</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Jupiter (Retro.)</TD><TD>23° Pi 45' 57.7514"</TD><TD>Revati</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Jup-Mer-Mar-Mer</TD><TD>8</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Saturn</TD><TD>9° Cn 23' 38.94"</TD><TD>Pushya</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Moo-Sat-Ven-Jup</TD><TD>12</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Uranus</TD><TD>9° Li 46' 16.8497"</TD><TD>Swati </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ven-Rah-Jup-Ven</TD><TD>3</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Neptune</TD><TD>16° Sc 54' 51.9336"</TD><TD>Jyeshta</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mar-Mer-Mer-Mer</TD><TD>4</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Pluto</TD><TD>16° Vi 49' 51.3204"</TD><TD>Hastha </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Mer-Moo-Sat-Sun</TD><TD>2</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Rahu</TD><TD>29° Li 1' 40.547"</TD><TD>Vishakha</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Ven-Jup-Sun-Jup</TD><TD>4</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Ketu</TD><TD>29° Ar 1' 40.547"</TD><TD>Krittika</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mar-Sun-Mar-Ven</TD><TD>10</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Lagna</TD><TD>25° Cn 55' 22.2734"</TD><TD>Aslesha</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Moo-Mer-Rah-Moo</TD><TD>1</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



I am sue you will be able to guide,sir.




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Dear sir,

Some how my below thread seems to have escaped your attention for guidance.

Will you please check,Sir






  Anuradha said:
classic72 ji,

I have not used jhora until now for not knowing how to utilise the software.

You may help in this regard.

But I have birth chart of a boy where I find the table below in which under KP Pointer 4 planets are shown.The first one(Ven) is the lord of the house(Tula) and the second(Rah),The Star lord.I would like to have the clarification on the 3rd & 4th ones shown as to what do they signify.

<TABLE id=DataGrid1 title="You may click Back button of the Browser to return to the the Form Page" style="BORDER-RIGHT: #deba84 1px; BORDER-TOP: #deba84 1px; Z-INDEX: 102; BORDER-LEFT: #deba84 1px; WIDTH: 650px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #deba84 1px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #deba84" borderColor=#deba84 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 rules=all border=1><TBODY><TR style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: white; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #a55129"><TD>Planet</TD><TD>Longitude</TD><TD>Star</TD><TD>Pada</TD><TD>KP Pointer</TD><TD>House</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Sun</TD><TD>15° Li 18' 56.9897"</TD><TD>Swati </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Ven-Rah-Ven-Ven</TD><TD>3</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Mercury</TD><TD>29° Vi 26' 25.6728"</TD><TD>Chitra </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mer-Mar-Sat-Rah</TD><TD>3</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Venus</TD><TD>28° Le 51' 19.6743"</TD><TD>Utra Phalguni</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Sun-Sun-Mar-Mer</TD><TD>2</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Moon</TD><TD>21° Vi 2' 17.7086"</TD><TD>Hastha </TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Mer-Moo-Ven-Moo</TD><TD>2</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Mars</TD><TD>9° Ge 5' 10.2929"</TD><TD>Ardhra</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mer-Rah-Jup-Sat</TD><TD>11</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Jupiter (Retro.)</TD><TD>23° Pi 45' 57.7514"</TD><TD>Revati</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Jup-Mer-Mar-Mer</TD><TD>8</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Saturn</TD><TD>9° Cn 23' 38.94"</TD><TD>Pushya</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Moo-Sat-Ven-Jup</TD><TD>12</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Uranus</TD><TD>9° Li 46' 16.8497"</TD><TD>Swati </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ven-Rah-Jup-Ven</TD><TD>3</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Neptune</TD><TD>16° Sc 54' 51.9336"</TD><TD>Jyeshta</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mar-Mer-Mer-Mer</TD><TD>4</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Pluto</TD><TD>16° Vi 49' 51.3204"</TD><TD>Hastha </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Mer-Moo-Sat-Sun</TD><TD>2</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Rahu</TD><TD>29° Li 1' 40.547"</TD><TD>Vishakha</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Ven-Jup-Sun-Jup</TD><TD>4</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Ketu</TD><TD>29° Ar 1' 40.547"</TD><TD>Krittika</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mar-Sun-Mar-Ven</TD><TD>10</TD></TR><TR style="COLOR: #8c4510; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff7e7"><TD>Lagna</TD><TD>25° Cn 55' 22.2734"</TD><TD>Aslesha</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Moo-Mer-Rah-Moo</TD><TD>1</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



I am sue you will be able to guide,sir.




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Dear Anuradha,


Please accept my apologies for not responding to this. Just getting flooded with requests.


Well to begin with my knowledge of KP Krishnamurthi Padhati is very minimal. I am just responding to show you some directions for your answers. Experts in KP - please feel free to step in and correct me.


I typed sub lord in KP on google and found a website that displayed the lord and sub lord of planets/points placed in different degrees of the zodiac.

These four lords are basically 4th level lordships based on where the placement of planets.


I am not sure whether external links are allowed here - so I am refraining from it.


For example - for each nakshatra lord is subdivided for all planets to be included proportionally - just like the time periods in Vimshottari dasa - Maha Dasa and Antardasa and Pratyantardasha and Sookshmantara dasa and so on.


The progression seems to be just like Vimshottari - Ketu/Venus/Sun/Moon/Mars/Rahu/Jup/Sat/Merc within each major planet.


So these 4 levels are the sub lords at these levels.


So there is Ketu as the Nakshatra lord and based on the planet placement sub lord is also Ketu, Venus . . .. The same continues.


As again this is my inference based on a two minute google search - KP experts please feel free . . .


Hopefully my explanation is helpful here.





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