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I'm new, first question re: meditations

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Hello, I'm new here. I found this forum because I was searching google for answers regarding a ringing sound I hear in my ears when I meditate. My question however is now about that. Let me give a bit of background first.


I am not Hindu. I am not any religion at the moment, and I hope that is ok for me to be a member of the forum. I used to be LDS (Mormon), but that religion did not feel right for me. I'm vaguely familiar with the basic beliefs of Hinduism, as I once visited a temple in Europe - but a lot of the words I've seen on the board so far are very foreign to me and I really don't know a lot of the definitions. Please forgive my naivety.


I began meditating about 2 months ago using a technique from an organization called "Higher Balance Institute". I was drawn to the material as it promised a way to expand my consciousness and experience God, as well as experience a whole host of other paranormal phenomenon.


The meditation technique involves clearing your mind, focusing on your sacral, heart, then 3rd eye Charka for about 10 minutes each while pulling Prana in through those Chakras. This is done twice a day to raise your overall vibration. I believe this is a form of Kundalini if I'm not mistaken.


I'm only doing it once a day, but I've had some experiences. Ringing in my ears was the first, which when focused on expands into a harmony of tones and seems to increase the energy I can feel. I also see more energy, or some sort of static around me and other things. I've had some experiences with feeling entities in my home, phantom smells, things touching me, movements out of the corner of my eye, strange sounds in the house, etc.


I'm excited to have these experiences, as I've spent most of my life frustrated by the fact that I know there is more to the world that can be seen with my eyes. I've just never known how to experience it. Higher Balance has their own forums and the community there is very friendly and helpful, but I always like getting as many viewpoints on a topic as I can.


So now my question: My wife is concerned that I'm playing with forces that could hurt me. She's concerned I'm inviting dark forces towards me (and her) by meditating like this. She is orthodox in her religion, so she has all that vastly rich God/Devil imagry going on for her. She's had experiences when she was younger with psychic abiblities, entities trying to posses her, seeing demons, etc. I believe she may be more afraid for herself than me. I've never felt in danger while I meditate, on the contrary I feel better, energized. But I am very new to meditation so I don't really know what I'm doing, and maybe I am really fooling around with things that could hurt her. I would appreciate any insight any of you can give me. Thank you.



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Om shanti,

Hello jsavage,

I am as new to kundalini yoga as you to hinduism:)

From what wikipedia says( When Kundalini Shakti is conceived as a goddess, then, when it rises to the head, it unites itself with the Supreme Being (Lord Shiva). The aspirant becomes engrossed in deep meditation and infinte bliss.)



I have been practising Rajayoga and the results have been very positive.

Its an open-eyed form of meditation when proficient at it you will be able to maintain,a meditative state throughout the day.

It harnesses the energy of the mind.

For more info visit


This mediattion is thought by brahma kumaris free of cost.

It is present in over 100 countries and 8500 centres worldwide.

A basic knowledge course is provided before we can meditate bcoz

we should have an understanding of both the self and supreme.

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Dear jsavage, this phenomenon is nothing new and nothing to get disturbed about it. This is a carry over of your previous birth. There have been instances where people have felt something in their hands, a picture or place or an event when they close their eyes, strange perfume smells and many other such phenomena. It is believed that anything devine will not be lost with the end of a birth. It will carry over. Thats the reason you have continued your meditation and started feeling things at a early stage coz you already have it in you naturally by birth and just the question of bringing those forces out. You will soon find a Guru also coz nothing can continue without the intervention of a Guru. By your words, it seems that you are neither an indian nor living in India. The word of caution is to not get carried away with these small 'siddhis'. It will fade away soon the more you use it. Just continue on the devine path you have found and tell your spouse not to get too worried about this. Coz anything devine need to be continued than feared. Our dear friend on this forum Ravindran Kesavan is much knowledgeable in this area. Send a personal message in case he didnt see your post. You will get a best reply.

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brahma kumar, Thank you for the information. I will look into that method.


srikanthdk71, also thank you for the reply. I am not Indian, I live in the USA. I would love to find a guru, however, I fear that there are few to be found here, at least that I could afford. I will continue on my current path, I was mainly concerned for my Wife because of her history.

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brahma kumar, Thank you for the information. I will look into that method.


srikanthdk71, also thank you for the reply. I am not Indian, I live in the USA. I would love to find a guru, however, I fear that there are few to be found here, at least that I could afford. I will continue on my current path, I was mainly concerned for my Wife because of her history.


In your case, you need not search for a guru. The guru will come to you. Just wait for the time to come.

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always ask for Your Highest Good, ask for protection and state that you only allow enteties of the vibration of Love and Light to approach you during your meditation session.


When you start the Enlightenment path there is a risk that you will attract lower vibrational energies which also long for the Light that you are emitting, here is a good article about this subject:




My advice is: go for it, you are here to experience God, but be smart about these things use your reason and ask for guidance from your Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides to assist you on your quest for Enlightenment.


Peace, Love, Light

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I've never felt in danger while I meditate, on the contrary I feel better, energized.

It sounds like you have integrated your karmic experience to some extent already. As you deepen meditation practice you may discover a quality of fearlessness. The yogi who lives in a very subtle way has cultivated a deep tolerance while the body and mind remain. The mind will be seen on various levels. The mind and body is your field of activity. You are the knower of the field (kshetra-jnana). The field is called kshetra. You are not this mind, you are not this body - you are spirit/soul.


