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How you show Devotion to Lord

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How do you show devotion to God? Prayers/Songs/Mantras/Yoga/Meditation?




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Be good to your fellow beings. Try to always tell the truth. In the game of cricket, the pace bowlers are aggressive because they think, when I can bowl fast why should I fear? So the same applies when you select between truth and a lie. When you can tell the truth, why should you lie? All that happens, happens for good. Do not think ill of anybody or curse anybody eventhough he/she may have given you pain. This much will do to show your devotion to god. To serve the purpose that we are here for. The rest Prayers/Songs/Mantras/Yoga/Meditation are spiritual feelers where you can choose any to suit your lifestyle and adopt accordingly. This is what I personally feel.

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Be good to your fellow beings. Try to always tell the truth. In the game of cricket, the pace bowlers are aggressive because they think, when I can bowl fast why should I fear? So the same applies when you select between truth and a lie. When you can tell the truth, why should you lie? All that happens, happens for good. Do not think ill of anybody or curse anybody eventhough he/she may have given you pain. This much will do to show your devotion to god. To serve the purpose that we are here for. The rest Prayers/Songs/Mantras/Yoga/Meditation are spiritual feelers where you can choose any to suit your lifestyle and adopt accordingly. This is what I personally feel.


No, no...What i meant is how YOU show your devotion and love and prayers to God on a regular basis??:)

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No, no...What i meant is how YOU show your devotion and love and prayers to God on a regular basis??:)


No need to show. Just practice for yourself. Only meditation will take you to the next plane. The rest (singing/mantra recitation/hearing to a Story of the devine) can give your senses a great feeling but once you stop these, your mind holds you back to its world. In meditation you are trying to kill the mind as far as possible. The effect is more profound.


Sorry, I dont have the Hindu in me. Only Spirituality which has no tags.

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