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True Mukti/salvation: cannot be different for Hindus, Buddhist, Christians & Muslims

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Paarsurrey says:


By peeling off the outer mythical shell of different denominations of the Revealed Relgions of the world; one gets the real faith brought by <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>, Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad; which is the same for every human being.


If one is suffering physically for a disease; one gets the same treatment irrespective of which country one lives in. The Moral and Spiritual diseases; the sinful acts, in my opinion, must have logically the same ultimate treatment wherever one lives.


Christ/Krishna Second Coming says:


Epilogue: What is True Salvation?

Before concluding this book (i.e. Fountain of Christianity),

I feel that I should write

something about the nature of true salvation, because salvation

is the ultimate objective which followers of every

religion hope to attain.

But, unfortunately, most people

remain unaware and unmindful of the true meaning of

salvation. To the Christians, salvation means deliverance

from the accountability of sin, but this cannot be its true

meaning, for it is quite possible that a person may not be

guilty of committing fornication, nor of theft, nor of bearing

false witness, nor of murder, nor of committing any

other sin which he knows of, and yet he might be deprived

of the benefits of salvation.

Salvation, in fact, is the

abiding peace and happiness which man, by his very nature,

hungers and thirsts for, and which is achieved

through personal love and recognition of God, and

through a perfect relationship with Him—a relationship in

which the fire of love is ablaze on both sides.

But people very often try to attain this happiness through

other means which only serve to increase their pain and

misery in the long run. Most people tend to seek eternal

happiness in the carnal pleasures of the world. They indulge

day and night in drinking and fulfilling their sensual

desires, and end up suffering from all kinds of fatal diseases.

They succumb to trauma, paralysis, Parkinson’s

Fountain of Christianity


disease, kuzzaz,20 intestinal ulcer, ulcer of the liver, or

they die as a consequence of shameful diseases such as

syphilis and gonorrhoea.

Since their energies have been

prematurely sapped, they fail to complete their natural

lifespan, and it ultimately dawns upon them that things

which they thought would bring them joy and contentment

had, in fact, brought about their ruin.

Some others

think that happiness lies in worldly prestige, rank and office;

they, too, remain unaware of the real object of their

life and die with regret. Then there are those who keep

accumulating wealth in the hope that it will bring them

true happiness. But ultimately they also have to leave behind

all their accumulated wealth, and have to drink the

cup of death in great regret and sorrow.



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Paarsurrey says:


Then there are those who keep

accumulating wealth in the hope that it will bring them

true happiness. But ultimately they also have to leave behind

all their accumulated wealth, and have to drink the

cup of death in great regret and sorrow.




Om shanti,(I am a peaceful soul)

Well said paarsurrey

It's unfortunate people dont' understand it's not wealth,relations ,pleasures

they carry forward after death.

It's actually not what you posses(related to the body)but rather what's inside that you carry forward

i.eit's called sanskar.The values of a person which you should accumalate.

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