Fearlessness of a spiritual type is described in some bonafide scriptures. For example:


BG 2.56: One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind.


BG 6.13-14: One should hold one's body, neck and head erect in a straight line and stare steadily at the tip of the nose. Thus, with an unagitated, subdued mind, devoid of fear, completely free from sex life, one should meditate upon Me within the heart and make Me the ultimate goal of life.


BG 16.1-3: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Fearlessness; purification of one's existence; cultivation of spiritual knowledge; charity; self-control; performance of sacrifice; study of the Vedas; austerity; simplicity; nonviolence; truthfulness; freedom from anger; renunciation; tranquillity; aversion to faultfinding; compassion for all living entities; freedom from covetousness; gentleness; modesty; steady determination; vigor; forgiveness; fortitude; cleanliness; and freedom from envy and from the passion for honor — these transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.

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taken from the book 'Message of Godhead' by Srila Prabhupada.



...In the language of Bhagavad-gita, the spirit soul is called ksetrajna, the knower or tiller of the field, whereas the body and mind, the coverings of the spirit soul, are called ksetra, or the field. In the eleventh chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, discusses the subject matter of ksetra, ksetrajna, and also prakrti (nature, or the phenomenal world, which is enjoyed) and purusa (the enjoyer of the phenomenal world). Lord Krsna explains that all actions and reactions that take place in this phenomenal world are the actions and reactions of this combination of ksetra and ksetrajna, or nature and the enjoyer of nature. For instance, rice paddy is produced by the action and reaction of the field and the tiller, or a child is begotten by the combination of prakrti, the enjoyed, and purusa, the enjoyer. In the same way, whatever we see in the phenomenal world is produced by this combination of ksetra and ksetrajna. This ksetrajna is the living spirit, whereas the ksetra is the material which is lorded over. Physics, chemistry, astronomy, pharmacology, economics, sexology, and other material sciences deal with the materials of ksetra. But the science that deals with spiritual existence--pertaining to ksetrajna--is called transcendental knowledge. Real culture of knowledge, therefore, pertains not to

ksetra but to ksetrajna. We shall get full opportunity to discuss all these subjects more elaborately, but for the present we may be satisfied simply by knowing that the ksetrajna (purusa, or enjoyer) is the central objective of all knowledge, because it is this ksetrajna alone that creates everything in conjunction with the material body and mind and the allied physical elements. The ksetrajna is the eternal spirit, whereas the ksetra is matter, which is temporary and ephemeral. This eternal truth is summarized in the Vedas in the

aphorism brahma satyam jagan mithya: "Spirit is fact and the world is a false shadow." By "false shadow" one should understand that the world is temporary, existing only for the time being. But one should not make the mistake of thinking the world has no existence at all. I really possess my temporary material body and mind, and I must not make myself a laughing stock by denying the existence of my body and mind. At the same time, I must always remember that the body and mind are temporary arrangements. However, the spirit encaged by this body and mind is eternal truth and indestructible. No one can destroy the eternal spirit--that is what we need to understand at the present moment. The indestructible spirit is thus above the conception of violence and nonviolence. Today, the whole world is mad after the culture of knowledge in relation to

temporary arrangements for the gross material body and the subtle material mind. But more important than the body and mind is the spirit, which has been set aside without any proper culture of knowledge. As a result, the darkness of nescience has overshadowed the world and has brought about great unrest, disturbance, and distress...

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I'm only doing it once a day, but I've had some experiences. Ringing in my ears was the first, which when focused on expands into a harmony of tones and seems to increase the energy I can feel. I also see more energy, or some sort of static around me and other things. I've had some experiences with feeling entities in my home, phantom smells, things touching me, movements out of the corner of my eye, strange sounds in the house, etc.


I'm excited to have these experiences, as I've spent most of my life frustrated by the fact that I know there is more to the world that can be seen with my eyes.


But I am very new to meditation so I don't really know what I'm doing, and maybe I am really fooling around with things that could hurt her. I would appreciate any insight any of you can give me. Thank you.


These things are not the goal of yoga. And as Srikanthdk has pointed out already, even if you master these insights and attain siddhis (mystical perfections)...that is still not the goal.


According to Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, these opulences can infact be a hurdle to the final goal, if we become attached to them. The cessation of mental activity that Patanjali points, by yoga practice, has stilled all these things by identifying with the transcendental; the yogi is not disturbed, excited, or attached to all this phenomena. Just as ghee or oil sits on water and does not mix...so also our awareness must be. Spirit is like this.


Some people may be attracted to all this and fascinated (conditioned by it and identifying as the mind), but infact all these things are minute compared to what awaits. Therefore we continue on in yoga and meditation practice. Passing through all the various realms of the mind (the subtle and gross karmic body). This subtle mind has been accumulating various impressions birth after birth, as Srikanthdk has already suggested. We each have our unique encounter according to the various action performed, for unlimited births. We are not this mind, we are not this body - we are spirit, whose symptom is consciousness. There lies the key!


You cannot hurt her, as she is also spirit. You may see her in various ways as you deepen mind culture, but still that is material conditioning. The goal is to see spirit, to see her as she truly is, a spark of divinity.

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